Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

he huffed a little and rolled his eyes at her. "yeah, like life." he grumbled before swallowing hard at Bucky. "My last date thought you where a sidekick." he stated simply. "as i recall it you said 'i can't beleive it, i've turned into you'... she did have a freind though." Steve quipped back, not about to admit that Bucky had died shortly after. "besides, as i recall, you where always a premature jackass." he teased with a smirk. the fight lasted a very short time. Steve had been training a lot, fighting a lot. Bucky didn't have a chance. he went down in the two minute range and stayed down when Steve put his foot on the others chest and leaned down, smirking. "i win." he stated with a grin. "you're rusty. you used to move a lot faster." no, Steve just used to be a lot slower.
"Eas that before or after she shot you?"bucky snickered because he knew what had happened after,but he wasn't going to dwell on it,otherwise he just couldn't function."I think you mean immature,not premature. Being to fast isn't something anyone can accuse me of."bucky quipped enjoying falling back into the old rotuine of harassing each other,even if he did get his ass handed to him.grunting as he hit the mat he glared at steve,shoving his foot away," just got faster. You've been training."bucky said sounding pleased that his friend could protect himself now,even if his ego did stuff for it."hes right.I doubt Winter's slowed down,you've just put a obscene amount of training in to being faster."tony said smiling looking pleased at the two, "now are you two done flirting,cause I kinda want to eat."tony said ignoring the glare from bucky. Aglare so icy it should have frozen him in place.well aware barnes was pissed at nearly outting him to steve,not the idea bucky wanted to flirt with steve.
Steve smirked. "after." he admitted with a laugh. "and i meant what i said." he stated. "Premature." he stated with a snicker. "i'm the one who actually passed English classes you illiterate." he teased before smirking at the matted Bucky. "of course i've been training. i have to fight Aliens and sorcerers." he stated with a scoff and a shake of his head. "yeah, we're done flirting." Steve agreed, his own stomach rumbling. he ignored his own aching heart and headed out of the ring. "come on, Fawn." another name that Bucky hated. a baby buck was a fawn. Bucky's uncle had coined the 'Bucky' Nickname and it had already been well set in place when they met at three years old. in high school, Steve had gotten pissed and started calling Bucky 'Fawn' for a week just to extract his revenge. it was a playful insult that still lasted. "i'll make Lunch." Steve decided. "how about Hamburgers? we have enough fixings for it."
“I passed!”Bucky frowned looking annoyed and rolling his eyes as frowned up at the other, his eye twitching a little. “Stop it, Rogers.” “Fawn?As in a baby b-Oh. Oh I’m putting that as your password for everything.”Tony snickered as they headed for the kitchen. “...I’m going to kill you steve.”Bucky growled as he glared at Tony’s back, knowing the billionaire wouldn’t let it go before nodding. “Hamburgers sound good.”he said his stomach rumbling, having never had a modern cheeseburger, only having the ones that had been almost to small for a few bites in the 40s, so this was going to be interesting.
Steve snorted. "you got a D-. that's not passing. that's not failing." he stated simply as he headed out, laughing at Bucky's annoyance. "i won't. you can't make me." he taunted as he shook his head. "can't kill me either. i'm bigger, faster, and stronger than you." he teased, looking quite pleased with himself. "you can beat on Tony though." he suggested as he headed into the kitchen and made enough hamburgers to feed a small army. they where thick patties, perfectly done, and there was everything imaginable to put on them. from various sliced cheeses to tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, avocado and coleslaw. Steve even deep fried some french-fries and tater tots and poured Bucky an iced coke. he knew Bucky would step out for a Smoke after lunch. being WWII Vets, they where quite the capable smokers. the Army had passed out Cigarettes like Candy and Steve was just as addicted as he had been back then. somehow, no one had realized he was a smoker. how this was, Steve didn't know, probobly because he wouldn't smoke inside where the Smoke would bother people.
“It’s passing.”Bucky said before frowning. “I can to. And I will kill you. I’ll send you out for cigarettes and totally do the lone sniper thing, and shoot you. Don’t think I wont.”Bucky scowled looking amused though when tony turned to look at him with wide eyes. It was quite amusing to see tony looking worried over steve, as if he really thought bucky would shoot his best friend. Looking amazed as he ate, it looked amazing all of it really. Sipping the coke he made a face a little. “Bloody hell, that doesn’t taste like coke.”Bucky frowned at the bottle he was holding. “That’s cause after the 40s they stopped putting real cocaine in the drink. It’s fake now.”Tony said looking bemused as bucky finished his food and patted at his pockets. “What?”

“Cigarettes. Rogers, do you have some?”Bucky frowned when he realized he was out, looking up at his friend, figuring that some addictions didn’t get killed even if it’s been 70 years. Probably very good that the serum wouldn’t let them get sick. “W-what?”Tony sputtered twisting to look at Steve, raising a eyebrow.
Steve snorted. "yes. then you'll fall into a depression and hang yourself. you nearly did that when you pushed me out of the tree and i broke my arm, recall?" he teased, smirking. "calm down Tony, Bucky won't really shoot me... or if he does it won't hurt much." he promised. "it'll be an arm shot. or a graze." he admitted with a shrug. "it would be gone in hours either way." he admitted as he smirked at Bucky. "yeah, they where spiking our drinks. but, in their defense, they didn't know it was addictive." he pointed out as he took a long drink out of his own coke. "you'll get used to it." he admitted as he bit into his burger. "yeah i got some." Steve promised, pulling a pack out and tapping it against the table before handing them over. "don't smoke inside. turns out Cigarettes are actually really bad for people." he admitted. "won't hurt us of course, Serum fixes it all, but the second hand smoke can cause problems." he admitted. "let me finish my fries and i'll join you for a smoke." he promised as he paused and blinked at Tony. "what?" he asked, looking baffled as he shoved the last of his fries into his mouth and pulled another pack of Cig's out of his pocket and followed Bucky out into the streets, lighting first his, then Bucky's Cigarette. Steve usually preferred to roll his own, but he'd run out of Tobacco and hadn't had a chance to get some, so he was smoking the Marlboro for now. it annoyed him that he had to order Tobacco online because no one sold it in stores anymore.
“...I did not!I-stop laughing stark, I’ll hurt you, I don’t care about you.”Bucky scowled at the snickering billionaire. “...You two are going to be the death of me, I’m serious.”Tony rolled his eyes a little as he ate. “Thanks.”Bucky smiled as he took the cigarette before frowning, thinking that over as he pocketed the pack “Interesting. First they give us addicting drinks, and then cigarettes. It’s amazing anyone survived.”the former winter soldier snickered a little as he finished his food. “...You smoke. I think I’ve stepped into a parallel reality.” Bucky snickered. “Hm, you might have. You are a Stark. I wouldn’t put it past you.”the super soldier shook his head as he headed outside, taking a drag after steve lit the cigarette, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back, blowing the smoke out. “hmmm..I’ve missed this.”He muttered shoulders slumping a little. Even if he’d just shown up that morning, it seemed like so much longer to his lust addled, needy body, so much longer to be trapped with steve and not allowed to touch but...shaking his head a little as he took another drag, to not think about that he looked at steve. “So. Tell me about you, since you woke up.”He said hoping for something distracting and interesting.

Tony huffed as he walked into the bedroom, pausing as he looked at bruce. “Is Loki well enough to go out?I mean, out out, and not simply just for a walk?”The billionaire asked, looking to pleased with himself, because you so knew whatever he was thinking about, was going to be interesting and horrifying all at once...and considering he was plotting to get two super soldiers was going to be even worse.
he chuckled a little. "you do too. because if you kill him it will upset me." Steve teased with a grin. calmer after bating on the punching bag. "oh... Tony?... we need reinforced fabric for the punching bags." he smiled sweetly at Tony, well aware the man was going to be super annoyed that Steve had broken yet another supposedly indestructible punching bag. "i do smoke. you know, you should really look up World War Two and see all the things i used to do." he stated with a chuckle. "me too." Steve admitted, relaxing as the nicotine flowed through his system. "i usually get the really good stuff. shredded tobacco for hand rolling, but i ran out." he admitted. "stupid city doesn't seam to have any for sale in stores, so i have to buy it online." he admitted. "i'll share it with you, unless you prefer this stuff." he offered, hesitating for a moment before he just began to talk. about how hard it had been waking up to such a strange place. how he had joined the Avengers, what had happened and the following hell and how they had found Loki. just talking about everything, mostly because he knew Bucky didn't want to think about his own past since being 'woken up'.

Bruce glanced up at Tony. "Physically? yes. he'll get tired if you do any sports though so be aware of that. mentally? you'd best talk to Merry about that, and if Loki get's scared best to bring him back post haste." Bruce stated simply. "if Loki doesn't want to leave the tower, don't try and make him. he could relapse." he warned as he picked up a needle and carefully injected something into a starfish. "try not to get into trouble." fortunately, Loki did want to go out and see the City.
Bucky frowned a little before huffing slightly. “Fine. I wont hurt him.”He sulked a little, looking amused though. “..Fucking hell, Capsicle, don’t you have anything better to do then ruin my ego with destroying indestructible shit?” “I thought that WAS your ego.” “Hm, my ego could never suffer as much as to be considered shit. But he keeps breaking better and better materials. I’m going to simply do the logical thing now. And order you to beat on Barnes. He’s indestructible.”Tony huffed a little before smirking a little. “But it’s not nearly as amusing as finding out randomly. It’s awesome to find things out from you. Looking up stuff is cheating.” Tony smirked a little watching them go. “....What? Used to be you couldn’t go a block without finding a store.”Bucky huffed a little as he smoked, relaxing even more as he listened to steve talk, simply enjoying a innocent excuse to be talking and nearly flirting with his best friend as he demanded more answers about everything he could think of.

“Hm, not sports. And I’ll ask. And I wont demand he leave, I simply want to get capsicle and Fawn out for the day.”Tony said looking pleased with himself as he paused, “Is that a starfish?”He said looking at the animal, for a moment distracted from his plans before heading back upstairs to track down loki. “Hey loki. Want to go out? I’m going to see if the good captain and the deer want to go out and do something.”Tony smiled a little. Merry studied tony for a long moment as he joined them, turning to look at loki."Do you want me to go with?"She said sounding worried. "No. Dating couples only. So unless you're bringing thunder-boy, you don't get to come." "I can ask. Do you want me to go loki?"She said looking at the godling.
Steve smirked a little. "of course not Tony. what else would i do with my time?" he asked curiously. "besides. the system that kept the punching bag from falling off and holding it mostly steady worked like a charm. the thing didn't even shiver. very impressive." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, i can't beat on Bucky like that. not even he could take that many hits without trying to fight back." he admitted. "you're a nerd." Steve complained at Tony, rolling his eyes. he nodded at Bucky. "i know. but Tobacco is bad for people now and the Cigarette companies have all control over who buys the tobacco for the most part. it should get here tomorrow at any rate." he admitted as he took another long hit off of his cigarette as he continued talking. about anything and everything. he loved having Bucky back, he did. but he'd rather go crawl into a hole and die for a while. he wanted Bucky so bad it hurt. he wanted Tony too actually.

"yes it's a starfish." Bruce stated simply. "i'm trying to...." and he spoke a lot of biology stuff that Tony would be able to understand only enough to know he was trying to put the octopus's color changing abilities into the Starfish. "out?" Loki asked, turning to blink at Tony. "like outside? am i allowed to?" somehow, he had thought he wasn't supposed to go outside. "i wanna go... can we see something alive? Jarvis told me about this thing called a Zoo. i want to go. can we?" he asked, looking hopeful. " don't have to. i think i'll be alright." Loki admitted. "i really don't want Thor to come. he's too loud. it scares me." Loki admitted, looking a bit ashamed that he was afraid of his own brother.
“...Make fun of barnes. That’s a constructive, good waste of your time.”Tony grumbled before smiling a little, pleased that it was simply the punching bag and not the whole thing that was failing. “I’ll always hit you back, Cap. You deserve it sometimes.”Bucky rolled his eyes a little. “I am not a nerd!Shut up!” “He’s so geeky. It’s amazing he gets laid.” Bucky muttered as they left the room. Frowning slightly as he considered that, “Good. There’s something wrong with having them already premade.”Bucky muttered.

“Shut up, you’re making my head hurt.”Tony whined as he left, looking disturbed that he’d only understood enough to know a starfish was going to be changing colors. Looking startled at Loki’s question.”Yes, outside and of course you can come out. Only reason I hadn’t asked before is cause I was worried about you going out in the city.”he said before nodding. “We can do the zoo. And I’m inviting Barnes and Steve, okay?Unless you don’t want them to?I mean, they’re fairly quiet, and they need to spend time together, without being overwhelmed. I figured, if we’re there, and flirting, and just enjoying ourselves, they’ll relax. They’re both so wound up I’m amazed they weren’t hurting themselves.”Tony said before smiling, “He is loud. I’m sure he knows he’s to loud for you.”Tony smiled kissing his forehead before walking towards the elevator with the other,
Steve snorted. "it's entirely too easy to picky on Fawn." he admitted with a grin. "see? easy." Steve teased with a smirk. "you're a nerd. or maybe a geek. i forget which is which." he admitted with a smirk. "he's rich. it makes up for his lack of social skills. and his looks make up for the way he usually vomits words all over people." he admitted with a chuckle. "they stuff it full of chemicals and stuff too." he admitted. "really fouls up the taste."

Loki smiled a little. "well, i was a bit worried too." he admitted. "but if i'm with you, i'll be alright i'm sure." he admitted with a nod. "i wanna put on different clothes though." he admitted, tapping his shirt and his pants and then his shoes so they changed into faded blue jeans and a basic T and some sneakers. making him look perfectly normal. being that he looked younger and had blonde hair, no one should recognize him. "okay! let's go invite them now." he agreed, looking quite happy with his choice of clothing as he headed for the outside.
“I hate you both.”Bucky huffed looking at that. “...I am neither!I am amazing, and awesome and you two, see if I ever make you anything anymore.”Tony growled watching them go. “No social skills, and word vomiting, does he make you miss being a scrawny little brat, punk? If you tell me he also gets beaten up all the time, I’m going to wonder if he’s your kid and not Howard’s.”Bucky snickered a little.

“And I have merry on speed dial, so if we need her, she can be there.It’s fine.”Tony said looking a little awkward with the trust to be able to take care of loki. “I need to change to.”Tony said before heading to his bedroom, switching out of the slacks and wife beater he’d been wearing for some jeans and a black t-shirt. For once not looking like himself, with his brown curls all over the place instead of styled, and the trademark aviator sunglasses switched for a pair of sleek narrow pair. Looking somewhat like tony stark, but different. It was amazing what some clothes could do. “Let’s go then.”he smiled leaning down to kiss loki’s cheek, shaking his head a little.”I still can’t believe they smoke.”he muttered smiling as they stepped outside, wrinkling his nose at the smell of cigarette smoke as he turned to look at the two super soldiers. “Hey, old men, we’re going out to coney island’s zoo and aquarium. Want to come?”Tony smirked, raising a eyebrow at the word choice. “....”Bucky paused tilting his head towards Steve, smirkign a little. “Want to go throw up on the twirl-a-whirl again?”
Steve smirked. "you say that every couple of days Tony, yet you always forgive me." he teased, looking amused. "shut up Fawn." Steve ordered. "and actually no. Tony tended to do the beating up." Steve admitted. "though, Pepper does kick his ass on a regular basis. it's hilarious. the woman is tiny. like, smaller than i was even." he admitted with a grin.

"yes. it will be fine." Loki agreed, looking excited. "you look awesome." Loki admitted, smiling as he studied Tony's hair before he reached out and gave the locks a few tugs. "there. i'll change it back when we get home." Loki promised, realizing Tony was trying to stay hidden. the hair was longer now, and much darker. it wasn't long enough to be a bother, thankfully, not like Loki, who had grown his now long blond hair to his shoulders and then swept it back into a loose ponytail. "smoke?" Loki asked, glancing at them. "they don't look like they're on fire to me." he admitted, looking confused, making Steve laugh. "..... shut up Bucky." Steve grumbled, flushing. "no i don't want to get sick on the Twirl a Whirl." he grumbled, but he still tamped out his cigarette and threw it away and followed Tony and Loki. "what's a twirl a whirl?" Loki asked. "it's a ride. you sit in a seat and it spins you around and around and around." Steve explained. "it's supposed to be fun."
“”Thanks.And that’s a interesting talent. I would love being able to do this all the time. It gets so tiring sometimes to not be able to go out.”Tony sighed quietly, because despite being a attention whore, there was sometimes he’d love to not be recognized. “Ah. No. They’re smoking cigarettes. Small like things that give humans a rush.”Tony explained pointing to the cigarettes they were holding, smirking a little as Steve flushed. “...You got sick?Mr. I can hang on the iron man suit and go for a ride?Got sick on a tilt-a-whirl?”Tony snickered. “Oh yea. And had the foresight to throw up on my boots. It was unpleasant. Throw up on tony this time.”Bucky said smirking at steve as he ground out his cigarette and threw it away before heading with the others for the garage. While he knew loki wanted to explore the city, he guessed tony was only willing to go out, not shove himself into the subway to get out to coney island. Settling into the car next to steve he shook his head at the smallish interior of the sports car as tony drove. “Do you not own any normal sized cars?” “This is normal sized. You two are just abnormally big-”here tony gave steve that playful smirk that said he was so talking about something else-”to fit in here.”
Loki smiled a little. "yeah i imagine so. i think i can make something though, if you want?" he offered. "i'm not entirely for certain, but i think i can make you something that will mostly disguise you." he admitted. "i'll have to look it up. i think it's in one of the books Thor brought me when i started complaining about being bored." he admitted with a grin. "yes. i got sick." Steve huffed. "and i still do actually." he grumbled. "i just can't ride the damn roller coasters without sicking up. i'm not getting on them this time. no way in hell." but he would. he always said that and he always did it anyway. "come on Bucky." Steve ordered, heading to a different part of the garage. "here. you can ride this one." he offered Bucky a helmet. Steve now had four perfect motorcycles that he'd bought with his own money and fixed up himself. "Tony's just jealous that he can't measure up to us." Steve assured his once best freind with a smirk as he settled onto his motorcycle, Loki declaring that he wasn't riding on one of those 'things' and crawled into the passenger seat of the car. it took no time at all for them to make their way to Cony island, and Loki was already awestruck at the sight.
Tony grinned. “That would be cool. Thanks. I’ll look through them with you. Even if I can use magic, I enjoy reading them.”he smiled before smirking at Steve. “Then how in the world do you hang onto me without getting sick?” “Probably cause he knows you’ll kill him if he ruins such a shiny, shiny overcompensation.”Bucky snickered even as he followed Steve to the bikes, knowing better then to think steve wouldn’t get on the rides. Raising a eyebrow as he snagged the indian bike he smirked. “I’d be jealous of me to.”He agreed as they left.

“We on you guys. We’re going to go get cotton candy, go see the zoo and aquarium, then I’m going to watch Rogers puke all over everything.”Tony snickered enjoying this way to much, pausing even as he followed the other two into the park, for a moment staring at that perfect American made ass. "You know, I thought it'd change, but it really hasn't."Bucky muttered as he got some cotton candy, looking vaguely disgusted with the sugary substance, following tony and loki towards the zoo.
Loki smiled. "it would be fun." he agreed. "i'll have Thor bring all my books. he won't tell me no if i pout at him." he admitted with a grin. "i don't get sick because we're usually battling for our lives." was his comment. "the Adrenaline keeps me from puking." he admitted with a shake of his head. "everyone is jealous of you. after all, you're the only man alive who can live life without ever thinking a single thing." he pointed out with a smirk. he followed Tony into Coney Island and gave his Cotton Candy to Loki when he realized how much the God-ling was loving on the confection. "no. it hasn't." Steve admitted as he looked around. "i haven't been back here since we where kids." he admitted as he followed Loki to the Zoo, where Loki had a long and titillating conversation with some of the more intelligent animals. the butterflies in the butterfly garden certainly adored him. Loki actually had to magic them off because they wouldn't stop landing on him. the Aquarium was much of the same, though no talking since the Animals couldn't hear Loki through the thick glass.

much to Steve's utter horror, he found himself on a Whirl a Twirl. and, just as expected, he got sick. at least he made it to a garbage can this time. Loki adored it, and made Bucky go on with him three more times before he was satisfied and moved on to another, bigger faster ride. Steve refused to set foot on any of them, but he smiled as he watched Loki go insane for all the fun stuff. "it's nice to see him like this." Steve admitted to Tony, refusing to admit that he was a bit jealous that Loki was taking up all of Bucky, and most of Tony's attention. "do you think he'll go back to being a dick when his memories come back?" he hoped not. he liked this more childlike Loki.
"Though that has changed.we never had anyone to talk to the animals."bucky snickered a little amused as they followed after the others. Grinning as he watched tony split his attention betweeen all of them,flirting as easily with the guys as he was with the girls walking around him. Tony smirked slightly as he watched loki and bucky run around and get back on the tilt a whirl,amused at the two getting on and off the ride. Having giving up after oolne turn on,while he didn't get sick,it was different enough from the suit to make him feel sick.

"It is fairly nice to see."tony smiled watching glancing at loki,swallowing hard as he considered that."I hope not.but I probably. I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts."tony said quiet sadness to the words, that said he really was going to miss loki when he was gone.because he had no doubt loki would leave when he remembered
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "it's weird knowing that the Boa Constrictors think we're here for their amusement instead of the other way around." he admitted with a chuckle. it took a lot of effort to keep himself from chasing off all the women who recognized him. and even harder to chase off the strangers who flirted with Tony and Bucky. no one flirted with Loki, they all seamed to think he was 'special'. and he was, just not the way they thought he was. "i don't understand how they can enjoy spinning like that." he grumbled. they'd bribed the Coney rider to double the ride time. much tot he utter delight of anyone who was getting on while Loki and Bucky where on. they didn't even bother getting out. they just sat in the car, giggling under their spinning high and waited for it to start again. "he won't leave you, you know." Steve commented suddenly, sounding just a little upset. "even if he is a Dick when he gets his memories back... he adores you. he'll probobly kidnap you and make you his sex slave. i hear they're very well taken care of." he admitted with a smirk before he sighed and shook his head. "i'm getting sick watching them. i'm gonna go get some Funnel cakes to lure them off that thing. Bucky just can't say no to a funnel cake."
“Well, I officially adopt boa constrictors as the mascot of the house of stark, seeing as I think the rest of you are here for my entertainment.”Tony snickered a little looking amused as steve refused to chase anyone off. Quirking a eyebrow at Steve,”You know, you could just tell them you’re not interested.They’d leave you alone.”He muttered amused that for once, he wasn’t being flirted with because he was tony stark, but simply because he was cute. “...Me either. Totally different from the suit. I feel sick on there.”Tony shuddered before tensing, turning his head to look at the other man, before snorting. “ He wont, not worth the effort of kidnapping me. He’ll just go.”he said shrugging a little, because despite his ego, the man had so little self worth, that he really wouldn’t be surprised if no one took the time to try and connect with him, at least once they were back in their right minds. Despite loki’s observation steve had a crush on him, he couldn’t believe it. “I’m sure there’s very little Barnes says no to.”Tony snickered at the innuendo before walking wtih the other to get the cakes, smiling as he paid for the two big cakes before walking back to the ride, holding them up.”Come on you two.”

“oh!Steve got funnel cakes!Let’s go.”Bucky said, the winter soldier persona lost under the man he’d once been, the teenager who’d never been able to say no to funnel cake.
Steve shook his head a little. "they won't leave me alone Tom, you know better than that." using a fake name for Tony so the people around them didn't start shrieking in delight at realizing Tony was really tony. "the suits not much better, but at least it's under your full control. you make it move. helps cut down on the sick feelings." he admitted. "you don't value yourself very well." he scoffed. "a lot of people Love you Tony. you just can't seam to see it." he admitted before he smirked. "he says no to me all the time." he admitted with a chuckle as he bought another two large Funnel Cakes for himself and Tony. "Funnel cakes? what's that?" Loki demanded, giggling as he staggered out of the ride, pausing for a moment as the world spun and somehow he ended up on his ass because he was too dizzy to stay standing. it wore off quickly though and he was next to the other three, peeking at the Funnel Cakes eagerly. "that was fun!" Loki declaired once the Funnel cakes where eaten. he was tired, leaning against Bucky and half asleep. he'd over exerted himself, but he was too happy to care. "can we go back home now? i wanna nap."
" have more faith then I do."tony sighed a little running his fingers through his hair staring down for a moment before shrugging."I know how much I'm worth Steven. Almost 26 billion."tony muttered low enough no one else would hear rolling his eyes a little before laughing as loki fell,crouching down to help him up. "Its a deep fried cake.its good."bucky said grinning as he ate his,glad steve had gotten him two,knowing he could eat it. "Yea we can go. You feeling okay?"tony said looking down at the man he had tucked under his arm,for the momrnt his flirting with steve and bucky forgotten in favor of taking care of loki for thr moment.
Steve glared at Tony. "you're worth more than just Money Tony." Steve stated, gripping the others shoulder. "you mean everything to me." he admitted. which was a little too close to a profession of his feelings. "your my best Friend Tony. and you saved me in more ways than one." he smiled at tony. "everything will work out in the end." he promised, feeling like a dick for bringing it up. Loki grinned as he was assisted to his feet and he devoured his cake before feeling the adrenaline crash. " 'm fine." Loki mumbled. "jus tired." "he just did too much." Steve promised. "he's still not completely healed, he's just a bit weak in the knees. come on. one of us will Carry him to the car." Steve promised, looking amused as Loki just went to sleep. it was Steve who gathered up the sleeping Loki and carried him out to the car, snickering the entire way as he commented on how Bucky and Loki where both like large two year olds. they soon had Loki tucked into bed, though Steve had a few issues trying to get Loki to let go of him.

an hour later though, Loki was in Tony's lap, wherever he was, sobbing and apologizing and begging for forgiveness. apparently he'd remembered killing Coulson and attacking the base and wasn't taking it well. still, it was Tony he'd gone to, so that was a good thing, right?
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