Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Tony tensed a little as the other touched his shoulder, tilting his head a little as he looked at the other for a long moment before smiling. “Good. I’ll remind you of this conversation the next time you’re fed up with dealing with me, Capsicle.”Tony snickered a little, easily switching gears, his self hate to long in the making to really upset his mood anymore. Tony grinned as he followed the others to the cars, amused as bucky and steve playfully bickered, amused as steve couldn’t get loki to let him go, only waiting long enough to make sure he was sleeping well, before heading down to the garage.

Tony grunted a little as the other climbed in his lap, nearly hitting his head on the chassis of the car he was working on, scooting out from under it and sitting up slowly, wrapping a arm around the other’s waist. “Hey, hey, hey. Calm down Loki. You’re okay.”he muttered stroking the other’s hair, wanting him to calm down before they talked about what he remembered.
Steve snorted. "of course you will." he grumbled dryly, shaking his head as he took care of Loki. he felt like a big brother almost.

Loki just sat there and sobbed, crying out that he was a murderer and a monster and how he wanted Steve to arrest him because he was a disgusting excuse for a creature. it took quite a while for Loki to calm down, and when he did he told Tony about how he killed Agent Coulson, and killed all those soldiers and that man in Germany and a few dozen other people he didn't know but he was pretty sure they had all been humans. not a good thing to remember right off the bat.
Tony sighed a little, resting his head against loki’s, stroking his back. “I know, I’m so sorry this was your first thought...I’m sorry Loki.But steve would never arrest you, you had your reasons beyond lashing out at your family to do this. You suffered for’ll remember, Loki.”He muttered running his fingers through the other’s hair, feeling at a total loss of not knowing what to do.” you want me to get merry?”He muttered
Loki sniffled as he snuggled more tightly into Tony. "i don't know. i don't know why i did that." he admitted, trembling against tony. "why would i do that?!" he demanded, shaking his head a little. "i don't want Merry." he whispered. "she'll hate me." ah, so Loki remembered enough to have his 'no one likes me' issues back... so why on earth had he gone to Tony? " you know why i did it?" not for certain, but Thor had his theories. between Loki's peers constantly shunning him, and the local bully Tyr constantly telling Loki that Odin would never truly love him, and finding out why nearly everyone hated him. even worse was Thor having sided with Tyr for so long Loki had simply snapped. well, that was what Thor thought anyway. no one but Loki would know for sure, but it seamed Loki still didn't fully remember.
“Not right now anyways.”He muttered looking bemused that teh other was snuggling into him despite the thought that everyone would hate him. Maybe steve was on to something.... Not that he’d ever tell Cap he was right. “No, not for sure. Thor thinks because you were shunned so badly in Asgard but....”he shrugged a little. “Only you know for sure, you’ll remember.”He sighed quietly, shifting. “Now. Do you want to see how a combustible engine works?” He said willing to distract him from the upset.
Loki sniffled a little and wiped his eyes. "i don't want to remember anymore." he grumbled, though he had relaxed upon realizing that the other wasn't pushing him away or kicking him out or calling him names. "....a combustible engine?" he asked, wiping his eyes again as he examined what tony was working on. "what is that?...can i help?" he asked hopefully. "i can set stuff next to your hand." he offered, moving over to the Toolbox and settling into place to watch Tony work and listen to the man talk. by the time Tony finished, Loki was back to 'normal' though he was still wary, he did finally go and talk to Merry where she further calmed him fromt he trauma of finding out he was a murderer.
“Well, I’m not sure you’ll have a choice on that, loks.”He said smiling slightly, before nodding, gesturing towards the car. “Yea. The car.”he said laying back down to work on the car, smirking a little as he was almost handed things, amused even without having been told, loki had figured out he didn’t like being handed things. And by the time he left loki wtih merry, the man was ready for a shower and some down time himself.

When he got out of the shower he paused at the sight of Steve cooking and Bucky reading at the kitchen table, glancing towards the window, frowning slightly as he realized he’d worked through most of the night. “...Breakfast time for super soldiers already?I mean, it’s just 4 am. What are you two doing up?” “I wanted food, and Steve refused to let me risk accidently poison myself cooking.” “Hm, he does make the most amazing pancakes. He’s going to make someone a good wife someday.”Tony snickered as he shuffled towards the coffee machine to get some, despite having not gone to bed yet, the man was already gearing up for another day.
Loki huffed. "stupid. i don't want to remember so i won't. i do as i want and i do as i please because i am special." he stated with a sniff. it wasn't hard for Loki to figure out Tony's little quirks. "i don't sleep." Steve stated simply. "i was pounding the bags when Bucky came in complaining that he was hungry, so i figured i'd better feed him. you been up all night?" he asked, starting up the pot of 'Tony Coffee'. "don't make me ruin your Coffee Tony." Steve warned. "and keep in mind that i make all of your food." he warned, smiling ever so sweetly at Tony. which wasn't fooling anyone. "go to bed Tony. it's not like we have anything planned." he admitted with a smile. unaware that tomorrow... today, was going to be a bit of Hell for all of them.
“...You should sleep. You’re always telling me sleep is good.”Tony grumbled as he shuffled over to the coffee machine, beyond pleased as he watched steve make it. “Okay, no more wife jokes.” “ he always like this?I mean, he’s dead on his feet.”Bucky observed watching them, even howard, who’s need to work had been legend among the commandos, hadn’t ever looked like this. “No. Loki remembered new york, and I can’t sleep, I’ll fall.”He grumbled not about to admit to more, not wanting the other’s to know he was still suffering from PTSD from new york.
Steve rolled his eyes. "Tony. we've talked about this. i sleep four hours a night. i had my four hours." he admitted. "yes, he is always like this." Steve admitted. "he's obsessive, and on top of that he has PTSD but doesn't want to admit it, let alone let us know, so he tries to hide it." he admitted before he turned and glanced at Tony, who he knew hadn't heard him. "Loki remembered more things?... is he okay?" he asked, looking worried. he was Okay. he'd fallen asleep in the lab and had refused to be moved. so at least Loki wouldn't be a bitch in the morning. Loki was extremely moody when he was tired. he'd actually bitten Bruce the other day because he was tired and didn't want Bruce to touch him. Clint had laughed pretty good at that.
“So?I can live on four hours to.It’s a proven fact. Pepper has the research, I can be super scientist and be just like you.”Tony grumbled. “...he’s not doing well hiding it then.”Bucky muttered low enough to not be heard by tony, knowing steve’s hearing would let him hear. They’d had many, many conversations during the war at a tone left to near silence. “Yea,. And he’s fine, spent time with Merry before coming back downstairs. Sleeping on one of the creepers down in the lab actually. He watched me take a engine apart.Good thing to, he’s bitchy tired”Tony shrugged a little. “...and he’s not the only one getting snarky when tired. You probably should get some sleep, Stark.”Bucky said studying him, knowing it wasn’t going to be advice the billionaire followed, but he offered it anyways. “Yea, no. Still work to do.”Tony said pouring himself a mug of coffee, nearly moaning in pleasure at the very strong coffee.a
Steve shook his head. "Tony, pepper has the proof that you can build things when your that tired. not that you can function properly." Steve corrected. "he never does hide it well but we let him think we don't know so he doesn't freak out." Steve murmured back. "oh good. well at least Loki's getting some sleep." Steve stated, watching Tony before he sighed and grabbed the man, tossing him over his shoulder. "come on tony. your going to bed." he ordered. "your engine will still be there when you wake up." he admitted. "and you won't be able to help Loki if you look and feel like shit." he stated as he took Tony to the man's bedroom and literally, tucked the man in. even kissing Tony on the forehead before he walked out of the room, shaking his head. he was so worried about Tony. he really was. he knew Tony wasn't going to go to sleep, no matter that he'd been tucked in. he was going to sneak back down to the lab and not sleep until he collapsed again.
“I function properly all the time!”Tony sputtered. “..good idea, if this is him not freaking out.”Bucky muttered shaking his head a little, snickering as tony yelped. “Cap!I didn’t know you wanted me in bed that much. You could join me, and ohhh...your ass looks amazing from this angle.”Tony giggled a little as he reached down to grope steve’s amazing ass, to out of it to really be held responsible for his tired induced insanity. And steve was right, within minutes of steve shutting the door, the woman had headed back down to the lab, though minutes after that he was sleeping awkwardly over the engine, his face pressed up against the engine block as he snored, a welding torch-thankfully off- and a wrench in each hand.
Steve studied Tony. "no. no you don't." he stated simply before he nodded at Bucky. "watching him have a panic attack is frightening. he stops breathing and he goes all pale and he looks like he's having a heart attack." he admitted before flushing hard as Tony groped him. "Don't touch my ass Tony!!!" he ordered. "and stay in bed!" he ordered, even though he knew it would be ignored. "god i hate it when he gets like that." Steve admitted, still bright red as he walked back into the kitchen to finish making Bucky food. he fled to his own room to hide as soon as Bucky had food.

when Tony woke up, he was laying on a mattress that had appeared out of nowhere, and there was a blanket over him, and Loki was sitting guard to make sure no one bothered him. Loki himself was sitting on the chair, reading a book. "morning." Loki stated, suddenly sounding rather... sophisticated. meaning he must have remembered a lot more. "you know. you really shouldn't work yourself to such extremes." Loki chastised, looking worried about Tony. "i nearly had a heart attack. woke up dreaming i had murdered you and finding you slumped over like that. i just about died." he complained. "you can thank me at any time by the way." he teased with an affectionate smile.
Bucky winced a little at the idea of tony’s panic attacks, considering just how bad they were, and really hoping that the man would let them help, even if he knew it wasn’t possible. “But it’s such a nice ass!”Tony whined even when he stopped groping the other. “Thanks Steve.”Bucky smiled as he settled in to eat his food, looking thoughtful as steve fled the room.

Tony groaned as he woke up, after nearly a solid 9 hours of sleep, alot more then he usually got, the man feeling well rested and very confused as why he was on a mattress. He remembered going down to the lab. Shifting he snuggled down into the bed before tensing at the other’s voice, hearing more of the original loki in it then the memoriless man he’d gotten used to. Relaxing again he tried to hide just how upset he was with the thought of loki being back, because that had been the goal right? To let him remember himself....even if it was breaking tony’s heart. “...Have to, between SI and iron man, I have to work just to keep up....”He muttered into the pillow he was laying on, before wincing. “Sorry.”He muttered before huffing out a sigh.”Thanks Loki....did any of the others try to come down?”He said, knowing steve probably had. His captain had a habit of checking alot just to see if he was sleeping in the lab.
Loki smiled a little at Tony. "i remembered a lot more." he explained, not that he needed to. "i had a crappy childhood." he admitted. "thankfully, i don't remember much past my thousandth year." he admitted. "i don't think i could handle my actions just yet." he admitted, looking quite worried about how much he was going to remember. "you don't 'have to' do anything Tony." Loki chastised. "your making excuses." he scoffed as he stood up and slid onto the mattress next to Tony. "i want to take care of you Tony. i can't do that if your laying there, half dead from doing too much." he admitted, gently stroking a strand of hair out of the man's face. "you saved me tony... let me save you." he pleaded, voice a whisper as his eyes begged Tony to stop running away. "yes. Ride White and Superior did. i gave him a tail. he was unamused. i laughed very much." he admitted with a smirk before he leaned down and gave Tony a kiss. "ask of me anything. and it shall be yours." Loki promised with a soft smile.
“...I figured that. You’re sounding as snotty and superior as ever. Does this mean I should keep you away from me and windows, if you’re going to be this arrogant again?”He muttered the smirk curling his lips saying that he was very amused and just teasing him. “...Fine. I don’t have to.But it’s easier to sleep if I’m exhausted.”He grumbled before sighing, closing his eyes as he leaned his face into the other’s hand, closing his eyes, the slight slump of his shoulders saying he was starting to give in, would let loki take care of him. “...You gave him a tail. You gave Capsicle a tail...”He giggled a little kissing the other back before pausing thinking, “Just lay down with me. And maybe get Barnes and Capsicle down here, so I can flirt and make fun of them from the comfort of bed. That is...if you don’t mind watching me drive them absolutely insane.”Tony snickered to tired to be truly censure himself and not ask for insane things. The fact that loki and tony were conspiring to get the two together, just made him eager to get it going.
Loki chuckled a little. "i won't throw you out of a Window. i'll reserve that for people who i don't like." he promised with a chuckle before he stroked Tony's hair. "well. i could always help you sleep if you need me too?" he offered softly. "i did give him a tail. a lion tail." he admitted with a smirk, chuckling a little. "and a mane, with two fuzzy ears. he should have shed it all off by now though. Jarvis might have pictures." he admitted. "sure. i can lay with you." he promised, smiling a little. "but lets not call the other two down here. they will suspect something if we do." he pointed out. "we'll go up for lunch... dinner, and flirt with them then." he promised with a smile.
“Hm, so the rest of the world?For some reason, I don’t find that comforting.”He teased even as he turned his head into the other’s hand, nodding absently. “That would be nice. I’d like to sleep more sometimes, without waking up.”He muttered before laughing, as jarvis responded.”I do sir, but I must warn you, that Captain Rogers might not like you having them.” Tony smiled shifting to get comfortable before huffing.”True. Dinner then.”he muttered before letting the other sooth him to sleep, content in his company.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "well. so long as the rest of the world stays out of the tower, you won't have to worry about me throwing them out of it, now will you?" he asked with a grin. "i can help with that." he assured Tony, stroking the man's hair and kissing his forehead. "well, he didn't much like having a tail either." Loki pointed out. "we'll make sure Tony doesn't spread the pictures around." he promised the A.I with a smirk. "we don't want to ruin the good captains image after all." Loki admitted before smiling as he held tony while the man slept. he didn't care what he remembered. he would be Tony's. now and forever. he smiled as he settled down and closed his eyes. napping with Tony was the best thing ever.
“No, I guess not.”Tony snickered smiling. “Good. Sleep would be nice.”he muttered before laughing, “As if I’d do something like that. Harassing the good captain is just my pasttime, it doesn’t get to be anyone else’s.”He grumbled as he fell asleep.

“So capsicle, do we have to change your name to the cowardly lion and find you a Dorothy to follow?”Tony grinned as he walked into the dining room, looking more well rested and happy then he had in months, since before he became iron man if you were truthful. Bucky snorted, nearly choking on the sprite he was drinking, smirking slightly. “Nah, he’s to stupidly brave for that.”
Loki smiled a little. "i know it." Loki promised Steve with a chuckle. "harassing the captain is very fun." he agreed with a chuckle. he yawned as he followed Tony into the kitchen as Steve shot both him and Tony glares. "shut up Stark." Steve growled. "and you can shut up too Barnes." he growled, shaking his head. "that freaking mane itched!" he grumbled. "and it itched even more when it came off!" he complained, well aware that was just going to make them laugh harder. he was actually in a fairly good mood. he had three orgasms in the privacy of his bathroom and Tony had gotten a very good rest if the way the man looked was any indication. he was feeling pretty damn happy that Tony had finally gotten some sleep, even if it did hurt a little bit that it had been Loki to get him to sleep.
“You are such a drama queen, Cap. I feel the need to offer you the services of a good barber if you’re going to be growing manes and such.”Tony snickered before laughing as bucky snickered, the two pretty much feeding on each other’s hilarity. Pausing as he stared at Steve tony raised his eyebrows as he settled at the table. “You look in a good mood. Did you finally get laid, Cap?”Tony said studying the man. Bucky snorted shaking his head. “I don’t think he can. I mean, doesn’t sex require being able to talk to women, and steve cant do that.”The winter soldier snickered a little.
Steve rolled his eyes. "it's your fault Tony!" he complained. "you need to train your pet better." he complained, making Loki smirk. "be glad i didn't piss in your shoes and shit on your shirts." he teased, making Steve wrinkle his nose. "you do that and you're living outside. permanently." Loki laughed at that. "don't need to talk to girls to get a date with my hand." Steve teased with a snicker. "and i can talk to women. i can talk to Pepper and Natasha just fine." "they're not real girls." Loki informed Steve who paused, looking confused. "....they have breasts and a vagina don't they?" he asked, looking baffled. "how are they not real girls?" "they dress, talk, and act like men." "...Natasha's going to kick your ass if she hears you talking like that." Clint warned with a grin as he walked in, sweaty from a workout.
“It is not my fault!He did it while I was asleep. I take no responsibly for him.”Tony snickered though before his eyes widening, at a loss for what to say to the idea of steve masterbating, though he did look up at the captain with lust blown pupils before looking quickly away, settling in to eating the steak steve had made, before laughing when he saw Natasha coming in after Clint. “We act like what?”Natasha said dangerously, looking at all the men. “I think he said like men.”Merry said as she walked into the room, looking amused before flicking a look at clint, flushing ever so slightly. While she was sorta dating thor, she was studiously still not flirting with clint, even if everyone but clint and her were really aware they had a thing going on.
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