Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve huffed a little. "it's still your fault. you taught him bad things." "ah. no. actually Thor taught me bad things. he's the one who introduced me to pranks." Loki admitted with a smirk. startling Steve. "yes. i remember a lot more. it's actually quite disconcerting." Loki admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he smirked as he watched Tony. Loki thought it was pretty damn cute the way Tony was totally lusting over Steve. "i did say men. i fear you not, Noble Manlady." Loki stated in a smug, superior tone, making Clint stuff his hand in his mouth before he laughed and drew on Natasha's ire. "the only 'woman' in this house is Merry." Loki stated with a grin as he tore into his steak. "ten bucks says Loki's going to die." Clint muttered under his breath so only Bucky could hear him. voice laced with laughter.
“See!It’s not me. I didn’t do anything!”Tony snickered amused at steve’s startlment at loki’s words. “Well, I’d be worried to if I forgot everything, and I didn’t have nearly as many years as you did to forget.”Tony pointed out blushing slightly because he knew loki was watching him. “...Twenty says Tony’s putting a call to pepper over there just to watch this all explode in loki’s face.”Bucky muttered back as he nodded towards the genius who indeed was playing on his phone. “Huh. Well, if you are the standard of man you’re comparing us to, I can see why you think we’re manly, girly boy.”Natasha said with a disdainful sniff as she settled at the table. “...Oh no, don’t drag me into this. I’ve met Natasha and Pepper, I don’t want in this conversation.”Merry stated rolling her eyes amused.
Loki smirked as Steve rolled his eyes. "it's still your fault! because i want it to be, that's why!" Steve informed the people in the room. "shut up and eat your cow!" Loki had to chuckle at that and he shook his head. "that's no bet Bucky, i'm not stupid you know." Steve complained, shooting Bucky an amused bet. "we both know he's texting pepper AND recording this to show to her before unleashing her on his 'snuggle buddy.' i'm not taking that bet at all." Steve admitted with a snicker as he flipped a steak. "your just jealous that i'm prettier than you are." Loki stated with a sniff. "and i have bigger boobs." he admitted with a smirk as he pressed his hands to his flat chest and gave a wiggle as if trying to shake boobs he didn't have. "besides, Nat and Pepper have bigger balls than Clint does." Loki admitted with a smirk. "hell they have bigger balls than Thor." Clint snorted a little. "well. you might have a point. they do things i'd cringe at." Clint admitted, Bruce nodding as he cut into his meal.
“Hm, sometimes I wonder. You’d make such a lovely blond ditz.”Bucky teased a little before nodding. “He’s going to die laughing at this when pepper stops by.”Merry muttered shaking her head a little. “He’s got you there. He is prettier.” “You don’t get a vote in this Stark, as he’s sucked your brain out through your cock.”Natasha said huffing as she started eating. “They do. And that includes wrangling Tony into going to board meetings. Which would be a nightmare.’ “Is not. I don’t attend, so no reason to be nightmarish about it.”Tony pointed out before looking up at Steve, tilting his head a little. “So, what would you take a bet on?”He asked curious. “I mean, you always turn down bets....stuck in the prohibition era, grandpa?"
Steve snorted a little. "i'm too smart to be a ditz." he stated with a smirk and a shake of his head. "i wanna see him call Pepper a Manlady to her face." Clint admitted, smirking when Loki paused. "i'm not suicidal you know." he pointed out. "Natasha will put up with it because we both know she can kick my ass. Pepper has something to prove." Loki admitted. "she really will kill me." "i bet i could get you to go to board meetings." Loki admitted with a smirk as suddenly he was wearing a secretary outfit. mini skirt and red heels included. "of course, Pepper might complain, but she's just jealous that i look better in a mini skirt." he paused. "admittedly, she fills out the tops better than i do." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "bets? oh. i don't bet. it's a sin to gamble." Steve stated simply as he flipped another steak, flashing a wink at Bucky. "Fifty bucks says Tony finds out about that three thousand dollar gambling debt i got during that weekend in Vegas. remember? i stripped naked and was taken tot he police station? you had to bail me out remember? and bring me some clothes... i'll never forgive you for betting me to do that. you never did give me the three hundred you owed me for that." he complained, all the while smiling like he was some innocent little alter boy well aware no one but Bucky, and apparently Bruce, could hear him. the geneticist was laying on the table, shaking from laughter.
“I would pay money to see that. It’d be the stuff of legends, that reaction would be.”Tony snickered a little shaking her head before smiling swallowing hard as he stared at loki. “Uh....okay...maybe for that outfit, I might to go to a meeting.”He swallowed hard looking him over. “....You are such a old man, Spangles.”Tony rolled his eyes. “You’re on. How are you going to tell him?”Bucky smirked before snorting milk through his nose, startled at the memory that overwhelmed him before nodding. “That was awesome. You made such a nice picture under the neon lights, soldier boy.”bucky said shifting in his seat body reacting to the mention of steve naked. “What is wrong with you?”Tony frowned at his friend, staring at bruce as he laughed.
"i am NOT calling her Manlady to her face. nuh uh. she scares me." Loki admitted. "she gives me these looks like she wants to rip my spine out and beat me to death with it." well. she hadn't forgiven him for trying to take over the world yet, so that was to be expected. "of course you would go to a meeting for me." he admitted with a smirk as he smoothed his skirt out and crossed his ankles like a proper lady. "oh i'm not gonna tell him anything. he'll find out on his own." Steve admitted with a smirk. "you know, i still have those pictures... actually, i have your Purple Heart Medal too." he admitted. "remind me later and i'll get the stuff i saved for you." he admitted. "all of my stuff was put into storage so i didn't loose anything when they found me. i had a lot of your stuff after i was frozen." he admitted. "you... have no.. idea!" Bruce gasped, laughing even more. "Tony your so oblivious!" Bruce admitted with another laugh as Steve chuckled. that would certainly catch Tony's attention, someone knowing something he didn't know.
“hm, a very apt description of what she wants to do to you. She got descriptive once about how she was going to kill you right after the fight.”tony snorted a little looking amused at loki’s words, because he knew just how pissed pepper had been when she’d realized he’d actually died after falling. “...that’s really hot.I kinda wanna hire you as my secretary now...”Tony said swallowing hard as he watched loki. “..Really?I would love to see those pictures. Just imagine what everyone would say to see their virtuous captain streaking in a police station. Shame.”Bucky said swallowing hard before smirking. “We’ll go get my stuff later.”he muttered. “I am not! I see things even capsicle doesn’t see!And I want to know what you two- no, you three-Barnes I see you laughing over there- are laughing at!”Tony demanded sulking.
Loki blinked a little and then. "...note to self. stay away from Pepper Potts." he muttered as he shook his head and started chewing on another piece of steak. "i'd be the best damn secretary ever." Loki purred with a smirk. "and you'll even get to do the Cliche 'fuck your secretary' thing." Loki teased with a smirk. "it's a good thing you don't know how to work a computer then isn't it? besides, it's nowhere near as bad as the time you made me dress in drag." Steve pointed out with a snicker. "i've got all your stuff here in the tower... i'm just... not sure what box it's in..." "...huh?" Steve asked, blinking at Tony, pretending bafflement. "what are you going on about?" Bruce just cracked up even more. "oh Tony. you poor, deluded idiot." Bruce wheezed, giggling as he wandered off, Steve blinking at him as he glanced at Bucky, tossing him another wink. this was fun. playing pranks on Tony with Bucky.
“Usually a wise choice to not be harmed.”Tony agreed smirking a little as he ate. “Hm, that would be awesome, except I’ve been forbidden from ever dating my secretaries again. By pepper, so there’s no breaking those rules.”Tony snickered. “I can’t, but we’re making fun of a computer genius you know, I might burst the bubble of his delusion just to see his face for that....and I do. That was epic.”Bucky grinned before raising his voice a little, because well, steve had said he wanted to put tony in the heels. “I still can’t believe I got you to dress in drag.” “...I am not a idiot!And you were in drag?I thought you had hangups with that.” “He does. It’s called not liking woman’s underwear.” “Why?it’s amazingly comfortable...though I guess when you’re stuck with the stuff you guys had in the 40s, I could see why that could be a problem.”Tony said looking actually baffled instead of making fun of them, which only made bucky laugh harder as he looked at steve, “Well, maybe you should have just asked, instead of trying to come up with a reason, if that’s going to be his reaction.”Bucky snickered. “...Ask what?”
Loki chuckled a little. "ah, but those are company secretaries. i'm not a company secretary. i'm your personal secretary." Loki corrected with a smirk as he stretched his long, long legs out so Tony could get a very good view of them. "Tony won't post stuff like that on the Computer, he knows first hand how much damage a picture like that can do to a person." Steve admitted with a grin. "but by all means, burst his bubble, it'll be fun." "you dared me to! i wasn't about to say no to a dare!" he complained, sulking a little before he turned and stared at Tony, mouth suddenly very dry as he realized Tony had worn Ladies underwear. that was... that was really, really hot. he had to swallow a few times to clear his throat. "well go get them then and you give them to him." Steve ordered Bucky with a smirk. "you know you wanna root through my underwear drawer anyway." he teased as he flipped another steak and then started dishing them out for seconds.
“Ah. That’s true. Damn, foiled again.”Bucky snickered a little because he was enjoying screwing with tony to much to ruin things just yet. “What?Don’t look at me like that.”Tony squirmed looking uncomfortable when he found both super soldiers staring at him in vague amusement, or in steve’s case, arousal. “Not really. It’s probably as boring as you they were when you were ten, all white tightie whities and boring. Unlike Stark, who apparently wears ladies underwear.” “Not all the time. Most of the time I don’t wear anything. Slacks feel better with silk panties though.”Tony said realizing he was getting to steve and enjoying it, though he really did wear women’s underwear sometimes, it was a rarity these days. Looking bemused as bucky walked out of the room and returned with a shoe box. “Here.” Tony frowned a little, looking bemused as he opened it and looked down at the shoes. “I’m not wearing the right pants for these. Jeans aren’t good looking with heels.”Tony said, with enough bemusement and calm to show that it would indeed not be the first time he put them on, though it was a rarity most days, for him to go in drag. He was just to recognizable as tony stark to go out in drag.
Steve snickered a little as he shook his head. "you've always been foiled." he teased with a smirk. "it's all too easy to destroy your dastardly plans." he admitted with a chuckle. "Ladies panties have really changed." he admitted to Bucky. "it's sort of traumatic to think about Tony in those things..." he looked at Tony. "...where do you put your balls?" Loki thought that was hilarious, and started laughing so hard he actually fell out of his chair. it was obvious to Tony and Bucky both that Steve was just trying to play off his arousal reaction to Tony being in drag. "... Bucky you ruined my prank." Steve complained, sulking. "i wanted a big reaction, he's just sitting there!" he complained, sighing a little. "everyone always ruins my fun." he complained, sulking as he shook his head and sat down to eat his own steak before pausing as Jarvis informed Tony that Loki was in a better mood now if he wanted to go back, and that Loki was sorry he yelled, and that could Tony please bring him a glass of water?
“Hm, I shall have to think of a better plan then.”Bucky decided smiling slightly. “It is a little traumatic, really.”Bucky shuddered a little. “Uh...I get the boy short ones. Same as wearing boxer briefs, just better material.”tony answered looking at the man thoughtfully. “Stop!I don’t want to talk about stark’s balls.I’m traumatized.”Bucky whined rolling his eyes even as he studied his best friend. Wondering if it was something about tony, and hating the man a little bit for drawing a reaction like that from a straight steve. He was so cutely oblivious. Sputtering a little he frowned. “Hey!It’s not my fault Stark likes drag.”Bucky whined snickering a little as tony stood, resting a hand on loki’s shoulder as he stood and spilled on the shoes, looking down at them. “well?How do they look?”
Steve snorted. "you where always terrible at thinking. better leave that up to me." he admitted, making Clint snicker. "Boy shorts?" Steve asked, sounding just a touch disappointing. he would have died a happy man to see tony wearing one o those lacy red things that Natasha wore. they weren't thongs, but they almost looked like them. they where that step between a bikini cut and a thong. well, at least Steve knew what to get the man. and he sure as hell wasn't about to admit to having a drawer full of the same kind of underwear himself. Bikini panties where so much more supportive and comfortable than briefs where. of course, he had them hidden, and he typically only wore them under his Cap Am suit to be more comfortable. " cute." Steve muttered, staring at the way those shoes made Tony's legs seam to go on for forever before he picked up his plate. "anyway, i'm going to go take a nap. someone got me up entirely too early." he teased, flashing Bucky a smirk before he headed out, fighting back the pain in his heart at wishing Bucky wore ladies panties. he was going to die, old and alone because he was a pervert... that was just great... he decided getting drunk was a good idea, maybe then it wouldn't hurt so much knowing that Tony was with Loki and that Bucky was straight.
“Uh-huh. Sometimes those things Natasha wears to.”Tony said shrugging a little as he ate, hearing the disappointment, and figuring out what it was. “Thanks.”Tony smiled as he stepped out of the shoes, tugging them off,”I better get down to the lab for awhile.”he smiled heading downstairs. Though he only got a hours work in before he got slightly worried, he’d seen the look on steve’s face. “J?Can you tell me where Steve is?” “The captain is at the bar, drinking sir.” Tony twitched a little at that, frowning as he considered that steve was drinking even if it took alot to get there. Heading upstairs he slid onto the barstool next to him, pouring himself a drink. “So, capsicle, what are we drinking to tonight?”
Steve swallowed thickly as he realized that Tony wore true panties too. he was gonna go insane, he really was. "i'm going to take a Nap." Loki admitted with a yawn. "i'm tired. remembering things really knocks the strength out of a person." he admitted with a shake of his head. he wasn't really going to sleep of course. he was going to watch movies, but he figured Tony and Steve could use some privacy. "...'m drinking to loneliness and misery." Steve slurred, sniffling a little. "no one loves me, i'm such a freak. i'm never going to not be a virgin and i'm never gonna have kids and i'm never gonna have a lover who loves me as much as Loki loves you and... and..." he sniffled again. "and i can't even get wasted enough to stop thinking about shit." he complained as he pulled another bottle of vodka over to himself. there where already two empty. he was pretty damn drunk. even Thor couldn't contain that much alcohol without getting drunk. "i like you tony." Steve muttered, leaning against the other. "your so hot. you know that? i wanna have sex with you but i can't because you think i'm straight." he whined. "and then Loki comes in and takes you away and now Bucky's here 'n he's straight n i'm such a whore." he complained with another sniffle. "a sick freak and a whore..."
Tony tilted his head, looking slightly worried about loki, before nodding a little. “Sleep well.”He muttered, knowing loki was giving him a reason to look after Steve, and glad that the other had seen a good way of stepping back. Tony’s mouth fell open slightly as he stared at the super soldier, true confusion showing on his face, and guilt because he hadn’t realized just how lonely his best friend had been. His heart aching as he realized just how much he had failed steve for not noticing, shifting as the other leaned against him he smiled a little, shifting to wrap a arm around his shoulders.”Hm, I’m fairly certain you’re really wasted.”he muttered before smiling, reaching up to cup the other’s cheek.”Oh, I’m perfectly aware of how hot I am.”He teased sliding his fingers through the other’s hair, kissing him slowly. “You, capsicle, are not a whore.Me, yes. You, not so much.”He said kissing him harder,”And a if this was a sickness Steve, the serum would have fixed it, like it did your asthma. This, this is just something precious.”He said knowing he was going to go to hell for not telling Steve that bucky wanted him right then, but dammit, he wasn’t a good person, and ge really wanted the other. And really had had enough to drink to not step back and think this through. He wanted his friend, and he was going to have him, if that’s what steve wanted. Letting the other decide./
Loki tossed tony a wink as he headed off. proving that he was fine with whatever tony did with, or to the good captain. "i'm clearly not drunk enough." Steve complained, blinking rather stupidly at Tony before he flinched at the touch, as if he'd expected to be punched. "you are hot." he breathed. "and you wear ladies panties. i wanna see you wear ladies panties Tony." he mumbled before he gasped as he was kissed, his eyes wide as he blinked at tony. "...i..." he paused, uncertain what to think now. wasn't this a disease? liking two men he could never have? he relaxed a little more as he was kissed again. "precious?" he asked, confused and uncertain. why was tony kissing him? this was wrong wasn't it? even if it was... did he really care? he stared at Tony and then leaned in and kissed him hard, moving his lips against Tony. "please.. i know it's wrong. i'm sorry. but please... just this once..." he pleaded, kissing tony's neck. "i don't want to be a virgin no more. i don't want to be alone no more. please... fuck me."
"Uh..hold on."tony turned a little to tug at the waistband of his jeans double checking before smirking a little."I'm wearing lace edged boy shorts right now."he informed his drunk captain before kissing him again."you're wrong you know.iys not such a problem these days. Guys like guys,girls like girls...and sometimes you like both. We're more open to it these days....of course, you're my captain, no one else will ever have that part of my heart you know."tony sighed softly kissing him again shuddering as the man kissed his neck,ilting his head back,"come on cap.we're going to get up,and move to your bedroom okay?come on capsicle."tony muttered urging him to his feet and towards his room
Steve shuddered as he watched the other check his underwear. "it's not a problem." he repeated obediently, shuddering a little as he snuggled into the other. he wasn't sure if he believed that or not but for now, he had stopped caring. "i don't want to." Steve whined as he staggered to his feet. "the world gets dizzy when i stand up." he complained even as he followed Tony into his own room, since Loki was probobly in Tony's. he tore at Tony's clothes, rendering the man naked save for his shoes and socks and those wonderful lacy boy short panties. "...oh my god." Steve muttered, staring at tony with lust filled eyes, pupils blown so wide you couldn't even tell he had blue eyes. "fuck Tony..."
Tony laughed a little as he felt the other shudder, turning to look at him, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair as he was snuggled. “I know it is, but it’d be better in a bed, not over a barstool.”he snickered a little helping him, yelping as his clothes were torn off, studying the blond in front of him, blushing ever so slightly as steve stared at him. Faced with the perfection of the super soldier in front of him, he was feeling utterly at a loss to be good looking. “Hm, that’s the idea you know, well, unless you want me to fuck you, then that’s totally okay to.”Tony said studying him with equally blown eyes.
Steve huffed a little as he shook his head. "I like bar-stools." he complained as he followed Tony. he couldn't help but stare, swallowing thickly. Tony was like a cute little angel in women's panties. "you look so amazing." Steve breathed, licking his lips a little before he hesitated, looking quite concerned about which option was better. top or bottom? which did he want? "both." he breathed. "fuck me. show me how to do it, and then i wanna fuck you." he decided, burying his face in Tony's crotch. "first i'm gonna... uhm... Suck you off?" he asked, looking for confirmation to the phrase before he shrugged and slowly pulled Tony's panties down and stared at the cock, a little intimidated. but he wasn't the Captain for nothing, he was America the Brave! and with that little mental peptalk he bent down and started to lick and taste Tony, building up rather quickly to sucking. he was careful once he actually had Tony in his mouth, but he'd never had much of a gag reflex. soon he was pressing his Nose to Tony's belly, sucking and swallowing the other completely. then he pulled back, panting as he stared at Tony. "i really like having a cock down my throat." he admitted. "but i want you to fuck me now." he admitted. "before i get sober and wonder why i'm doing this and get scared again."
Tony swallowed flushign as he watched the other watching him.”Hm, nothing compared to you. I could never make it as a spandex model.”Tony teased a little tilting his head, watching steve decide before his eyes went wide, “Oh yea, I can do that.”He said enjoying the thought of what he was going to do with his virgin captain before groaning. “Yes.That’s the words, and god damn it steve, you’re going to kill me. You have no idea how hot it is to hear captain america talking like that.”Tony babbled, oh yea, it seemed that even during sex, tony stark was unable to stop his mouth from running. Groaning as Steve stared at him. “you don’t have to if you don’t want...”He muttered burying his hands in blond hair, groaning as he anchored himself, and it took everything not to fouch the mouth sucking him so wonderfully. Groaning as Steve pulled away he whimpered in disappointment swallowing. “Good. I liked having it there.”he panted before nodding, “I can do that.Bed, Cap.”He ordered gently helping him to his feet and pushing him back onto it, pasuing for a long moment. “Hold on.”he said disappearing into the bathroom and returning with some of the lube he’d put in each room, not that he’d planned on this, but he’d stocked all the bathrooms-even the non-used ones, with a sex box, and he was really glad he had lube. Moving to kneel on the bed next to steve he smiled gently, nudging his legs apart. Pouring some lube into his hand he stroked it over Steve’s cock even as his other hand went lower, gently pressing into him. Stroking him off at the same time he prepped him, intending to distract him.
Steve snorted. "shut up about the fuckin spandex." he ordered, licking his lips as he nuzzled the other again. "you're gorgeous." Steve admitted with a pant. "those damn long legs and that flat belly..." he moaned as he ran his mouth along said belly. "and your goddamn ass encased in those goddamn panties." he moaned before he smiled at Tony. "you like it when i talk about how i want you to fuck me until i can't walk int he morning? how i want to fuck you so hard you pass out when you finally cum?" he asked, licking his lips. "you like it when i talk dirty?" he teased before he engulfed the other. apparently taking Tony's reassurance as a challenge. "bed." Steve agreed, staggering to his feet as he tried to shuck his own clothes at the same time. the only reason why he hadn't fallen was because Tony had pushed him onto the bed. by the time Tony had come back, he was naked. "where'd you go? did you need to pee? what is that?" he asked, too drunk to care before he shut up at the first touch to his cock, arching intot he touches with an eager moan. "oh. oh. oh that feels. oh!" he gasped as he felt the finger first slip into him. but he was too drunk to notice the pain and by the time he did feel it... hey, he was a super soldier, who gave a damn about a little stinging!? especially when Tony was pressing on something inside of him that made his entire body light up like he was being electrocuted. "God! Tony. what is that! what are you DOING to me!?" Steve demanded, arching as Tony touched his prostate again. "i can't! Tony i can't!" he whimpered, feeling his orgasm creeping up. he didn't want to cum yet. "inside! inside me, now! please?!"
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