Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“hm, but it’s such amazing spandex.”Tony snickered a little, moaning softly as the other nuzzled him, swallowing hard. Shuddering as the other kept talking, “ keep it up, this is going to be over before you want it to be.”he growled, his voice dropping into a lower register, so turned on it was almost painful. Pausing as he watched the other as he got naked, swallowing hard as he looked him over.”Nope. Got something we needed.”Tony smiled smirking as he listened to steve, finding it so adorable he was losing the ability to talk.”Not so talkative now are you?”Tony teased grinning as he brushed the other’s prostate.”That would be your prostate.”He explained pressing his fingers into his prostate, smirking as he whimpered. “OKay, hold on.”Tony soothed as he made a impromptu cock ring, using his fingers as he stroked himself with his other hand, groaning as he moved to his knees. Bracing himself before gently pressing into the other, swallowing hard.”You okay?”He muttered looking down at the man under him.
Steve snorted a little. "it's terrible Spandex and i hate it. i like the one you made a lot better." he admitted, smirking at Tony. "you like it when i talk all naughty whore to you." he teased before he whined as he was touched oh so wonderfully, ignoring Tony's little quip. "f...fuck. i like it. Prostate. God!" he moaned, whimpering as he felt the fingers slipping out of him. he didn't like that. dammit. and then Tony was moving back inside of him with something much bigger, that made him ache deep inside in all the right ways. "yes. God yes! don't stop. more, please, oh God Tony!" he moaned, rocking his hips, trying to get Tony to stop treating him like glass. he was entirely too drunk for slow and steady.
"Hm.I'm going to have to get you cussing more in every day life.this is hot."he growled sounding amused smirking as steve whimpered as he pulled his fingers away. Looking down at the drunk man under him,he knew that unlike steve,he was stone cold sober,he hadn't gotten anywhere near his limit for alcohol. Swallowing hard he leaned down to kiss him,needing to,just in case steve woke in the morning and hated him."I'm not stopping."tony geowled in response,responding to him moving before he could stop himself,his hips snapping hard and fast,giving it to the other man,nd hoping the serum would compensate for how much he knew he had to be hurting him.though he knew steve wouldn't feel it now,he'd be sore later...maybe.
Steve snorted. "never gonna happen. nuh uh. no way. oh fuck yes!" he moaned as he felt the other moving a little deep inside of him. he kissed tony back, sloppily trying to give him a french, but he wasn't entirely sure what to do with his tongue. "good! if you stop i'll kick your ass!" he groaned, arching as he felt the other snapping his hips, mewling in delight as he tossed his head back, trying to match tony's motions and movements. "yes. yes! God. so good!" Clint moaned, clenching tightly around Tony simply because he couldn't contain his pleasure, shuddering as he struggled away from an orgasm. he didn't want it to be over with yet! he gripped his cock tightly, cutting off his ability to cum for just a little longer.
Tony moaned shuddering, laughing in amusement as he kissed him back, drawing back just enough to not be slobbered on before skillfully frenching the other, burying his hands in the other’s hair to hold him still, laughing as at the other’s threat.”You’re being awfully bossy.”He growled fucking him harder, whimpering quietly as the other squeezed around him, gasping as he came, nearly cutting himself on steve’s teeth as he kissed him as hard as he could/
Steve moaned eagerly. "i'm always bossy. i'm a bossy guy. you talk to much, shut up." he ordered, mewling again as he was fucked even harder, moaning as he learned how to french kiss from the master, letting go of his own cock as he felt something warm and wet slipping into him, splattering his own seed across their bellies, shuddering under Tony as he paused to catch his breath. "oh my god that was amazing." Steve breathed as he nipped at Tony's neck. "give me a second and then i'll fuck you." he promised. " might have to do the prep yourself. i'm too drunk to do it without hurting you. i think." well, at least he knew he was drunk.
Tony panted as he slumped down on the other, resting his head against steve’s shoulder, whimpering as the man nipped at his shoulder. “Hm, kay.Hold on.”Tony muttered pulling out and rolling to the side, panting softly as he looked over at him, laughing quietly. “I think I’m proud you even got drunk. You like never drink.”he muttered sighing softly as he settled on his back, smirking at steve. “Now. You’re going to like this. I’ll give you a show.”Tony smiled as he drew his knees up, legs apart as he poured some lube into his hand, groaning as he slid his fingers into himself, panting and moaning, hips rocking a little into his hand, to sensitive and eager to feel steve in him, to be patient.
Steve grinned a little at the whimpers and watched tony pull out, lifting himself up to watch, eyes still blown wide as he watched, licking his lips as he watched Tony fuck himself on his fingers, waiting for Tony to give the 'okay' before he moved. he wanted to try too of course, so he used his fingers, mimicking what Tony had done to himself. wiggling his fingers as he watched Tony's reactions to certain motions before he grinned as he pulled open the lube and spread it across his cock before pressing slowly into Tony with a strange keening noise. god did that feel good! Tony was tight, so. so tight. "F..Fuck, Tony... tight." he whimpered. "tight, and warm and perfect and amazing!"
Tony grinned as he looked over at the other man, smirking when he saw his reaction. “Okay. You can now.”Tony said as he drew his fingers away, a choked gasp escaping as steve slid his fingers in, whimpering as he rocked into the other’s hand, moaning as he found his prostate, arching off the bed. Panting as he watched the other coat his cock, he whimpered quietly in pleasure as he sank into him, swallowing hard as the other keened, shifting, wrapping his arms around him, nipping at his neck. “It is fairly amazing.”He muttered rolling his hips.”Come on, soldier boy, I’m not made of glass. Fuck me.”he ordered, knowing he was probably going to regret getting steve to go all out later, because unlike steve his body wouldn’t heal within minutes, but right now, it was worth it.
Steve practically pounced on Tony he was so eager. he hummed and nuzzled Tony as he wormed his easy into Tony's tight as, shuddering against him. he moved a little faster, a little harder, but even drunk, he was a tightly coiled, self controlled man, and he knew if he went all out, he'd really hurt Tony. he moaned against Tony's neck as he thrust, fast and hard, careful to make sure to watch for any sign of pain. satisfied he wasn't going to hurt Tony, he latched onto the man's neck and sucked, nipped, and nibbled a love mark, several of them. he came far too soon, but he was too tired to care now, he did stroke Tony to completion though, and kept rocking his cock in and out of the other until Tony came as well. then he collapsed next to Tony, pulled the other into a tight hold and snuggled him. "thank you." he mumbled softly.

in the morning, there was three Ibeproven and a cup of 'Tony Coffee' on the table next to Tony's head. there was also three peices of perfectly buttered toast and a bowl of fruit salad. perfect for a touchy hangover belly. he wasn't alone however, as he had probobly expected. Steve was in Tony's shower, scrubbing up and seamed to be thinking very hard about what had happened last night, and how he really felt about Tony. "Tony!" Loki called as he bounced into the room, pausing as he studied the other. "sorry. i'll come back later!" he promised, looking amused as he flounced right back out again. "...christ! he just about gave me a heart attack!" Steve protested as he walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "he... uh. doesn't seam to mind that we...uh..." he flushed bright red as he recalled the events last night. "..." he had no idea what to do. he'd never had a one night stand before. he Loved Tony, but he didn't think he loved him 'like that' as it where. so how did he say that to Tony without hurting the other man?
Tony laughed quietly as the other pounced on him, squirming a little, swallowing hard as he moaned. Groaning as he felt the other speeding up, whimpering quietly as the other stroked his cock, moaning as he came, nails biting into his back, moaning as he collapsed back onto the bed. Sighing tiredly as he snuggled against the other.”Welcome.”he muttered.

When he woke Tony groaned as he pressed his face against the pillow laying on his front, glaring at the coffee cup so close to his head on the nightstand. It was just to far, studying the food he sighed, already bracing to figure out what to do now that he’d messed up his friendship with steve, and how much it would take him to roll over and get his food. Feeling fairly horrible, and not all because of the alcohol. Frowning when he heard the shower he didn’t respond right away before wincing as loki yelled. “Shut up.”he ordered raising a hand to get the coffee cup, trying to drink it laying down before startling a little, glancing at the man coming out of his bathroom, sitting up on his elbows so he could eat the toast, and drink the coffee without moving to much. “Uh-huh. Apparently Asgardians aren’t that weird about monogamy.”Tony hummed, pleased as he sipped his coffee, it tasted amazing. “this is amazing coffee.Thanks.”he said before looking over at the man studying him. “Oh, stop looking at me like that Capsicle. I know I’m not the one you want to bend over the kitchen table for the rest of your life.....though if you bend him over my kitchen table, I will kill you both. I’m serious.”
Loki laughed as he was told to shut up and simply scampered out, snickering about grumpy tony. " look terrible." Steve admitted as he studied Tony. "i didn't hurt you did i? or is it just the hangover?" he asked, looking quite worried about Tony. "so. Loki doesn't mind that we...?" he flushed again and groaned. "god... i'm awful." he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "i can't even say it and it was practically one of the best moments of my life..." he flushed harder. "i said that out loud didn't i?" he asked, shaking his head. "of course it's good Coffee." Steve admitted with a grin. "it's real coffee." he admitted. "i got tired of that pre-ground shit you buy, so i bought roasted beans and ground them myself." he admitted. "stronger, more flavorful Coffee." he admitted. "....i'm sorry Tony." he muttered, smiling at the other. "i was so sure...but... i mean, i Love you, very much but... not the way i thought i did." he admitted, shaking his head. "oh don't worry. i have my own kitchen table." he promised with a chuckle before he moved over and gave Tony one last kiss. "thank you for last night." he admitted with a rather tender smile. "...and i'm sorry about the bruises." he felt much more confident now that he knew he hadn't ruined his friendship with Tony.
Tony glared after the other as he sipped his coffee, shaking his head as he listened to loki leave. “well, I didn’t sleep well. And I haven’t had a drink in two months, it seems my body didn’t apperciate drinking again.”Tony grumbled before smirking, watching steve stuttered for a moment before smiling. “No he doesn’t, and yes you are. But it’s fairly adorable really. Such a good captain.”Tony teased amused that the other was talking out loud before grinning wider.”Good. I deserve amazing coffee, and this is really good.”he said sipping it studying the other, before shrugging as he stretched, settling back against the headboard as he ate his toast. “Stop the babbling. I know. I knew you didn’t love me like that, soldier boy. I don’t love you like that either.”He said before kissing him back, looking up at his best friend with a bemused smile at the tender one he was getting, ebfore laughing.”It’s okay. Getting bruised by Cap during sex, is something I can live with. No one else can say they took your virginity. I’m special.”He said though the tender smile he gave him back said he was more serious then he sounded, instead of just teasing him. he really did feel special.
Steve smiled a little. "i slept pretty damn well." he admitted with a chuckle as he smiled at Tony. "you've been doing a really amazing job staying sober. i'm really impressed." he admitted to the other. "....i'm not adorable." he complained, blushing again. "you're just angry that all your delusions of me have been broken." he teased with a smile. "correction, i deserve proper amazing coffee. you just drink what i make." he stated with a snicker. "...well... you couldn't have clued me in? i was sure you where gonna hate me for all that you know." he complained with a huff as he sat down on the the bed so he could pull on his clothes. "well... that's true. you are 'special'." he agreed, smirking at. "all sorts of 'special'." he teased with a chuckle before he stood up to yank on the rest of his pants, bending down to kiss Tony on the forehead. "we'll do this again sometime." he promised. "lord knows Bucky's straight as an iron post." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm gonna go work out for a little." refusing to admit that he was just going to go curl up in his room and cry because he didn't love Tony and he still couldn't have Bucky. his life really sucked.
“Well, good. And I would have to, if I hadn’t been sober enough to worry about screwing up our friendship.”he grumbled before laughing a little. “Thanks.”He said blushing a little, because steve being impressed with him meant more to him then impressing howard ever had. “You are.Very.”He teased before tilting his head before snickering. “Hm, you did let me think you were virtuous. I’m going to get you cussing more now that I know you can.”he snickered before smiling.”How was I supposed to without having you freak out?I know what the 1940s were like, I was more worried about getting decked for actually seriously coming on to you, enough that I was trying to figure out a subtle way of seducing you....of course then you took care of it by getting drunk.”he teased before huffing.”Shut up, Steve.”he grumbled before frowning as the other pressed a kiss to his forehead, “You’re more blind then I thought you were.”He mused watching him go, having every intent of getting bucky to open up now that he’d gotten steve to admit he was attracted to guys.Smiling as he went in search of loki.Needing advice on what to do next
Steve chuckled a little. "yeah. good point. i sober up a hell of a lot faster than you do." he admitted. "i had more time to worry about it than you did." he admitted with a chuckle. "hell. Tony, everyone but you knows i was a hellish child." he admitted with a snort. "Bucky got me to do all sorts of shit." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i am NOT going to cuss." he stated. "that is a drunken thing only. not even Bucky could get me to cuss and he's twice as annoying as you are." he admitted with a chuckle before something seamed to occur to him, which filled him with horror. "oh my god... Bucky and Stark int he same house... sharing ideas... we're all going to go insane." he muttered, shaking his head as he left to go beat on another punching bag until he couldn't feel his fingers. he collapsed into bed shortly after and closed his eyes. wondering if he could go find Russia again and be frozen for a few more years.

"Tony!" Loki chirped, grinning as he looked up at the other. "did you have fun? was it awesome? details! i want details and then i wanna have sex while we talk about it." Loki ordered, his eyes glittering with laughter. teasing Tony because, honestly? it was hilarious. "you know, Bucky's gonna turn you inside out as soon as he realizes that you fucked Steve." he pointed out as he turned off the Tablet he'd been working on. "is he big ALL over?" he asked with a grin.
“Yea. You do.”Tony grumbled as he sipped his drink, before sulking. “It’s not my fault my dad fed me stories of you as Cap. I grew up on you being a boyscout, not the hell demon you really are.”Tony teased a little before smirking. “I’m sure I can come up with a way to get you to curse.”He said before watching Steve for a moment before grinning. “No you wont. You’ll get laid more, it’ll be a good thing.”Tony grinned watchign him go. Shaking his head when he found loki he laughed, “I did. It was amazing. Even drunk, he’s adorably eager to do everything.”he snickered leaning down for a kiss, blushing ever so slightly, because well, even for him, this conversation was weird. “Oh I know. Steve’s certain Barnes’ straight, I totally indeed for him to out himself. Cause I know bucky’s hiding a crush for whatever reason. So yes, I indeed on him beating me up.”he snickered before laughing, settlign at his work bench.”Him, definitely big all over.”
Steve snorted a little. "your dad was pretty damn blind then. some of the most horrific things i did was when i was fighting in the war." he admitted with a snicker. "me and Bucky loved to prank the people who annoyed us." he admitted. "we actually drugged one guy, shaved him from heat to toe, and then tied him to the flag pole." he admitted with a smirk. "probobly was the reason why Howard never tried to piss me off." he admitted with a smirk. "sure. a good thing..." he muttered sarcastically.

"Steve's an eager sort of person." Loki agreed with a grin as he kissed the other back. "....seriously? he still thinks Bucky's straight!?" he demanded, looking shocked. "you're joking right? how can he not notice?!" he shook his head. "Bucky's going to turn you into a paste, i hope you know that." he admitted with a huff. "i'll do what i can to keep him from hurting you too badly, but i think this is going to end poorly."
“He is, and it’s so nice to see it used in the bedroom instead of ordering me not to stay up all night or something.”Tony snickered a little before laughing, “Oh yea. He’s upset because he’s okay with being bi now, well at least I think he is, and thinks Bucky’s not attracted to him.”He smirked a little before frowning.”I can defend myself from bucky...but you’re right, he’s going to be pissed. But it’ll end well, if they both get their heads out of their asses and get together.”

Bucky paused as he pummeled the punching bag, turning his head a little to look at steve, frowning slightly. "you okay?"He said studying his best friend.
Loki snorted a little and shook his head a little. "it's like we can't solve one problem without running into another." he grumbled, shaking his head. "you know... we could just stage an intervention, sit them both down and explain things to them. might keep you from getting your ass kicked." he admitted with a grin as he watched Tony.

Steve paused as he stared at Bucky and then nodded. "fine... just a little hung over." he admitted. "turns out i CAN get drunk." he admitted with a shake of his head as he started taping up his knuckles, not realizing that Tony had left a love bite on his neck, nor that Bucky could see it. "for the record, a hangover, even with the Serum, still sucks."
“We could do that....but is it nearly as much fun doing that rather then winding them up?I mean, it’d probably be a better idea to just sit them down, but I’m fairly certain Cap would never simply admit that he likes Bucky without being shown. Letting bucky get a shot at me is worth it, considering I’m sure Bucky wont kill me as it’d upset steve.”Tony sighed thinking it over.”....Maybe I should start wearing the suit around....”

“You look it.....and just how much alcohol do you have to drink to get there?”he asked curious, because it took alot for him to get there, and he was curious just how much slower his own metabolism was compared to the original super soldier’s. Turning to say something else he paused, staring for a long moment before swallowing, “Well, if you wouldn’t have sex, the hangover’s not that bad. Working out makes the hangover worse, Rogers.”Bucky pointed out, a thread of anger under the words, jealousy tightening his stomach, not making the obvious connection between tony and steve yet, assuming it was one of the girls in the house. After all, he thought his best friend was straight.
Loki pondered that for a moment. "well. it wouldn't be as fun, but it would hurt a lot less." he pointed out with a chuckle. "but your right of course. we could just leave them in a room naked together." he pointed out. "maybe get them a little drunk first." he chuckled a little. "plus we'll have blackmail material. can you imagine the things they might say, drunk together?"

he paused and pondered. "i can't remember... uh, three bottles?" he muttered, his head cocked as he tried to remember. "i remember being annoyed because the first bottle didn't do it, but i don't remember much after the other half bottle until i started getting pestered." he admitted, shaking his head before he flushed hard, looking at Bucky in horror. "you can tell!? but i took a shower!" he complained, completely unaware of the bruise marring his neck. "oh my god..." he groaned, shaking his head. "yes, i had sex..." he admitted, looking quite mortified. "i don't know why you're pissed, you have sex all the time!" he complained, sulking as he started beating on the punching bag nearest to him.
“True. Being beaten up by Barnes is like the last thing I want.”he snickered a little before smirking, raising his eyebrows. “We could. I mean, we know alcohol works on them...”H said smirking, enjoying the idea of steve and bucky being drunk together. “I can imagine. We’ll have to do it sometime....”

“Uh.I start getting drunk at 2.”Bucky said looking amused before laughing, “I’m sure you could convince Stark to do a experiment, see if certain alchols are better to get drunk on.”Bucky said before laughing, gesturing towards his neck.”You have a love bite, Cap.”Bucky rolled his eyes, “A fairly large one really.”He snickered before twitching a little as he beat on the punching bag, not about to admit to the jealousy, even if he wasn’t aware it was tony the man had slept with, he was still jealous, it hurt his heart to not have been the first but that’s what he got for being a chickenshit. “Not recently, kinda been busy.”Bucky pointed out.
Loki chuckled a little. "i'll even get Thor to go get some Eldermist Wine. very potent." he admitted with a smile. "we really will. and record it, and charge fifty bucks a person to watch it online."

Steve flushed a little and shrugged. "yes, well... i was always a bit of a lightweight." he admitted with a smile before he groaned. "not only no, but hell no. one hangover was enough for me, thanks." he admitted with a chuckle before he flushed hard and clapped his hand to the wrong side of his neck. "oh my god..." he muttered, utterly horrified. "well.. it... it's not like it's going to happen often! or ever again... it's complicated!" he complained, flushing harder. "yes well. considering i was celibate until last night... i think i still have you beat." he admitted, shaking his head. "i think i'm going to go lay down..." he decided, making a face at his punching bag. "it's not as satisfying when they don't break."
“I’m sure there’d be a lot of people who want to watch that.”Tony snickered at the idea shaking his head a little.

“You are a lightweight. Even if you’re the most stubborn bastard in the world.”Bucky snorted a little before laughing, shaking his head as steve covered the wrong side of his neck, but not bothering to correct it. Raising his eyebrows as he studied his friend, sighing a little as he felt the bones in his hands starting to ache from hitting to hard. “Everything with you is complicated. Only you could get shot instead of laid by the woman you like....why should this new romance be any different?”Bucky snickered though there was a bitterness to it as he watched Steve go. Glaring at the punching bag before hitting it harder, huffing as it broke under his hands,well maybe he’d been in here to long if he was breaking things. Glaring at the mess he cleaned up before heading upstairs, pausing at the sight of loki and tony, his eyes flicking over the billionaire’s state, anger darkening his eyes as he noticed the love bites. “Fun night, Stark?” “Always. It’s always good when someone can keep up with you.”Tony smirked, even though he knew he shouldn’t,but barnes was just so easy to wind up, and he wasn’t really surprised when he felt the punch lay him out on the floor. Laying there for a few moments he ran his tongue against the back of his teeth, knowing while it was going to bruise, Bucky could have easily broken his neck with that punch instead of simply decking him. Staring at the cieling until he came back enough to know Bucky wasn’t in the room anymore, most likely not even in the tower, betting the man would retreat to brooklyn for awhile.
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