Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“I am fucking you.”Bucky said smirking a little as he rocked his hips just a bit before giving in. Shuddering as Steve clung to his shirt, groaning as his head dropped to steve’s shoulder, coming as he closed his eyes, breathing slowly as he smirked against the other’s skin.”Hm, you are a slut. I mean, you’re the one switching guys all over the place.”He said though his tone said he was teasing, shuddering a little, swallowing hard.”Fine.More then fine really.”Bucky muttered against his skin before pulling back, looking amused as he studied the other.”I’ll remember that. Bruises next time.”He muttered though despite their confessions, there was a vulnerable look in his eyes, as if he wasn’t sure their would be a next time.
he moaned eagerly as they copulated and he groaned. "i've only had two lovers in my lifetime. you will find that it is too few a number for me to be a slut." he huffed with a smile and a shake of his head. "besides, you've slept with how many women?" he complained, looking amused. "and considering how well you did that, i'm starting to think some of those women weren't women." he admitted, looking extremely amused. "yes. bruises next time." he agreed. "come on. lets go take a shower." he ordered. "before Tony comes down and realized i had sex on top of his car and gets pissed." he snickered a little as he started looking for his pants. "you thre my clothes all over the place! where's my underwear!?" he complained, scowling a little. "honestly Bucky..." he complained as he tried to find his clothes.
“Hm, are we counting all the time, or just during the war?”Bucky snickered shaking his head before flushing a little under Steve’s eyes, shrugging. “Well. Like you said, it was france.”he said sounding vaguely defensive before relaxing more, glad the other agreed to next time, before snickering as he pulled out, sighing quietly before snickering. “Stark deserves it. He should know he has to share his cars now.”He smiled a little as he did up his pants before smirking, “You were the one overly eager to get undressed,steve.”He pointed out as he smirked at the shredded fabric of steve’s underwear even as he handed over his jeans. “Your underwear’s a lost cause. Go commando.”He said shuddering a little at that mental image before heading for the door, having every intention of enjoying a good shower.
Steve snorted. "all the time." he admitted with a smirk. "you got laid in France?!" he asked, looking shocked. "how!? we weren't apart but for like, an hour or less at a time!" he complained before he paused. "...i guess sex doesn't really take as long as i thought it would..." he muttered. "i'm timing us next time." he decided. "and your right. he is very annoying about his cars." he agreed with a snicker as he shook his head. " broke my underwear." he grumbled, glaring at the few pairs of mens underwear he had. "dammit Bucky, that was my favorite pair." he complained. "and i hate going commando." he grumbled as he pulled on his pants and started looking for his shirt before deciding to ignore it and started up the stairs for his own shower. "come on Bucky! come shower with me! i wanna get you all wet and soapy."
“Uh-huh. And there were the other commandos you know.”Bucky muttered blushing because steve had guessed right, the man had really gotten laid with the guys steve accused him of, even when the man he’d really wanted was usually just a few bunks over. Grinning he smirked, “I’ll be sure to take my time next time then.”he snickered rolling his eyes before smirking.”So I did.Just think, it’s easier to have sex like this, without underwear.”He pointed out as they headed upstairs. “If you two fucked up the paint job, I’m making you redo it by hand.”Tony called from the living room working on a project on his tablet as loki watched a movie, having seen the walking past the door. And well, sometimes he read people better then he thought. “does he ever shut up?”Bucky grumbled as he ignored Tony, heading for the bathroom, biting his lip a little, while he wanted a shower, and really wanted to see steve all wet and slippery, he was nervous to.
Steve looked startled. "you fucked the commandos?" he asked, shocked. "they let you!? after their reaction to Gargon i wouldn't have thought..." he paused and then. "oh. you fucked Gargon.." he paused and then smirked. "is it true what they say about a french guy?" he asked curiously. teasing Bucky to show he didn't mind. "i hate going without underwear, my willy chafes." he complained with a sulk before he blinked at Tony, flushing hard. ", he really doesn't." Steve admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head as he stepped into his rooms and stripped down again and headed into the shower. "Bucky! come on... seriously what is with you!? do you have new scars you don't want me to see or something?" Steve asked, looking worried about the other.
“Hm, yea.”He snickered a little at steve’s reaction, before laughing, “Hm, it is. Though I’m not sure if it’s true anymore, I mean, it has been 70 years since I tried.”He snickered flushing a little at steve’s teasing before snickering.”I know, but you wont be like that for long.”He said shaking his head at tony’s teasing, biting his lip as he followed Steve. “Yea...Something like that.”Bucky swallowed hard, before hanging his head a little before tugging off his shirt, even the low level light made the metal of his arm gleam under the lights as he refused to look at steve.
Steve snorted a little. "slut." he teased with a grin. "you'll have to show me how all those french guys did it." he teased with a snicker. "though, if you get any better at sex, i might die from it." he admitted. "best i've ever had you know." a backhanded way of reassuring Bucky he'd been better than Tony. he watched Bucky take off his shirt, and was silent for a moment until his fingers touched the strong metal. "...better not let Tony see this." he warned. "he'll call it 'an inferior piece of shit' and build you a new one." he admitted. "this is remarkable.. it's Hydra tech right? maybe we should have Tony build you a new one. this one might blow up or break down or something." he admitted, wrinkling his nose as he examined where the metal met flesh. "does it hurt?" he asked, hesitating before he touched the seam, wary, afraid he might hirt his lover before he paused and went bright red. "shit..." he muttered, pulling away, his reason why clearly evident. he'd popped a boner. "...i thought about how easy it would be for you to pin me down with that metal arm... sorry..." aaw, silly Steve. apologizing for getting aroused. he was still a virgin in mind if nothing else.
“Hm, I will definitely be okay with that.”Bucky smirked a little, before laughing. “But it’d be such a good way to go, if you died riding my cock...”Bucky teased, relaxing a little at the reassurance that he wasn’t worse at sex then stark. Needing it before tensing as Steve touched his arm, because while he couldn’t feel it, he’d never had anyone touch it before.”..It is.When I fell, apparently I busted up my arm enough it was simpler to do this then fix it.”he muttered shuddering a little before frowning.”...You’re right.I probably should have tony look at it...”He said not liking it, but had thought of something, maybe hydra could track him using their tech. He should change it. Swallowing hard as steve’s fingers brushed over the seam he shuddered a little, “Sometimes.The skin gets rubbed raw sometimes.”He muttered before looking down, smirking as he looked.”...You are so adorably innocent. I’m going to enjoy corrupting you.”Bucky smirked before shoving, pressing steve back into the walll, hands going to his hips and effortlessly lifting up, despite steve being taller then him, he was easily manhandling him into wrapping his legs around his waist, the metal arm and his own serum giving him the leverage to do it.
Steve smiled a little. "i would die happy at least." he admitted with a chuckle before he started examining the arm. "i'll tell Tony to play nice with you. you too are too much alike to ever really get along, but you can at least be civil so long as he doesn't tease you. i think." he muttered as he smiled at Bucky. "Tony can fix that." he promised the other. "i think. i mean, he can do pretty much anything with metal. it's freaky." he admitted before flushing harder as he was teased. he gasped as he was shoved into the wall and squeaked as he was lifted before clapping a hand to his mouth, looking horrified that such a girly noise had come out of his mouth. "oh my god Bucky if you EVER breath a word about this..." Steve warned, so red you had to wonder how he could still be hard with that much blood in his face.
“Good.And tony’s nothing like me.”bucky twitched as he studied the other man, stealing a kiss before relaxing. “Oh. Good. It would be nice.”he said, really he did indeed want to not have a constant, dull ache from his shoulder.”I don’t want to know what anything covers. My sanity wouldn’t handle well.”He snickered a little smirking, before laughing as steve squeaked, nearly dropping him he was laughing so hard. “Never, ever.”Bucky smirked shifting his grip, holding steve still with his metal hand, before closing his hands around the other’s cock, stroking slowly.
Steve chuckled a little. "yeah, you both have the same temperament, you're both sarcastic assholes and you even sort of look alike... i guess that's why i thought i liked him. i was trying to replace you and it didn't work." he admitted with a sigh. "in fact, it really kind of hurt..." he admitted as he kissed Bucky. "your sanity has been hanging by a thread ever since i learned how to talk." he teased with a chuckle as he flushed hard at the others promise to never ever tell anyone about the horrible squeak. "good! see that you don't! oh my god.." he moaned, arching into the hand, thrusting into it, humming and moaning in pleasure, squirming. "bu..Bucky! god you teasing asshole!" he whined, squirming again. "please! don't tease me, i'm so horny i could die!"
“Huh.Interesting.”Bucky frowned thinking about it, because now that it’d been pointed out to him he knew it was true. Before wincing, thinking about the look on stark’s face. “I wouldn’t go telling him that, he’s liable to commit suicide or something.”Bucky said because he knew Tony was jealous, not because he wanted steve forever-he had supicions about stark’s seduction now that he thought about it-but because Steve was tony’s best friend, and that having bucky back was probably driving the man into fits of insanity. “Hm, true. You do wear on the sanity.”He grinned before laughing, smirking as the other moaned,”Hey, you wanted to know how the french did it. Lots of teasing.”Bucky teased even as he shifted, glad they’d done this recently, groaning as he thrust into the other even as he stroked him off. Glad even the serum hadn’t had time to tighten up that delicious body yet.
he nodded. "i know better." he admitted. "and it's not like i did it on purpose. he's still my best freind you know?" he admitted with a smile. "just like you've always been the love of my life." he promised as he tried to bend down far enough for a kiss. "of course i do. i'm very good at it." he admitted with a smirk as he moaned eagerly into the touches. "fuck the french!" he complained. "you're just a sadistic asshole!" he complained, moaning as he felt himself being filled all over again, babbling about how good it was as he writhed. he came fast and hard, and panted as he watched Bucky fucking him with heated eyes, licking his lips. "i wanna suck your cock Buck." he muttered, watching the other plunging in and out of him, licking his lips.
“I know. And good,I’d hate to be having that conversation with him. It’d involve repulsors and something painful.”He said blushing a little, because it wasn’t every day you heard you were the love of someone’s life. Bsmiling as he kissed him back before laughing. “Hm, and yest you still loved me, knowing I was sadistic. You really have no excuse for not suspecting this.”He said even as he rocked his hips,groaning as steve came,sliding in and out of him with a shudder, before raising his head to look at steve. Swallowing hard. “uh,yea, okay I can totally love that.Really.”Bucky said babbling a little totally undone at the idea of steve sucking his cock as he eased out of him, dropping steve with a smile, letting him down.
he grinned. "more than painful." he agreed with a chuckle as he moaned eagerly as he was tormented. "you're not supposed to be an asshole during sex!" he complained, arching as he shook his head, cumming oh so hard. "of course you can totally love that." he teased with a snicker as he ran his tongue along the others cock once he was let down. "you like this don't you?" he teased, smirking. "you like the thought of me, on my knees, sucking your dick." he purred, suckling on the head. "don't thrust. i'll choke." he warned as he slowly, carefully pulled the other into his mouth. he wasn't very good at this yet, so he was a bit cautious.

Downstairs, Loki woke from his nap with a scream, leaping to his feet only to collapse, crawling back away from the warm body he'd been pressed against, begging 'them' not to hurt him. he'd remembered something else. it looked like he'd remembered everything, what had been done to him. remembered the rape, and the skinning, and the torture.
“You should know better then to think that.”Bucky growled smirking a little as he was teased. Groaning as he shivered, swallowing hard as he stopped from moving against him, cupping the other’s jaw in his hands,keeping the touch so he didn’t move though he really wanted to, and struggling to not to, fingers tightening a little, wincing as he realized he was using his metal hand, jerking away before he lost control and bruised that delicate skin, knowing he was more then capable of hurting him if he wasn’t careful. Groaning as steve slid in him, he shuddered, whimpering quietly before pulling back as he came,groaning as he felt come splatter across steve’s chest.”Shit...oh god...”Bucky groaned.

Tony jerked nearly falling out of the bed he was laying on, for once having simply gave in and gotten some sleep, sititng up in confusion, looking at the other.”Loki?Wh-whats...”He stuttered a little before swallowing hard.
Steve smirked a little as he felt Bucky stroke his jaw, moaning eagerly as he sucked a little harder, before pulling away when the other jerked. "what?! i'm sorry! did i suck too hard?" he asked, looking worried before blinking as he realized the other had cum all over him. "dammit! i wanted to taste..." he complained, scowling a little as he ran his fingers through the cum on his chest and then licked his fingers clean, well aware that it was going to drive Bucky wild. "now i really need a shower."

Loki sniffled as he looked up at the sound of Tony's voice. "T..Tony?" Loki sounded so scared, so broken, so terrified. "Tony... we can't tell Thor... mustn't tell Thor." he babbled, crawling under the bed. "can't get me... he can't get me." Loki whispered, in a state of severe shock and terrified out of his mind, he was reverting to childish habits of hiding under the bed so the monsters couldn't get him.
“N-no.”bucky stuttered a little looking down the other, shuddering a little as he groaned, eyes widening a little as he watched the other lick his fingers clean, shuddering. “Oh...gods, you’re going to drive me insane.”He growled tugging him up, kissing him hard, whimpering at the taste of himself in steve’s mouth, shivering a little. “Sorry. Didn’t think you were ready to swallow.”he muttered pressing against the other, before stepping back, “we better wash up then.I’m hungry.”He muttered as his stomach growled.

“Yea.It’s me.”Tony said rubbing a hand over his face, looking confused and worried before nodding,” thor. Do you want me to get merri?”he asked sinking down to his knees to look at the other, raising a hand, summoning the gauntlets to his suit that was always close by, glad the nanobytes actually worked to control his suit before handing them to loki.”Put them on. You can protect yourself with those.”he said looking anxious and wanting loki to feel protected even if it meant to not have a weapon for himself
Steve snickered a little as he watched the other shudder. "good! you deserve it you teasing jerk." he complained with a smile as he kissed Bucky back, chuckling a little before he paused. "can it get wet?" he asked, indicating the metal arm. "i'm never going to be ready for anything unless i try you know." he teased with a smile as he led the way into the warm shower, washing Bucky's hair himself, just because he'd always wanted to.

Loki hesitated and then. "yes. get Merry." he ordered softly. "wait! no! don't leave!" he pleaded, blinking at the sight of the gauntlets. pulling them on, glad for the protection. he calmed a little and offered Tony a shaky smile, eyes flicking to the doorway as Merry entered, Jarvis having gotten her. "...i remember what happened." he whispered. "i was in prison. i was contemplating coming down to Midgard again because i wanted a cheeseburger.... when They came in. the Warriors three. they said that Thor and Odin wished to see me for a secondary assessment on my punishment... only. they didn't take me to Thor and Odin. they took me to.. to Him." Loki hissed, shuddering as he curled up and started to sob. "he punished me for failing. he made me hurt. oh god it hurts!" Loki whimpered, shuddering hard. "he wiped my mind, and tried to make me his mind slave again. but it didn't work, it didn't work. i don't want to kill anymore. please! i don't want to hurt anymore!"
“Yea, it can.”Bucky smiled a little relaxing as the other accepted the arm so easily, smiling a little. “I know, still didnt want to rush things.”He muttered flushing a little, groaning as he let the other wash him up, enjoying the touches.”You know, I used to dream about this. During the war. Not the sex, so much, just the personal things.”He muttered smiling a little as he ran his hands through steve’s hair, washing him up to before stepping back. “Come on, I want food.”he smiled.

“Okay.I’m not going anywhere.”Tony promised staying where he was, looking pleased when Merry walked in, she was better. So much better then him at these things. “Hey Loks.”Merry muttered as she crouched down, paling a little as she realized what he remembered, trembling a little glancing at tony. “You’re to big to get under there with him. I will. Go fucking take care of thor.”She growled anger in the words, because she was scared thor had known about this, before crawling under the bed with loki,gently wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head.”You wont. We’ll protect you. I wont let anything happen, and you know steve’ll take care of you, because you’re important to tony, and don’t even get me started on what tony’ll do to protect you.”She muttered trying to calm him.
Steve relaxed at the promise that they could take a shower together. "well. next time, i wanna try to swallow." he ordered firmly, smiling as he nodded. "yeah. me too. i always wanted to wash your hair. it's always so smooth and soft." he admitted as he kissed Bucky's neck. "yeah. me too. what do you want for lunch?" he asked. "how about soup and grilled cheese?" he offered.

Loki scowled at her. "are you calling me small!?" he demanded. "i'm not small!" he protested even as he snuggled into her, desperate for the human contact, but too terrified to come out from under the bed. JArvis had already contacted Thor, who was on his way. "Freind Tony! Jarvis said it was urgent! what is it? is Loki hurt!?" he demanded, the worry in his eyes clear. it was pretty obvious that Thor had no idea his best freinds had been the ones to send Loki to hell with the man who had gathered and controlled the Chitauri.
“Okay, next time.”Bucky snickered a little, amused at steve’s order, rolling his hips, groaning a little. It was sometimes a pain in the ass that their bodies recovered so quickly, stepping back, because while he wanted him, he also wanted food, shivering as the other kissed his neck.”You can wash my hair whenever you want.”He muttered before nodding. “That sounds good.”He said smiling slightly as they headed for the kitchen after dressing.

“Yes, yes I am.You’re smaller then tony.”She pointed out just snuggling him, wrapping her arms around her, sighing quietly, because no matter how much training she had, she had no idea how to help with this better then to just be with him. Tony winced as he stood, looking at thor before shaking his head. Resting a hand on the other’s arm.”Loki?I’ll just be out in the hall, okay?”He called before dragging thor out with him, before swallowing hard. “He’s remebered everything.”He rubbed a hand over his face. “...your friends...the warriors three....They...”He trailed off, knowing he was going to hurt him, but he couldn’t say it, because he knew just how badly it was going to hurt.
Steve smirked a little. "yeah, the Serum sucks sometimes." he agreed, well aware of what the other was thinking. "come on then." he ordered with a smile. "and good, because i like washing you're hair." he admitted with a chuckle as he headed up to the kitchen. "that's weird. usually Loki's up here wanting food right about now." he mused. "he must still be asleep."

he huffed a little at her. "not small." he complained as he tucked his head into her shoulder. "...okay." Loki muttered, watching Tony leae, his eyes fixed on the door.

Thor frowned a little. "everything?" Thor whispered, mortified. "even the torture... oh my poor Brother..." Thor whispered before he froze and stared at Tony in utter horror. "are you certain of this Tony?" he asked. "i need you to be one hundred percent sure..." of course Thor wished Tony to be wrong, or lying. but he knew better. "...please excuse me." Thor whispered, his voice was tight and tears where prickling at his eyes, his fists so tight that they where white, a storm thundering and cracking outside as Thor headed for the balcony so he could go home and do murder.
Bucky snickered.”You know, most people would love this.”he said making a face as he followed after, frowning a little.”Well, considering who he’s waking up with, he’s probably having sex or something.”He snickered before pausing at the storm blowing in.”...wonder what happened...”He said ignoring the food for a moment.

“Yes...”Tony swallowed hard before nodding, “I am.He is.”he said watching the storm lord, “I’ll take care of him.Go deal with them.”He said his own voice tight with anger before going back into his bedroom,crouching down.”Hey loks, do you want something to eat?”He said trying to calm the man with normal things.
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