Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve chuckled a little. "oh, i more than love it." he admitted. "i'm more worried about breaking a cock than anything else." he admitted with a chuckle. "...if Thor's involved, then either Loki was attacked... or Loki remembers who hurt him... or Loki's having a Mental breakdown." Steve admitted, looking extremely worried. "Jarvis would have told us if someone was in the tower without permission so that means Loki either had his memory returned or he had a breakdown... i better make some Tony Coffee and some hot chocolate." he muttered as he started to cook. Soup and grilled cheese would be a good Lunch for Loki too.

Thor nodded. "i will ensure they suffer the Wrath of Thunder." he assured, his eyes blazing with a rage no one had ever seen from the God before. Loki flinched when Tony returned before calming as he realized that it was just Tony. "...yes please." he muttered. "was Thor here?" he asked, looking worried. "you didn't tell him did you? i don't want him to be mad at me..." clearly, Loki was afraid Thor wouldn't beleive him. would take the Warriors Three side. like he had always done.
Bucky laughed, grinning a little. “Me to.”he smirked a ltitle before paling slightly, nodding slowly.”We’ll take them down lunch...they’ll need it.”Bucky said looking tense, defensive about his new friends, and really wanting to take care of them. When steve got the food done he picked it up,helping him carry it downstairs.

“Okay.I’ll get something.”Tony said before smiling slightly. “I did. He’s taking care of them loki.He’s pissed at them, not you.”he reassured before looking startled at the super soldiers walking into the room, “We brought food.”Bucky said looking nervous, not sure if they’d be welcomed, but wanting to take care of them.
he smiled a little. "yeah. good idea." he agreed, glad that Bucky was so protective of Loki already. Loki needed all the help he could get. "i hope Loki isn't too bad... if he gets scared, don't take it personally. he doesn't know us as well as he does Tony and Merry." he admitted as he stepped inside.

"...Thor believes me?" he asked, sounding amazed before he cringed as the door opened, curling more tightly into Merry. "...what is that? who is it?" Loki demanded, terrified that Thor had been too late and They had come for him. "it's just us Loki. Captain and Bucky." "..." Loki considered that for a moment and then relaxed again. "we brought food. are you hungry?" Loki considered that and then. "what did you make?" "Soup and grilled cheese... will you be able to eat under there?" "yes." Steve smiled and handed the portions of food for Merry and Loki to Tony so he could slide them under the bed. there was no need to crowd Loki after all. "so what happened? we saw Thor head off and i figure it's not something very good."
“I wasn’t going to.I know what it’s like to remember things.”bucky shuddered a little at the memories.

“He does.He’s taking care of things now.”He muttered before looking up, smiling slightly.”Just the two lovebirds.”Tony responded smirking at the two, smiling slightly as he slid the food under the bed to loki,”Thanks.”Merry smiled stealing a bite of food before gently stroking loki’s hair as he ate, trying to be comforting even if she knew there was no making this better. “Thor’s....friends....are the ones who turned him over.”Tony said his eyes bright with anger, wincing a little as he saw ice cold anger frosting over bucky’s eyes, and knowing that while he’d accepted that bucky was the assassin known as the winter soldier, until that moment he hadn’t realized just how very deadly he would be. And knew that if bucky ever found the other asgardians, it was going to be ugly.
Steve smiled at Bucky and gently touched his shoulder tot he other.

"...Thor never takes my side though." he complained, sounding almost confused as he bit into one of the grilled cheese sandwiches. "...." there was a long silence at Tony's admittance, Steve simply shocked into stunned, horrified silence. Thor had spoken often of the Lady Sif and the warriors three. to find out they had done something so heinous was a little more than Steve could handle. "Thor will make sure they are punished." he decided. "and punished hard." "they won't be punished, they're Odin's favorites." Loki stated simply. "they'll be let off with a slap to the wrist like they always are." he grumbled, already calming down with the knowladge that Thor at least, believed him.
“He is this time.”Tony soothed smiling a little as he listened to loki eating, glad he was eating. “He will. And if he doesn’t, I have a soldier out here that looks ready to go apocalyptic on your behalf, reindeer. I don’t think I want to stack odin’s favoritism against Thor, Cap, and Lord Winter over here.”Tony snickered because he was enjoying that mental image of exactly what kind of fight that would be if the asgardian and two super soldiers totally lost their cool.
Loki smiled a little. "it's odd, having freinds." he admitted. "i've never really had any before." he admitted. " that i've remembered everything, i can still stay right?" he asked, sure that the answer would be yes, but having to ask anyway. because he wanted to stay so desperately. he wanted to stay with Tony more than anything. he really did, he slowly inched his way back out from under the bed, certain he was safe with so many people here protecting him... he wasn't sure why they where though, what he had done... how could they care for him after what he'd done?
“Of course.You’re not going anywhere.”Tony frowned annoyed that loki had even thought of it, before looking at the other’s, before back at loki.”Besides, we always knew what you did, and still accepted you.....and I’m fairly certain Barnes’ newest crime is worse then whatever you remembered, so-” “Wait, what?”Bucky sputtered playing along because he knew tony was distracting loki. “You ruined my paint job with come. It was disturbing. You’re not allowed anywhere near my cars anymore.”
Loki relaxed even more at the promise that he could stay as he snuggled into Tony instead. "...but i was such a monster." he muttered, biting his lip a little before he blinked, looking confused as they suddenly started picking on Bucky, Steve going so red he looked like a tomato as Loki started to laugh. "they didn't!" he protested. "no way! he's Captain America he doesn't have sex on other peoples cars!" Loki stated, shaking his head as Steve flushed even harder and fidgeted. "...well... i was horny... and desperate...Bucky started it!"
“No, Barnes’ is the monster. You just were misguided.”Tony muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s hair, letting him snuggle as merry crawled out from under the bed, absently texting clint to get down here, cause well, there was somethings that needed heard, and making fun of cap and bucky was one of them. Looking amused at loki’s confusion,but she knew tony was distracting him. “Well, I blame barnes.” “I did not!You’re the one who kissed me first. And rubbed against me the whole way home. The car thing was so not my fault.”buck whined flushed and fidgeting. “ two are 95 years old, and acting like teenagers getting caught making out. This is fairly amusing.”Merry teased.
Loki huffed a little and shook his head as Steve snorted, still blushing hard. "it's not my fault! if you had just admitted to being gay in the first place!" he complained, sulking. "i never would have kissed and run...." he paused. "...then again, i doubt i would have let you fuck me up there so we probobly would have ended up on Tony's car anyway." he admitted with a shudder and a shake of his head. "well, considering i only just lost my virginity, that's not an inaccurate statement." Steve admitted with a shake of his head and another pout.
“It is to your fault!You’re the one who slept with Stark.” “Hey, hey don’t make that sound like a crime, Barnes.”Tony huffed staring at them before raising a eyebrow.”Up where?” “On brooklyn bridge. He doesn’t like heights.”Bucky snickered a little as he nudged steve, tense a little, because despite accepting that steve had slept with tony, and that it was okay to be gay these days, the man was still anxious and worried over it. It was to deeply ingrained to be worried about steve, to want to protect him, to be quietly accepting the teasing when it seemed to upset steve.
Steve spluttered. "i...i was Drunk!" he complained. "y..youve slept with a lot of people you regretted after!... scept i didn't really regret it... shut up! we're not talking about this anymore!" he ordered, so red faced and mortified that Loki started to laugh very loudly. giggling on and on because it was hilarious. "i don't like heights..." "how is that possible? you jump out of planes!" "...i usually have some means of saving myself. either i an fall from that height without getting hurt, or i have a parachute. most of the time it's just that i have too much adrenaline pumping through my system to notice the fear."
“Yea I have.”Bucky snickered studying him before tilting a look towards Tony. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. It was enjoyable and definitely worth a punch, but not happening again. You two needed a push. So we gave you a push.”Tony snickered watching them, smirking at loki,glad that the distraction had worked before studying steve.”I’m making you fly with me again sometime.Helps with the fear of flying.”he snickered a little.
Steve turned and stared at Tony for a long moment and then. "i feel the sudden desire to turn you into paste." he admitted, narrowing his eyes at Tony. "you bastard." he complained as Loki giggled. the comment of flying had Steve shaking his head wildly. "no thank you! you keep that death trap to yourself Tony!" Steve demanded. "the only thing flying with you makes me want to do is vomit!" he grumbled, shaking his head. "no way." he stated with a sniff and a shake of his head.
“Hm don’t. Barnes already tried, and nearly broke my jaw. Please don’t.”Tony whined even though he moved closer to loki, looking slightly amused. “You deserved it. Making rude comments is just annoying.”Bucky grumbled rolling his eyes before grinning, nudging steve. “Come on. Let’s leave them alone. I have the sudden desire to go poke around his workshop now.” “Stay away from my suit Barnes!”
Steve snorted. "you deserved that punch. i know you mouthed off when Bucky realized we'd had sex." he complained, shaking his head before he laughed a little at Bucky's comment. "i don't want to go into his lab, it's fully of creepy stuff." he admitted as he shook his head. "let's just eat lunch and then go have a sex marathon." he ordered, flushing hard. "for scientific purposes of course." he stated with a grin even as he blushed furiously. "i wanna see how many times we can cum in a row."
"You had sex with me knowing I was a mouthy brat.its not my fault."tony snickered though looking amused then insulted."my lab doesn't have creepy stuff!" Bucky raised his eyebrows looking amused before looking at steve."for a blushing virgin,you're being demanding.its fairly hot,captain." "Nooo don't say it like that.I'll never be able to fight with him again if you call him captain in that voice.."tony whined then paused."if its science,you should have a scientist there."
Steve huffed. "i'm beginning to regret it." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "you're never going to let me live it down are you?" he asked, looking amused. "jerk. and you Lab is completely creepy. everything from the robot faces to the nuts and bolts are creepy." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i like it when you call me captain." Steve breathed, licking his lips before he glared at Tony. "no." and with that he ushered Bucky up the stairs, whispering in his ear. "it's my turn to be in charge. and you're going to do everything i tell you to." he purred, grinning. "lets see just how good at sex you really are."
“Hey!Nooo, you can’t regret it.That’s a horrible thing to say. And no,probably not.”Tony said though there was just a touch of insecurity to his eyes, for a self admitted playboy, the man could be insecure about the oddest things. “...You have nuts and bolts to, and Barnes’ are completely creepy. Don’t think I haven’t noticed, I’m just being polite.” “ you even know the meaning of the word?” “yes I do. Which is why you two are leaving, instead of me doing bad things to you.”Tony grinned watching them go, to amused to be offended, slanting a look at loki.”So. Want to help me build things?”

Bucky shuddered swallowing as he leaned back into the other for a moment before walking up the stairs again.”Oh?It is, is it, captain?I dunno.You already spent alot of my life bossing me around.”he said before smirking.”I’m amazing at sex.”he huffed.
Steve chuckled a little. "Tonyy. as much as i hate you sometimes, i could never regret it." he promised the man, giving Tony a surprisingly Tender look. "whether it was a mistake or not, it happened and i'm glad for it. you'll always be my best freind." he promised. "now. stop talking so i can go have sex with my lover." he ordered with a grin as Loki laughed and smirked at Tony. "don't you mean go have sex in your lab?" he teased with a smile. "come on. i'll help you make cool things." he agreed.

Steve smirked. "shut up and walk Soldier before i give you a flogging for disobedience." he warned, though his voice had laughter in it. "matter of fact, i think you do deserve some punishment." he admitted, licking his lips as he bullied the man into the bedroom. "Kneel Soldier. we're going to make a better use of that mouth of yours." Steve warned, pulling the zipper to his pants down.
Tony tilted his head looking at his best friend, tilting his head a little. “Okay.”he muttered watching th eother go before looking at loki, before laughing.”Is that what I mean?Yes,I think I can do that.”he said getting to his feet, already nudging loki towards teh door.”After, I’ll make cool things. Post cotial inspiration and all that.”He snickered.

Bucky stumbled a little, shuddering at the order, swallowing hard as he was bullied, not protesting yet, interested to see where it was going before offering steve that saucy, all grade-A asshole Barnes smirk, even as he took his time sinking to his knees.”Oh, there’s a better use for it, Captain?”
Loki smirked. "of course that's what you meant. you just had some sprites in your head that confused you." he teased with a chuckle, trying to emulate Luna Lovegood. he found the 'silly human magic books' quite amusing. and had even gleaned a few ideas from them a time or two. like the flying broom. he was halfway to making it work, and then Tony could fly without wings... well, he could already, but that wasn't the point.

Steve smirked at Bucky as he pulled out his cock and gave it a few strokes. "oh. it's good for many things Soldier. like Sucking." he stated, pressing the tip to the others mouth. "so suck, Boy." he ordered in his best 'i am your superior so you'd better do what i say' Voice, gripping Bucky's hair firmly in one hand. "Go on Boy, suck your Captains Dick." Steve commanded, licking his lips.
“Hm, exactly. And why doesn’t it surprise me you like luna?”He teased a little stealing a kiss before he pressed the other against his workbench,cupping his hands under the other’s legs, hoisting him up onto the flat surface.”You are amazing, you know?”He muttered stealing a kiss.

Bucky groaned watching the other stroke himself, shuddering slightly.”I think I can do that sir.”He said barely resisting the urge to snap to attention and salute at the tone of voice, to much of a shoulder to not respond to it even as he closed his eyes sliding his mouth down over the other’s cock, even though he resited the hand in his hair, taking his time and ressting being rushed.
Loki grinned. "i do like Luna." eh admitted with a chuckle before humming as he was kissed and punned to the workbench, chuckling. "i do know." he admitted as he kissed him again before settling his forehead against the others. "you saved me. you know that don't you? had anyone else taken me in, the Warriors Three would have come after us. but you guys are Thors freinds. and the Warriors Three have heard stories of your great bravery and strength." he admitted with a sigh and another kiss. "and you saved me in other ways too. i might have gone mad without you." he whispered as he nuzzled the other. "your touch soothes me deep inside." Loki admitted as he nuzzled the top of Tony's head.

Steve smirked. "i think you don't have much of a choice, Boy." he pointed out, moaning as he felt the other sliding onto him, closing his eyes with a sigh. he didn't try to speed Bucky up, or control him, he just kept the hand in his hair as a reminder. "your a good little Cock Sucker, aren't you, Boy?" Steve demanded with a smirk, licking his lips. "a cute little Cock Sucker. i wonder what else you might be good for?" he mused, forcing Bucky's head off of his cock. "well, Boy? what else might you be good for? i think i might see how you make as a Fuck Toy." someone, had been watching Porn again.
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