Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve huffed a little and shook his head. "i'm nowhere near as stubborn as you are." he pointed out before blushing hard at the other. "... yes, well... in my defense i think she was a little bit insane." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "i mean, who shoots at someone!?" he complained, shaking his head. "besides. i'm pretty sure we both know we're better off as freinds... it'll be fine..." he muttered, sounding rather uncertain about that.

Loki watched as Tony basically dug himself a hole and didn't even try to intervene when Bucky punched Tony. the man deserved it for egging Bucky on. "...Smooth, Tony. very smooth." Loki stated, looking amused as he watched Bucky leave. "you deserved that." he admitted as he carefully helped Tony sit up. "well you're jaws not broken but you have a split lip. doesn't look like he loosened your teeth much either." he admitted as he shook his head. "you know, Steve's probobly going to punch you too." he admitted as he helped Tony into a chair. "i'm leaving the bruise but i'll dull the pain a little. Steve will know who punched you pretty darn quick." Loki admitted as he carefully ran his hand along the others face, healing the cuts and numbing the pain a little.
“Are to. You’re the bastard who refused to not get in fights, even when you should.”Bucky snickered a little before snickering. “Well, you get shot at all the time these days, sometimes even by your teammates.Though Stark can’t be the picture of mental health.”Bucky snickered a little studying the other, “It’ll be fine.”he said watching his friend leave with his uncertainty.

“I’m always smooth. I’m actually amazed he didn’t break my jaw.”Tony snickered a little as he laid on the floor, gingerly sitting up, glancing up at him.”besides, the point of it WAS to wind him up, it’ll just get worse now.”Tony snickered a little before making a face. “Why should he?It’s not my fault Barnes’ punched me.”He grumbled even as he flicked a glance towards the door, knowing Steve was walking down the hall, while his hearing wasn’t as good as steve’s, the captain had a distinctive walk, and he was so going to put the man on the spot....besides, he didn’t think it was a good idea for Bucky to be alone in brooklyn for the first time in probably 70 years for long."Thanks."he muttered slumping a little as his jaw went numb.
he rolled his eyes. "hey. all those people deserved to have me kick their ass... i was just too small to do it properly." he stated with a chuckle as he left, shaking his head.

"i am too actually." Loki admitted. "i'm more surprised that he didn't try to kill you." he sighed. "Tony i'm not sure you'll survive if things get more intense." he admitted with a small smile and a shake of his head, his ears picking up the sounds of Steve's footsteps. "hey Tony, have you seen my... what in the hell happened?!" Steve demanded, shocked as he realized Tony had gotten clocked. "he's alright. nothing's broken." Loki promised, glancing at Tony. "i'm sorry i can't actually heal you, i don't know enough about that branch of magic." Loki lied for Steve's benefit. "who punched you!?" "uh... well Bucky did. Tony don't talk you'll aggravate it." Loki 'scolded'. "why did Bucky punch you!?" "i think he was angry that Tony... er, 'sullied your virtues' or something." "son of a bitch! where is he now!?" "i have no idea. somewhere in Brooklyn probobly." Loki admitted, watching as Steve spun on his heal and raced out to go give Bucky a piece of his mind.
“me to....but it’s so much fun winding him up. And...I’m always okay.I’ve always survived.”Tony said because while he was actually kinda worried about fucking around with them, and that he’d mess up his freindships, he cared enough for steve(and yes, bucky not that he’d ever admit liking barnes) that he was willing to risk life threatening injury to get them together, because he knew simply telling them to go have sex together wouldn’t work. “What’s it look like?”Tony grumbled a little, whimpering in half pretend pain as loki scolded him, looking up at steve, trying to look pathetic as he studied steve. Nodding at steve’s question he smirked silently as he watched steve leave.

And indeed, Bucky was in brooklyn, in probably the only place no one but steve would think to look for him. While he’d always been a adventurous kid, it was when he was really upset that he became almost suicidal about it. He was sitting up on the ‘eagle’s nest’ of the brooklyn bridge, being a trained sniper just made his tendency to seek high places all the worse. This had been one of his favorite retreats as a child, and even at a young age, he'd always been scampering up the bridge to avoid seeing anyone, especially steve, who wasn't exactly afraid of heights, but hadn't like the utter free fall that bucky risked every time climbing up it
Loki snorted a little and shook his head. "you're so funny sometimes." he admitted with a smile, wondering if Tony was babbling nonsense because of his personality or a concussion. "it looks like hell." Steve growled, annoyed that Tony had been clocked. "...i feel kind of bad for unleashing Steve onto Bucky..." Loki admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "come on. lets go watch that Star Trek you where raving about." he ordered.

Steve hesitated as he examined the way up and sighed as he shook his head. he had to go up there. he didn't like it, but he'd do it. he gritted his teeth and started up and was rather skittish by the time he made it to the top. "your a giant asshole for making me come up here Bucky!" Steve complained, crawling because he was too scared to stand up. he was fine in helicopters and such, but even he would hurt if he fell off from this height. and looking down made him feel dizzy and sick. "....Bucky... i'm going to need help getting back down." Steve warned as he crawled over to Bucky and settled next to him, swallowing thickly. "you hate me now... don't you? for being a faggot..." he muttered, thinking Bucky's rage had been about 'turning Steve Gay' more than anything. "i'm so tired of hiding it though... i've known since i was fourteen that i was... wrong, inside. i just didn't know why, or how until the Army..." he winced a little. "i know you probobly don't like it, but it's who i am Bucky... i'm Gay, i like men... and i know you probobly don't like that, but i'm not going to pretend to be something i'm not anymore... i just can't... i'm sorry."
“I am.And I might be suffering a concussion. I usually don’t ramble this much.”he said, and while it was a liar, he had hit the floor fairly hard. Wincing a little he nodded as he watched steve leave, smirking slightly. “I do to, but he deserves it, Barnes is a pain in my ass.”Which was only because they were to much alike to go along well together.

Bucky paused mid draw from the cigarette he was staring, not sure what to think about steve crawling up here just to yell at him. It spoke of a level of anger that scared bucky, because he’d known even as his fist plowed into tony’s face, that it had been a bad idea to hit him, and run before steve had come in because he didn’t want the man to be disappointed. “...I didn’t make you do anything. You could have waited.”Bucky sighed rubbing a hand over his face as he took a draw, shrugging, not bothering to confirm he’d help the other down, steve knew he would. Settling back against the wall he studied the other before frowning, “I don’t hate you, punk.”Bucky rolled his eyes, because it had never occurred to him to be angry with steve. Only with Tony for getting there first, and himself for having never tried. Of hating himself for not being brave enough to risk everything, but even if he wanted to screw steve, and steve was more then capable of taking care of himself, the habit of hiding exactly how he felt to protect steve from the anti-gay attitudes and from the beatings that had already been a regular occurrance for gay people in the 40s, steve got in enough fights, he didn’t need bucky getting him into more. “You shouldn’t have to. Though of all people, Stark?”bucky said, the angry tone covering a shit load of fear, reacting without thinking, not realizing that attitudes had changed alot since the 40s, and he was utterly afraid for steve, and it was making him lash out, when all he wanted to do was lean over to kiss him.
Loki snickered. "you like Barnes and yo know it." he teased with a smile. "you're just annoyed because he's better at being an ass than you are." he teased as he gently kissed Tony before pulling him to his feet so they could go watch TV and snuggle.

Steve snorted a little. "i was worried you where going to take a header off this thing." Steve admitted. "i know how you think. you're all depressed and shit because your you." he admitted as he clung to the metal pole closest to Bucky. "how can you stand to be up here?!" he demanded, shuddering. "i don't think Clint would even come up here..." he grumbled, clutching tighter. "if you don't hate me. then why punch Tony?" he demanded. "of course you hate Gay people. everyone back then hated Gay people." he admitted with a huff. " was a bit of an accident." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i was Lonely and upset because i thought i had a crush on him. i mistook my love for him as infatuation, instead of the brotherly love it is... i was upset, certain i was going to live the rest of my life alone and i was going to die a virgin and... well... it happened." he shrugged. "it probobly won't happen again now that i know how i actually feel.. i don't think i can fuck someone i think of as a brother..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "still. i don't regret it. even if i never find anyone. even if i never love again, at least i had that one experience, you know? well. i suppose you don't." he muttered, realizing he was talking to the 1940's equivalent of a whore.
“I do not. And of cours he is, if I was 95 I’d be a ass to.”Tony grumbled as he kissed the other, settling in next to him, smiling as he settled close to him.

“Me?Depressed enough to jump?Sorry. I already had one expreience falling from this height, it wasn’t fun.”Bucky growled, lashing out because he was so, so not wanting to talk to anyone,but he could never say no to talking to steve. Smiling slightly as he tilted his head. “It’s peaceful up here, and I can see everything....and no one bothers me. Except you, who’s scared of heights. You’re being a idiot.”He grumbled shaking his head a little as he watched steve cling to the pole, wanting so much to tell him to go away, but knowing steve wouldn’t, and that he was stuck until this conversation was over, he shifted wrapping a arm around both the pole and steve, anchoring him in place. “...You know that’s not true. Remember when Dagan got outed?I was the only one besides you, who didn’t kick his ass.”Bucky pointed out, shuddering a little at the memory of the one man who hadn’t been able to stop himself from flirting during the war. Gagan really had been lunky the rest of the commandos hadn’t killed him, only steve and bucky standing in the way had stopped it from happening. "Well, gooid. He's intolerable enough as it is, we don;t need to add dating a national icon to his reportore."bucky teased a little.Studying steve as he talked about tony he relaxed a little, well, at least he wouldn’t have to deal with a gloating tony for long if Steve didn’t want to date him, before his breath hissed between his teeth, feeling like he’d just got punched at the thought of steve not wanting to date someone who was like a brother. Now that, was depressing. Recovering quickly he smirked, “I can’t believe you just pretty much called me a whore. Thanks, Rogers.”he grumbled before moving to get up.”Come on, lets get you down from here.”he said, so, so over with this conversation.
Steve shrugged. "well... true." he muttered, grimacing as he remembered the moment where he had thought Bucky had died. free falling from the train. it made him hurt all over. it really did. "yes well... peaceful. sure." he muttered, clearly wondering if Bucky was insane. "i'm always an idiot, you've said so." he pointed out. "often." he admitted with a shake of his head, leaning into Bucky. "Gagan was french. he didn't know any better. they where a lot more accepting in France about being gay." he admitted. "Tony's not that bad you know. Loki's really gotten him to calm down." he admitted as he practically snuggled Bucky. terrified out of his mind, but unable to not react to how close the other was. "well. you where. i'm surprised you don't have a disease." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i'm sorry Bucky." he stated suddenly. "but i just... i have to do it. just once. i know you'll never love me the way i love you. and you can punch me for it later, but..." he had to, he couldn't not do it. he needed to. just once. he leaned in and kissed Bucky, working his lips against the others before he fled, darting back tot he ladder and sliding down, running away because that was the only thing he could do. Bucky would hate him for life now, he was sure. he felt better though, having told Bucky how he felt. sort of. even if Bucky never spoke to him again, he would never regret it. oh who the hell was he kidding? he was already regretting it. he needed to get drunk again.
“Don’t look at me like that.Everyone else is to frightened to come up here, I don’t have to worry with being bothered.”Bucky grumbled, though he didn’t move away from the other, so he wasn’t overly upset. “Stark’s a ass who needed decked. Don’t deny you want to deck him on a regular basis. You should get a medal for not doing so.”Bucky said before making a face. “You don’t have to call me names, punk. Just because you’re jealous I got dates-sorry?For what?”Bucky sputtered looking confused, going still under the other’s lips, to shocked and surprised to move, much less kiss back. Staring after steve he tried to think clearly before snarling, scrambling down the ladder after him, not only because he wanted another kiss, but because he was worried about steve falling, needing to be there if he did fall. As soon as he was low enough to jump, about twenty feet, he simply jumped instead of following steve off the ladder, ignoring the jolt that it sent up his legs at impact, as his feet hit the ground he swung around to face steve as he got off the ladder, wrapping a hand in his shirt and pulling him down for another kiss.Hard, desperate and obviously still pissed.
Steve shrugged. Bucky wasn't wrong. no one else would be stupid enough to go up there anyway. well, and him, but he was never, ever going to do this ever again. nope. "...alright that's true." Steve agreed, looking amused. "....although, to be honest... i have decked him once or twice." he admitted. "and i've always called you names. why should now be any different?" he asked with a grin and a cock of his head before he did the kissing thing and panicked and ran for the ladder. by the time he hit the bottom he was crying and shaking, crying because he wished Bucky loved him back and shaking because he was pretty sure he'd pissed himself when he looked down about sixty feet up. he gasped as he suddenly found Bucky in front of him and did the only thing he could. he flung his arms in front of his face, trying to protect himself. old habits and all that. he was frozen in shock when he realized he was being kissed, and once he came out of his shock he sobbed again and pulled the other closer, refusing to let Bucky pull away as he kissed him harder, more desperately. wondering if maybe he was dreaming?
“Good. Tony deserves every punch he gets.”Bucky huffed before rolling his eyes. “Because I’m handicapped. I’m mentally scarred from my trauma with hydra, I should get a break.”Bucky snickered teasing him a little. Wincing as steve nearly caught him in the face as he tried to defend himself, he easily twisted the man’s wrists down, kissing him hard, groaning softly as the other grabbbed him tighter, shifting a little and pressing the other into the bridge wall, pinning him there, resting a hand against the rough brick. Moving simply on instinct because he knew if he gave either of them time to think about this, they’d regret it. And he wanted at least once, shifting, he pressed a thigh between steve’s legs, groaning as he kissed him, tangling his hands in blond hair.
Steve snorted. "you are not you liar." he scoffed with a grin. "Bruce is handicapped. Tony, is handicapped. you? you're just a dick." he teased with a smile before he fled.

he moaned into the kiss, letting himself be pinned, not struggling, not fighting, just letting Bucky do what he wanted because he never wanted the dream to end. "Fuck!" he moaned, arching into the leg brushing against him, thrusting into it. "B..Bucky!, not here. god. people will see..." he whimpered. "we need... Tower." he moaned, clinging to the other. "please... fuck, please don't let this be a dream. i couldn't take it. i've wanted you for so long. been in love with you for so fucking long..."
Bucky grinned a little at the curse, “You know, I never took you for cursing when aroused. I think I like this.”bucky muttered, and really, him and tony were to much alike if their observatiosn in the bedroom-...well, park- were this close. Groaning as the other thrust against his thigh, pressing more firmly against him before swallowing, leaning back to look at him, trying to gauge if he was being serious, looking a little feverish himself. “Love you to."Bucky said, undone enough that for once, the tones of a brooklyn twang came through,"I brought the bike. You riding with me, or did you ride yours?”Bucky said torn between the desire to simply fuck him against the bridge, ride the bike together and have steve draped over him, or make him ride his own bike because it might clear his head enough to be rational about this. Because despite wanting him desperately, and knowing stark was okay with bisexuality, he was still deathly afraid of getting steve hurt because of this. Not realizing it was okay....yea, they were going to have problems later. After bucky had enough time to clear his head.
he groaned. "shut up!" he groaned, flushing hard as he thrust his hips a little more. "g..god! Bucky..." he moaned clinging tighter as he heard the other say that he loved him too. "i Love You. i love you so much." he moaned, pulling the other down for another eager kiss. "i jogged here. i was too worried to take the bike." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i would have crashed." he admitted as he pulled away a little. "i get to drive!" he ordered, grinning. it was an old argument. they'd always wanted to be the one to drive, though Bucky usually won because he could actually run to the car and Steve couldn't. "come on. let's get back to the Tower and i'll explain the facts of life to you." he promised with a smile as he tucked his hand into Bucky's, tugging him for the parked bike, not letting go even when they where in the crowds and being stared at. he didn't care if people knew. he made Bucky get on and then straddled him from behind, pressing his chest tight against the others back, nuzzling the back of his neck.

(does Bucky have his metal arm btw? i'm going to assume no one's noticed it yet if he has.)
“Hm, yes. A god among mortals, I think I like you like this.”Bucky snickered as he kissed the other, before rolling his eyes as he looked at the man.”You are a idiot, punk. Worried I was jumping, and climbing a stupid bridge.Idiot.”He grumbled before laughing. “No you don’t.It’s my bike, brought all the way from germany. You don’t get it.”Bucky huffed flushing as the other took his hand, tense and edge even as he walked with him, knowing he was being watched, not only because of that because steve had grabbed the hand he was missing, and he so wanted to feel it, even though he had a glove on that was synthetic skin, and always wore long shirts, even during a workout, self concious enough about the missing limb to hide it as much as he could, but he knew despite that, the matal was cooler then normal skin. Shuddering as the other settled behind him, glancing at him.”You’re going to explain the facts of life to me, rogers?I think I’m the one with experience here.”he pointed out but didn’t give him a chance to answer before kicking the bike on, and with a roar of a engine, headed for the tower, tensem edgy and horny by the time he pulled into the garage, he was glad to see Stark wasn’t down stairs in the garage working, because he wasn’t sure he’d make it upstairs.
Steve whimpered a little. "god. why do people insist on talking when having Sex!? Fuck! even on the fucking Porno movies all they do is chatter chatter chatter. shut up and kiss me." he ordered, huffing. "hey... you should be glad i was willing to risk climbing up on that death trap to make sure you weren't suicidal." he complained, rolling his eyes. "my bikes are better." he stated with a smirk as he shook his head. "you're kind of cold Bucky... do you have a cold?" he asked, tossing the other a slightly worried look. "yes. yes i am. Fact of Life Number One. people in this day and age don't give a shit if your gay, and will in fact heavily punish anyone who beats you up for being gay." he admitted. "people who beat up gay people go to prison these days." he admitted, hoping that might ease a few of Bucky's worries. "Fact of Life Number Two. i have lube in my pocket." he stated with a smirk as he pressed himself even tighter to Bucky, rubbing his hard cock against the other. "Fact of life Number Three. i really want you to fuck me." he breathed in Bucky's ear just before they got tot he Tower, sliding off the bike and looking around to check for Tony. "Hey J? lock the Garage for me would you?" Steve asked, smirking as everything clicked as it locked. "Thanks buddy. Bucky get over here and fuck me on Tony's hotrod."
“....”Bucky stared at him for a long moment, not sure what to think about that before smirking wickedly. “You’ve watched porn?I always knew you were perverted, punk.”He teased before smiling. “I really shouldn’t have to. I mean, you nearly gave me a heart attack watching you climb up it.”he grumbled before tensing at the mention, swallowing hard. “N-no.I’m fine.”he said stuttering a little, knowing it was going to come up, but putting it off for the moment because he so, so knew that it was going to run things, so he wanted to enjoy it as much as he could for now. Bucky tensed a little as steve spoke before relaxing, and while he was still tense, it was a little better to hear before groaning as he leaned back against the other as he drove, whimpering as he felt steve hard against his ass. “Fucking hell, Rogers, you’re going to get us killed.”Bucky growled as he turned off the bike, looking amused as jarvis locked down everything before looking at the hotrod, barely even registering moving before he was pressing steve into it, tugging at the captain’s clothes, and just as resolutely leaving his own on, drawing it out as long as he could, cause while his hand was covered, he’d never gotten around to getting a fully synthetic arm, so he just knew steve was going to freak when he saw the arm, and he was so not looking forward to it, even as he ground against steve as he pinned him over the hood.
"S..Shut up! that's not the point!" he complained. "i'm not perverted! shut up! i was trying to decide if i was gay or not... don't tease me or i'll bite you!" he warned. "and it won't be the nice kind of biting!" he growled before giving the other a look. that look that said 'i don't beleive you but i'll let it go for now because i know you'll tell me later'. "at least i'll die happily." Steve teased, snickering as he wriggled against the Hot Rod. he moaned as he was pressed into the car, trying to help Bucky undress him even as he dug the Lube out of his pants pocket, panting eagerly. "fuck, yes. Bucky. god!" he moaned once he was naked and pinned to the hard. "yes. fuck. god you feel good." he moaned. "don't tease! hurry. i can't take it! i want you in me. now!" but even Steve would need a bit of preperation. Super Serum or not, being taken dry would hurt like hell and kill any mood.
Bucky snickered a little as he looked down at the man under him, looking amused as steve wiggled, catching his hip in one hand, holding him still. Snorting a little he shook hi head.”No. Shush.”Bucky ordered as he let go and poured some lube into his hand, hesitating because he was so wanting to back out of this now despite wanting him so badly, biting his lip, because he was so worried about when steve realized he had a fake arm, because it would bring up memories of what he’d been doing for the last 70 years. Swallowing hard he sank to his knees, sliding his mouth down over steve’s cock even as he slid his fingers into him, stretching him, taking his time, not wanting to hurt him.
Steve whined as he was caught and pinned in place, sulking at Bucky. "please?" he asked, trying to use his puppy dog eyes. but he was too aroused to pull it off properly. "f...fuck! Buck. oh my god." he moaned as he watched the other kneel, swallowing thickly. "ohmyfuckinggod!" he gasped, arching as he felt the hot mouth envelope him. completely distracting him. "ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!" he moaned, fingers tight in Bucky's hair. Bucky was hot, and tight, and wet, and so much better than Tony was... why? he didn't know. but he was. "fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck!" he moaned, tossing his head back as he felt the fingers on his prostate, gasping and writhing under his best freind turned lover. "yesyesyesyes. more, Bucky! please! god... fuck me!"
Bucky moaned quietly as his hair was pulled, grinning around the cock in his mouth as he realized he was totally derailing steve’s thought process, before snickering as he raised his head.”You beg so prettily.”He teased kissing his way up the other’s body, leaning down to kiss him even as he undid his jeans, shoving them down just far enough before hooking a arm under steve’s thigh, pushing his legs further apart, thrusting into him groaning as his head dropped to steve’s shoulder, shuddering a little biting down on the other’s shoulder to keep from yelling, shuddering as he held still, both to let steve get used to intrusion and to get some control.
Steve moaned as he writhed under his new lover, gasping and panting and actually whining when the other pulled away. "Fuck! yes! Bucky! yes!" he moaned, arching as he felt the other sliding into him, making him tremble and tighten around the other as he felt the exquisite pleasure of being fucked. he had to admit, Bucky was bigger than Tony. it felt amazing, so very, very amazing. "you feel... so good. please... oh my god." he moaned as he rocked his hips. trying to get the other to move. "if you don't fuck me right this instant, i'll fuck myself!"
Bucky growled, hands tightening around the other’s hips, a slight frown tugging at his lips as he forced his right hand to loosen, consciously having to be more careful, because he wasn’t used to having sex these days, so it was a rarity he actually had to worry about hurting someone with the robotic arm, but he wanted to so badly mark up steve, to prove that he was his, not stark’s./even now, when you were supposed to abandon all control and just feel, bucky didn't trust himself to not hurt steve, the quietly happy, concentrating look said that he was enjoying himself, but he was being careful with his super soldier. “You will?”He teased looking bemused as he considered steve rocking his hips a little before giving in, fucking him as hard and desperately as 70 years of wanting him could make him.
Steve moaned as he felt those hands tighten around him, arching against them. or trying to anyway. "please... Bucky." Steve whined. "please, god i can't stand it. stop teasing me and FUCK me!" he ordered, arching against the other in a desperate attempt for more. and then, he was. he babbled in pleasure, cussing and cursing and just all around enjoying himself as he cling to Bucky's shirt, simply for something to hold on to. god, why had he waited so long for this!? he arched once more, crying out a choked warning, and then he was cumming harder than he'd ever cum in his entire life. "F...Fuck ye...eessssss" he moaned, hips jerking as every last drop was milked out of him by a sadistic Bucky. finally he fell still, panting hard, trying to recover as he smiled at Bucky. "your so mean." he groaned. "look at me, i look like a slut." he complained, realizing the other was completely dressed and he himself was naked, and coated in cum. "you okay?" Steve asked, looking worried about his lover. "you didn't mark me." he muttered, looking down at himself with a small sulk. "i was hoping you'd leave bruises at least..."
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