Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve winced a little before he gasped. "...Hydra experimented on you." he whispered, suddenly understanding. "they... oh my god..." he muttered, staring at Bucky in stunned shock. "don't cuss so much there's a lady present." Steve ordered, shooting Bucky an amused look as he let Merry hand over the icepack. "i'll get you water and a bucket." he promised, heading over to a sink to get Bucky some water so he could rinse out the blood in his mouth. "here." he muttered, handing over the water and the bowl. "...sorry." he muttered again. " haven't aged a day." he muttered, looking amazed. "where you frozen in ice too? or did... Hydra to that cryogenics stuff i've been hearing about?" he asked, looking worried all of a sudden. "you said you needed help? i'm assuming you didn't come here because you seduced the wrong girl again." he teased. remembering how Bucky used to piss of a lot of boyfriends because he'd 'stolen' their girls.
“Uh-huh. It was unpleasant, and I didn’t really remember them doing it until I dropped off that train and woke up okay.”Bucky said before wincing. “sorry.”he dipped his head at merry, looking apologetic because Steve had always been the one scolding him for cussing to much. “It’s okay. I live with Stark, it’s a common occurrance to hear.”Merry smiled as she left. “Thanks.”Bucky said taking the water and bowl, rinsing out his mouth before looking up at him. “They knew you didn’t die on the ice. At least...I think they did. They knew I could survive being frozen so take that longer they knew you did to. So I was the lab rat to see what could be done if they got the serum working.”he shuddered before laughing, “No. I think this time I’m definitely the girlfriend getting screwed in this relationship.”He said rolling his eyes, because he totally knew he was fucked, he just wasn’t sure how much. “...I didn’t....I don’t remember alot of years. I spent most of it on nice, and it wasn’t until after they un-iced you I got to spend more time awake....being unfrozen, I started to remember more. I remembered who I once was...and I ran. I needed help.”he shuddered not wanting to admit what he’d been doing for the last 70 years, to ashamed of it.
Steve nodded a little. "hurts like hell, yeah?" he asked softly. "yeah Tony cusses a lot." Steve muttered, amused. "he's a terrible influence on me." he admitted before watching Bucky intently. "they probobly did." he admitted. "the scientist who made my serum, started out in Hydra. Red Skull was one of his... experiments." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "they would have known i wasn't dead." he admitted. "i can only thank the gods that it was the Russians who found me, and not the Germans." he admitted. "... vulgar bastard." he muttered, amused. "but if you really want to be the girl, i have a nice pair of heals i got for Tony. i bet they'd fit you." he teased with a smile. very unlike Steve. usually he blushed and scolded Bucky for saying stuff like that. "Bucky. i know that you probobly did some things you where very much not proud of." he admitted softly. "but no one here will turn you away. hell, Loki tried to take over the damn planet and he's welcome here." he pointed out. "we can help you. we will help you. i promise."
“Yea, it does that.”Bucky muttered before smirking, raising a eyebrow, wondering just who the man was. Cause he recognized him, but surely Howard’s kid wasn’t that old. Surely that much time hadn’t past? Of course, because he was frozen, his sense of time was really, really messed up. “Hm, a good thing they found you and not germany. I imagine they wouldn’t be happy with you.”he said before raising a eyebrow, staring at him. Not used to this steve rogers who took his vulgarity, and dished it back out. “....You know, I wish I could tell if you were serious or not. I don’t want the heels. You’d look better then me in them, you know.”Bucky snickered before spitting out the last of the blood, looking up at him. “...Thank you.”Bucky said relaxing at the idea of having the help, before glancing at the door, looking bemused. “....You need to introduce me to the girl. He’s pretty.”Bucky said looking amused, because bucky was bucky, he was a flirt, and even years as a hydra assassin wouldn’t keep him from being utterly flirting, and it wasn’t to bad, considering he flirted with both genders equally. Oh yea, tony and bucky were going to get along amazingly.
Steve smiled a little. "yeah, that's Howard's kid. try not to mention Howard though, the guy turned into a bit of a dick in his later years and Tony never liked him much." Steve admitted. "oh, i have no doubt Germany would have loved to get their hands on me." he admitted. "they would have drained me of my blood, harvested my organs, and made another three thousand of me." he admitted simply. "i would not! look at me! i am the peak of masculinity!" Steve stated with a smirk. "Tony would look glorious in heals though." he admitted. "i've been meaning to find an excuse to give them to him, but it hasn't come up yet." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i'll introduce you, but it won't do any good." he admitted with a lopsided smirk. "your no match for the competition. hell, i'm no match for the competition!" he admitted with a chuckle before he sobered and studied Bucky, pulling him into a tight hug. "i missed you." he breathed. "you have no idea how much." he admitted, clinging to his freind almost desperately. "come on. i'll introduce you to the team... i'm a superhero now you know. i saved the planet." he bragged with an impish grin.
“...Well, I always knew he was a dick. Fondueing sort of took on a new meaning after you talked to him.”Bucky snickered teasing his best friend before shuddering. “Three thousand of you. That’s a disturbing thought, thief.”he teased looking at his best friend, after all he and steve had spent a good portion of their childhoods being pickpockets. They’d gotten frighteningly good at it actually. Before studying him for a long moment, grinning at that. “We’ll come up with the perfect excuse. Maybe you should wear them first. Cause you know he’d probably not able to keep himself from commenting on it.”Bucky said smirking a little before frowning. “What kind of competition is this then?”He said looking curious before hugging the other back, “I have a idea. Even if I didn’t remember you, I missed you.”he said hugging him back harder, before stepping back, rolling his eyes as he looked at him, “Oh, you did then, did you?”he smirked as he followed steve towards the kitchen hesitantly, not sure about this, but trusting steve.
he snorted a little. "shut up Bucky, it's not like french crap was popular at the time." he complained. "and hush about that. no one here knows yet that i was a pickpocket. i wish so savor their reactions." he admitted with a smirk. "i am not wearing them Bucky. once was enough. i sprained my ankle remember?" he stated with a snort. remembering that lost bed where Bucky had made him wear a dress for an entire evening. "well.. he's a Norse God." Steve admitted, looking amused. "so. yeah. no contest. he wins." he admitted. "he's bigger than me too. he makes a great sparring partner." he admitted before he smiled as he hugged Bucky. "actually i did. Loki, you'll meet him in a bit, invaded the earth because he went totally insane. tried to take over the world with an alien force. ask anyone. Tony's actually the guy who really saved the world, selfless asshole that he is. but i helped!" Steve admitted with a grin as he walked into the kitchen where Loki was dismantling some random electronic device while talking to Merry and Tony. "....he's cute." Loki admitted, examining Bucky. "still too much muscle." Steve snorted and started running through introductions and ended with. "and the house is Jarvis." Loki grinned as Jarvis intoned his greetings. Loki loved Jarvis. he'd tried to take the machine apart twice since finding out about him.
“.,...Oh gods. They don’t know how not innocent you are, do that?”Bucky snickered rolling his eyes, “That blue eyed innocent looking stopped working on me at age six, don’t even try it.”He said before steve could deny it before smiling slightly, grinning wider. “But it was worth a sprained ankle. That was awesome. You made such a pretty girl.”Bucky smirked at him, shuddering a little at the memory of steve in a dress, so long used to hiding his bisexuality, since it wasn’t widely accepted in the 40s, that he had even hid it from his friend, even if he was sure steve had a idea. Had always fought his attraction to his best friend, because he didn’t know what steve would do. So...he’d deal. Always had. “...That’s not fair. Gods shouldn’t count as rivals.”Bucky sulked a little before looking at steve, snickering. “Who would have thought, Stark’s kid being selfless.”He muttered snickering at the idea, amused at steve’s insistance he had helped, and not doubting it was true. Smiling as he was introduced to everyone before staring at loki. “....You know, I don’t often get complaints about muscles.” Merry smirked as she looked at all the guys in the kitchen snickering, “It’s like a chippendales convention in here now.”She said giggling a little.
he smirked. "no. no they don't." he admitted with a snicker before he pouted at the other. "but i'm adorable Bucky, and innocent. how could i ever be a Con artist and a thief?" he asked, eyes dancing with laughter. " and i have different ideas of what worth is. you might have enjoyed it, but i'm the one who spent three weeks in a cast." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "yes well. you can Blame Loki for making Gods competition too." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh, don't get me wrong, Tony's a spoiled brat on the best of days. nasty, sarcastic, and entirely too competitive, but he's a good guy... inside... buried somewhere." he admitted with a smirk. "well you should." Loki stated with a sniff. "i bet your as stupid as you look. just like Thor is." "hey!" Thor complained, looking amused. "i am not so unintelligent as that Loki." "oh. you are, you just hide it well." Loki admitted as he resumed his task of examining the thing he had taken apart. "...what is a Chippendale?" Thor and Steve asked at the same time. "Male strippers." Clint commented with a smirk. "Google Chippendale." Loki ordered the Tablet, smirking as he watched all the naked men. "ooooh. i desire to have these men. they will be part of my and Tony's Harem." Loki decided. "they will dance for us, and they will watch in dismay as i deny them the right to join us in bed." Loki was such an ass. imagine, making those men join a harem and then not letting them have sex with the harem masters. "...Loki. humans don't have Harems anymore." Steve stated after a moment. "it's not legal." "oh.... then i shall kidnap them and make them my slaves." "also illegal." "i shall buy them and make them perform for me." "...also slightly illegal." "...i will buy videos of them and watch them as i make pleasure to Tony." "...yeah, you can do that." Steve agreed, bright red and Glaring at Clint and Bruce, both of whom where laughing like hellions.
“You’re not that adorable.”Bucky snickered before smirking. “Don’t lie. You were always in a cast, even when I had no involvement.”He pointed out before smirking, “Well, sounds like you found a new best friend. I think I’m jealous.”Bucky sulked a little, only half kidding before laughing at loki, shaking his head. “Well, I’m not nearly as stupid as the Captain is.” “Hey!No insulting my captain. It’s not his fault the spandex cuts off the blood circulation to his head and it makes him stupid.”Tony snickered rolling his eyes before looking amused as loki searched Chippendales, before raising a eyebrow. “We’re having a harem?” “I have a harem here. I mean, you’re all in the kitchen. I think me and Natasha have won on this end of things.”Merry said studying all the guys and barely stopping herself from laughing at Steve as he blushed. “...I thought you’d outgrow blushing this badly after all these years.”Bucky said looking at steve in bemusement.
he smirked a little. "i am adorable." he stated with a chuckle. "and i was not! i'll have you know i was only in a cast half the time!" he stated with a very superior tone. "...well..." here Steve looked a little guilty. "Tony's my closest 21'st century freind." he admitted. "he's an asshole but... he's really helped me a lot." he admitted, begging Bucky to understand. Steve wasn't replacing him. he would never do that. he just had made a few new freinds alongside Bucky. "You're captain!?" Steve demanded before glaring. "i TOLD you to fix the Spandex damn you!" he complained, crossing his arms. "and i'm not the one with a dildo crammed so far up his ass all he can think about is sex!" " he's getting good at the comebacks." Clint admitted with a laugh. "what's a Dildo?" Loki asked curiously before smirking at Tony. "all Kings need a Harem. are you not a King?" he asked, looking amused. "....shut up Bucky." Steve ordered, only going even more red. "eat food." he ordered to Bucky as Loki laughed and googled Dildos. "oooh Tony i want one of these." Loki ordered. "just imagine. you could tie me up, slip one of those in me and i'd be totally entertained for hours." he teased with a smirk. Bruce just sighed and shook his head. no matter what anyone did, no one could get the Asgardians to understand that it was not okay to talk about explicit sex in mixed company.
"No your not. And I have pictures to prove it.a cast all the time."bucky snickered before smiling,understanding even if it hurt."good.though thr idea of a stark being helpful when its not self serving is weird."bucky muttered shrugging a little before laughing at tony's words. "Yes my captain.your living in my tower aren't you?see,your mine....and why should I?you're the only person in the world who could look that good in spandex." "Hes ot you there,steve."bucky snickered swalloeing,resisting the urge to think about that. So not needing the mental image of steve in spandex right now.staring at steve for the dildo comment. "Fhat was fairly good." "I don't bottom,Rogers. And why are you obsessjng about my ass?something tou want to share?"tony smirked before grinning."I am a king. I even have enough room in the tower for a harem." "Tony you can't have a harem. Pepper would go ballastic."merry pointed out before blushing brightly at loki's words,wondering if the two brothers were always this open about sex."eat bucky."she sid shifting to let him sit down trying not to think about sex now as she grinned,pleased when bucky sat down and started chowing down
he rolled his eyes. "i was not! i'm gonna put YOU in a cast!" he warned before he smiled at Bucky. "Tony's not a thing like Howard." he admitted. "Tony's ten times the man Howard ever was." he admitted before rolling his eyes at Tony. "yes, i suppose i see it. and as your captain, i demand you shut up or eat carpet again." he warned, smirking a little. "besides, i look good in everything i wear." Steve stated with a haughty sniff. "now make me a proper outfit before i go insane. loving mothers everywhere keep shielding their children's eyes when the see me." he stated before he offered Tony a well practiced leer. "as feminine as you are Tony, how could i not be focused on your ass? it's your most commented upon feature after all. point and fact, nearly everyone in the world thinks your the greatest asshole in the world." Loki, Clint, Bruce, and Thor all started to laugh. "Tony deserves a Harem!" Loki complained. "why does Pepper get to control him? that's not fair! if he's King, she should obey him!" Loki stated, looking amused. "and naughty gods of mischief shouldn't be trying to get Tony in trouble with his boss." Steve commented. though, technically Pepper worked for Tony.
“....Yes, captain, my captain.”Tony rolled his eyes as he was told to shut up, smirking a little though as he got up to a popsicle, settling at the kitchen table silently eating a capsicle. “Fine. I’ll go do it after I finish eating.”Tony said around a mouthful of popsicle before stopping, staring at the other as he was leered at. “No, I have the greatest ass in the world.”Tony sniffed haughtily. “...No, that would be Steve. More muscley, not to mention he’s taller.”Bucky said with a smirk rolling his eyes at the slightly shorter brunette, oh yes, introducing tony and bucky was just a recipe for shenanigans to start happening. “Because Pepper is scary.”Tony sniffed looking amused as he looked at steve. “Besides, she works for me. I can have a harem if I want to.” “I’d love for you to tell her that Tony.”Natasha snickered as she looked at him, laughing as he winced a little. “I will! Totally.”
Steve offered Tony a small confused look before he glared at the sight of the 'Capsicle' "i am going to kill you Tony." Steve growled, glaring at the billionaire. " do have a pretty nice ass." Loki agreed as he studied Tony's rear end. "mine is better though." he admitted with a smirk. "mine is the best. Bucky is never wrong. unless he is." Steve admitted, looking amused as he gave his ass a little wiggle. "can i tell her?" Loki asked hopefully. "and then make her part of the Harem?" Loki mused. "she's pretty enough i suppose. she could be one of the dancers. or the feeders." "feeders?" "yeah. they basically just feed you food." Loki admitted with a grin. "and get you drinks and stuff." Loki admitted. "they are very important." he admitted with a nod. " can't just make a dancer do it?" "NO! the dancers have to dance, not serve food." Loki scoffed. "you don't know anything about Harems." Thor just chuckled a little. "Harems have a specific hierarchy." Thor explained. "the dancers do not have the same privileges as the feeders, the feeders do not have the same privileges as the masseuses." Thor explained. "only those who are the most favored, actually get to touch the Harem masters." Thor explained with a smile. "...Asgardians have Harems?" "of course. i myself have one. though, i have never bothered to accept anyone into my bed." Thor admitted. "none have caught my interest in such a way aside from the Lovely Jane... who, did not take to the idea of a Harem very well..." he admitted rather sheepishly.
“No you wont. You love me to much to do that.”Tony said grinning remorseless for eating a capsicle, eating it. “Hey. No, mine’s the best of the earth’s. Cap and Loki doesn’t count. You’re not from here, and the serum made your ass better.” “no it didn’t. He always had a amazing ass. And I’m always right, what are you talking about?”Bucky said rolling his eyes at his best friend before laughing at loki’s words about the harem. “...Uh, no. She really will kill me then, Loki.”Tony pointed out before looking interested in the idea of a harem. “....I feel like I need to go get a medieval history book to figure out what asgard is like.”Merry said looking interested before laughing at Thor’s sheepish look. “No, I’m sure she didn’t. Only Tony would enjoy the idea of having a harem. Most modern people wouldn’t like it.”Merry said thinking about it. "I wouldn't mind a harem."Bucky mused. "I stand corrected. Most modern women wouldn't want to be in a harem. it seems the guys would like it just fine."
Steve snorted. "your a pain." he complained. "it would be as taxing as swatting a mosquito." he admitted simply. "and just as emotionally taxing as spraying raid on a fly." he paused and flushed hard at Bucky's comment and muttered something unintelligible. it was very hard to hide his centuries long crush on Bucky when the man said things like that. granted, he could just tell Bucky how he felt, but he knew Bucky wasn't gay. it was proof enough just by the thirteen total pregnancy scares, fortunately, Bucky had never actually sired an offspring, as far as they knew. "it's not as if i sleep with them! i am a prince, they are a part of my life..." "most people only actually have one or two actual lovers." Loki explained. "the Harem is just... servants meant to make our lives pleasant... as i recall, i was never allowed to have a Harem when i turned of age." Loki stated with a scowl, Thor grimacing. "Father tried to arrange one for you, but no one wanted to serve you." Thor admitted, sounding quite ashamed. "i thought once that it was because they where frightened of your pranks." "...but it was because they knew..." Loki finished with a sigh. "and now i remember why i hated Asgard..." "i'm sorry brother... i shouldn't have said anything." "no... it's fine. it's better that i remember i guess..." "hey. you have a new home now." Steve commented suddenly. "you have us now." he promised. "we'll take care of you and Asgard can go fuck a monkey... did i say that right?" Steve asked, hesitating.
“Now that’s just mean, Capsicle.”Tony pouted.Bucky grinned as Steve blushed, pleased to see he still had a talent for making it happen, even with decades between them, and him finding a new best friend. It was weird to consider he was sharing steve’s attention, and tried to crush the jealous feelings that tightened his chest at tony’s obvious flirting, not understanding that tony was simply tony, and as such didn’t mean any of the flirting. His long time crush as hidden as it always was, he’d rather have some of steve’s attention then lose his friendship totally, so he’d never said anything about liking him, having thrown himself into dating women totally, and whole heartedly, quite evidenced with the 13 pregnancy scares.

“Well, we’ll have a harem here,though I don’t share well, and I’ll keep you to myself.”Tony muttered looking amused flicking a glance at bucky, trying to decide if the man was going to have a problem with him being openly bisexual, aware enough of 1940s culture to know it might be a problem. “Yes, that’s it. Though considering what some of the norse thought Loki got up to, I don’t want to tempt them to go fuck a monkey.” “ have a weird sense of humor, has anyone ever told you that, tony?”Merry said rolling her eyes. “Some, yes.”
Steve offered Tony a glare, stole the Popsicle out of the man's mouth, yanked Tony out of the chair and shoved the Popsicle down the back of the other's pants, right down the crack of the mans ass before he resumed his making of something more substantial for those where where STILL hungry. "...i think you finally crossed Cap's line." Bruce commented, sounding extremely amused as Tony tried to fish the Popsicle out. "well of course. i'm a prince you know." Loki stated. "people like me don't share." Loki admitted with a smirk. "....i did NOT have sex with a horse!" Loki complained, glaring at them all, making Thor laugh brightly. "very odd sense of humor." Bruce admitted, smirking as he glanced at Buck. "James, is it? i want you in my lab for a physical. i can't imagine being on Ice has been good for you." "good luck Bruce, he's even worse than i am." "...i'll examine him while he's asleep then?" Bruce asked amused before he paused. "...that... came out wrong..." Steve started to laugh. "no worse than Coulson." he admitted with a smile before wincing as he remembered the man was dead.
Tony yelped as he was shoved out of the chair, trying to squirm away from the other, glaring the whole time as he finally got the popsicle out, looking annoyed.”Well, in that case, I’m going to walk back across that line, and head to my lab. Later.”Tony scowled not looking overly amused as he headed for his lab. Merry frowned a little watching him go for a moment before laughing at loki’s words. “Good to hear you didn’t sleep with a horse.”She snickered before looking serious at bucky. “Yes, it’s james.”Bucky said tilting his head slightly, before frowning shaking his head. “I’m fine.”He said starting to turn stubborn about seeing a doctor before laughing, shaking his head. “Just stay away from me. I’m fine. Really.”Bucky said looking amused even if he didn’t understand totally what they were talking about with coulson
Loki chuckled as he slid out of his chair and took a moment to stretch out his sore muscles. Steve just ignored Tony, pouting in that 'i'm pretending i'm not annoyed but i am' way if his. "...i'm leaving as well." Loki huffed, shoving his nose in the air and stalking off to follow Tony. "Steve has a massive man crush on Bucky." Loki informed Tony. "it's making him grumpy. why does he not simply tell Bucky? it's not as if Bucky doesn't return the feelings... and what kind of name is Bucky anyway?" he asked, frowning a little. "makes me think of a beaver." he admitted with a shake of his head.

"i gave Steve a physical when he came back to the tower and your getting one too if i have drug you and tir you down like i did to Steve." "i had nightmares for quite some time." Steve grumbled. "but you won't get out of it Buckers." Steve warned, using that old nickname that Bucky hated more than anything. "besides, i ended up collapsing a day before i got my physical because of... uh..." "muscle shock." Bruce stated simply. "his body basically rejected that he was up and moving around." Bruce stated simply. "coupled with severe Anemia and a lack of potassium. dehydration too." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you're getting a physical."
"So I thought,after I watched thrm...kinda makes me want to flirt with Barnes."tony snickered before staring at loki,grinning."I'm building him a mechanical beaver and not telling him why hes getting it."tony smirked before settling at his workbench looking at the other."his middle name is bucannon, steve just called bucky."tony shrugged a little."and when they were kids,bisexuality wasn't accepted,nd often could get a guy killed. They've been hiding for so long I bet theyrr not even aware of how the other feels....I think I'm just going to keep flirting with Cap.bucky'll eventually lose his temper."tony said already starting to plot.

"...and here I thought you'd enjoy being tied down, Cap."bucky smirked a little,almost flirty but mire tired and sad. Sighing as he tried to decide if they'd let him get out of it,he looked at merry,figuring she'd be the weakest link. "Nu-huh,no don't give me that need looked over,even if you where awake for a some of thr time unlike steve."merry huffed,not about to let him wiggle out of it smirking a little at the stubborn look on the brunette's face."no. Just no."bucky scowled a little.
Loki grinned. "i know right? i thought Bucky was going to rip your spleen out." he admitted with a chuckle before he laughed brightly at the beaver comment. "ah. i see." he mused even though he didn't. "...oh. so they hide it because they think each other would be accepting." he mused. "interesting. how about you flirt with Steve and i'll flirt with Bucky?" he offered. "he's not quite my type but it's not like i actually want to crawl in bed with him. we just want to make Steve jealous right? that shouldn't be too hard." he paused. "i'm not entirely sure how to flirt though. you might have to teach me." Loki teased with a grin. "this is like, an epic prank. this is going to be great." he admitted with a laugh.

Steve snorted. "normally i would, but he had needles and it sort of killed the mood." he admitted with a snicker. "you're not getting out of it Bucky." Steve warned. "i felt like shit for a week because i kept trying to escape Bruce and ended up collapsing. if your that scared, i'll hold your hand." he promised, smirking a little. "come on Bucky, it's not so bad..." Steve promised with a smile. "medicine has really improved in the last seventy years. the needles barely even hurt now. and it's pretty cool when he brings out the MIR and makes pictures of your insides come up on the TV screen." Bruce chuckled. "MRI." he corrected.
“me to. That was amusing.”Tony snorted amused before smirking, “Exactly. We’ll just have to make it obvious that the other isn’t as off put by the idea as they seem to think they will be.”He smiled slightly, before nodding. “Well, if you take it at face value, he’s a slightly short brunette like me. Steve really would believe you’re hitting on him. Where
I have a habit of going after blonds. Though they’re usually female but, steve’s steve.”he snickered a little before leaning over to steal a kiss, “Hmmm, I’ll teach you whatever you want. You do well flirting with me.”He said wrapping a arm around him. “This is going to be the greatest prank really.”

“Yea, that is a mood killer.”Bruce said before frowning before glaring at the blond. “I do not need you holding my hand!”He sputtered though he did look indeed upset about the idea of going to the doctor’s. Though was it really any surprise, considering what surely hydra had done? Glaring at them all he scowled. “Fine. Let’s go get this fucking thing over with them.”He stood abruptly moving for the door.
Loki grinned a little and nodded. "if we get punched, it will be worth it." he agreed with a laugh. "...i suppose that's true." he agreed with a smirk. "and Bucky might even beleive it too, which will be hilarious. i can't wait to see how red he turns." he admitted with a chuckle. "you like Blonde's?" he asked with a grin as he pressed his hands to his hair line and pressed backwards, his hair turning blonde and curly. "hows that?" he asked with a grin before he kissed Tony back, humming happily. "it really is." Loki agreed with a smirk.

Steve smiled at Bucky and shook hsi head. "look, Bucky. it's okay, it really is. Bruce is the smartest person ever." he promised. "it won't hurt a bit and you do need it." he promised as he followed Bucky. "i'll explain what i'm doing." Bruce promised Bucky. "seams to make Steve feel better when i do that." he admitted as he led the way to his lab. "i'm going to take a blood sample so i can check your levels, and then i'm going to take a full body MRI so i can check for any breaks or tears in bones or muscles." Bruce explained as he indicated for Bucky to sit down. Steve sat next to him and let Bruce take blood from him as well. Bruce wanted to monitor the Serum, in case it did anything unexpected.

(Blonde Loki!)
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