Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime let out a scream of agony, her vision blurring heavily, threatening unconsciousness. She gasped in pain, feeling warm blood start to soak through her dress. Her stomach did a flip, it had been so long since she had been run through by anything, this being a cruel reminder of the pain it inflicted. "I take it... That means you don't mind eating High Elf shit." She grinned weakly up at him.
Mitsunari exploded and ripped the blade from her shoulder, raising it high to behead her, "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!!" "Mitsunari-sama!" Hidemune ran over and stood before Megohime protectively, "Yoshitsugu-sama told you that you had to control yourself!"
Megohime grunted in pain when the blade was ripped from her shoulder, instantly her hand clamping over the wound to slow the bleeding.

((You know what would be even better~? If Mitsunari saw that as Hide being too soft hearted and still having ties with the Stormcloaks, so he orders Hide to beat Mego instead~ Or we can skip Mego and he can have Hide personally bring him Iroh~?))
((Both is good~))

"Hidemune... Get out of the way." Megohime said, panting from her pain. "I married Masamune knowing that someday something like this might come.."
"Get out of the way, Hidemune..!" Megohime snapped, not wanting him to get hurt or worse, killed right then and there.
Mitsunari glanced at her before looking back at Hidemune. "Fine. You punish her then." "N-Nani?" Hidemune hesitated and Mitsunari scowled before pointing to Megohime. "Punish her." He snarled
Megohime felt a cold chill run down her spine, would Hidemune really follow through with Mitsunari's orders? She let her eyes fall on the ground, a small, bitter smile crossing her face; he had too, it was his only option.
Hidemune turned to Megohime and frowned. Memories flooded back to him of when she was forced to help him work around the keep and when they were almost considered friends made his heart ache. "Now, Hidemune." Mitsunari growled and Hidemune clenched his jaw. "Gomenasai, Megohime.." He muttered
Megohime made a soft noise and lowered her head, closing her eyes. "I understand, Hidemune.." She said, though her voice was still strained with hurt.
Hidemune began to punch her and kick her as hard as he could, feeling sick to his stomach. He didn't want to hurt her, he wanted this to be a peaceful hand-over of Riften. But he should have known that that was not how Mitsunari operated. He felt so horrible beating this poor woman, his friend. He had no choice, or be beaten himself.

"Hanase!!" Munekiyo shouted as the Imperials dragged him and his sister into the prison, "I'll have your head for this!" "Shut up, spoiled brat!" The soldier growled. Muuhime tried to keep calm as they threw her and Munekiyo into the cell across from Irohahime, Tadamune pushed in behind them. Munekiyo rushed to the cell door just as the closed and locked it. "Imperial dogs!" "I said shut up!" The soldier shoved him back by his head and Muuhime moved over quickly to help her brother
Soon Megohime was a crumpled bloody mess on the floor, not even making a noise when Hidemune's heavy boot connected with her broken ribs; blood trickled from her mouth and gushed from her nose, only slightly jerking with every kick, barely any light in her eyes.

Irohahime stared in horror as her siblings were dumped in cells, Minehime brought in and handed to Muuhime, before they locked them up. "What's going on? Why are Imperials in the city? Where's Kaa-sama..!?" She asked, her chest tight with worry.
Hidemune stopped, unable to hurt her anymore. Mitsunari made a noise and had Megohime dragged off. Hidemune shook with anger, clenching his fists.

"Shut up!" The soldier barked, "Your mother is dead!" "Liar!!" Munekiyo rushed forward and reached through the bars, grabbing the soldier's chest plate and slamming his face into the bars. Muuhime yanked Munekiyo back before another soldier could grab him
Irohahime was going to say something, but just then the door opened and a gaurd dragged Megohime in, dumping her roughly in a cell, before leaving. "Okaa-sama!!" Irohahime gripped the bars, tears in her eyes as she stared at her mothers battered, unmoving body.
Munekiyo was shaking with rage and Muuhime tried to stay as calm as possible. The soldiers laughed and left the dungeon, shutting the door behind them hard. "Onee-sama, is she...?" Muuhime looked numbly to Irohahime, hoping she could tell if Megohime was still alive
Irohahime trembled hard, staring at Megohime hard, trying to see any movement to indicate she wasn't dead. "Sh-She's breathing, but she doesn't look good.." She said.

((Time for Mitsunari to get his hands on Iroh~?))

"Jarl Mitsunari, there was a prisoner in the dungeon when we locked up the brats. A mage, by the looks of it." "I don't give a damn.." Mitsunari said uncaringly. The soldier made a face, "She looked familiar; kinda small and thin, white hair-" "What?" Mitsunari growled out. He looked to Hidemune, "Go get her." "Yes, my Jarl..." Hidemune responded lowly and left numbly for the dungeon
Irohahime never took her eyes off her mother, fear making her heart beat hard against her chest. "Kaa-sama.."
The prison door opened and Munekiyo rushed to the bars, "Oi, Imperial pricks! Let us out!" "Mune, yamette..." Muuhime frowned. Hidemune walked into view and Munekiyo made a face, "What do you want, sell out?" "Urusai." Hidemune said dryly before moving to Irohahime
"Hidemune, what happened to Okaa-sama?" She asked, moving closer to the bars, unknowing he was there to take her to Mitsunari. "Where's Kojurou and Shigenaga?"
She stepped away from him, a look of fear crossing her face. "Hidemune... What are you doing?" She asked.
Irohahime's eyes went wide and she backed away quickly. "H-Hidemune, please don't... This man is a terrible person..!" She was trembling out of fear. "Why are you letting him do this?"
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