Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune nodded, moving closer, "Geh. Nust lost tiiraaz wah lost zey lif, nuz nust mindoraan." He replied

((Yes. They were sad to have me leave, but they understand.))
She rumbled softly and lowered her head to the ground so Masamune could climb onto her neck. "Mu fend fahbo amativ ruz, ful hi aal daal wah hin ragnavir."

((We should continue onward then, so you may return to your family.))
Voslaarum took off into the air easily, heading to Skuldafn as fast as her wings could carry her; her entire body radiated heat, so even high up, and with how fast they were going, it stayed pretty warm. It took Voslaarum half a day to arrive, landing and lowering her neck so Masamune could dismount. "Zu'u nis kiibok hi naan zugut fein daar, you'll lost wah paagol ven kotin Sovengarde naalein. nir, Dovahkiin."

((I cannot follow you any further than this, you'll have to walk the path into Sovengarde alone. Good hunting, Dragonborn. ))
((Like this!))

It had been five days since Masamune had left to go defeat Alduin, and still there was no word, though Megohime hadn't expected him to return so quickly. Tadamune had been keeping things in good shape and all was going well, that was until there was a loud ruckus coming from the market. "What's going on?" Megohime stood and moved to the main doors, opening them to see what was going on. As soon as she opened the doors she was hit in the head with the butt of a sword, being stunned and knocked to the ground; Imperials had forced their way into the city. "Okaa-sama!" Tadamune stood to move over to his fallen mother, but something - no - someone caught his eye. An angry scowl crossed his face and he clenched his fists. "Jarl Mitsunari, what is the meaning of this?"
Mitsunari stalked into the keep, glowering at Tadamune. "I grow tired of Date Masamune ignoring my orders to hand Riften over to the Empire. So I have come to take it by force." He stated. Muuhime and Munekiyo watched from the archway leading to the bedrooms, looking a little worried for their older brother. Hidemune stood by the keep's door, eyes slightly wide. Mitsunari didn't seem like the type for such a cowardly action.
"Kaa-sama!" There was a swooshing sound followed by a hard thunk, Minehime standing behind Mitsunari, having just hit him in the back of the head with the broom handle. "Minehime!" Tadamune snapped, but only fear showed in his eyes, drawing his sword. "Get back!" He ordered his younger sister.
Mitsunari exploded and turned quickly, connecting the back of his hand hard with Minehime's cheek with such force that he sent her flying, "Minehime!" Muuhime and Munekiyo called out in fear
Minehime cried out in pain when Mitsunari hit her, dropping the broom and hitting the wall with a sickening crack, slumping to the floor unmoving. But before Mitsunari could even think, Megohime was on her feet and swinging, landing a punch so hard to his jaw, it nearly dislocated it, rage burning in her eyes.
Mitsunari lost it; he grabbed Megohime by the hair and threw her to the ground, kicking her hard in the ribs. "Okaa-sama!" "Leave her alone!" Muuhime and Munekiyo rushed out to protect their mother but Hidemune moved swiftly to stop them, not wanting Mitsunari to hurt them either. Munekiyo struggled, "Hanase, Hidemune!!" Munekiyo growled, but Hidemune held tighter
Megohime wheezed hard when his foot connected with her ribs, feeling a couple break from the armored boots, sending her tumbling across the floor. She ground her teeth and struggled to stand, her eyes falling on Minehime, who lay unconscious on the ground, her rage returning and she balled her fists again, going in for another swing, and at the same time, Tadamune swinging his blade to take off Mitsunari's head.
An Imperial soldier blocked Tadamune's blade while Mitsunari grabbed Megohime's fist and squeezed to a near breaking point. "Such barbaric tactics. The two of you sicken me." He growled
Megohime muffled her cry of pain, crumbling to her knees and trying pull her arm back, Tadamune growling lowly as he tried to push the soldier back. "And you're a coward for attacking in my husbands absesnce." She hissed at him.
"Your husband is a coward for ignoring me instead of confronting me like a true Nord." Mitsunari spat. Munekiyo struggled more and Muuhime glared hatefully, "Otou-sama is more of a man than you are, Ishida." Muuhime hissed. Hidemune squeezed her gently, "Urusai." He whispered. "Toothpick basatrd!" Munekiyo growled and Hidemune turned them both away, "Yamerou...!" "Hidemune." Mitsunari called lowly, making him tense, "Silence them before I kill them." "Try it, you freak!" Munekiyo snarled
Megohime yanked her hand free and moved over to Minehime, gingerly picking her up and cradling her gently, glaring up at Mitsunari. "You haven't won in fair combat against my husband, this little fools errand you've run means nothing. When my husband returns, he'll see your head roll off the block you son of a whore."
Mitsunari stared at her with an appalled expression. "Take the brats to the dungeon. I will deal with Date's wife." "Yes, Jarl." Soldiers moved towards Hidemune, grabbing Muuhime and Munekiyo, the twins kicking and screaming. Two soldiers moved to Megohime, one holding her back while the other took Minehime. Another ushered Tadamune along, asking for very little resistance
Megohime was screaming profanities as they pried Minehime from her arms, tears of anger welling up in her eyes. "You bastard!" She spat at him, struggling against the soldier, trying to break free from him. "I don't need permission from my husband to kill a coward like you!" She hissed. "I'll publicly execute you myself!"
Megohime flinched, but clenched her fists. "I have more power than you realize, you brow nosing son of a bitch." She hissed, slamming her head back against the soldiers nose before moving to punch Mitsunari hard in the nose.
Mitsunari grabbed her by the throat, even if she was still able to punch him, it wouldn't have hurt much. "I will take great pleasure in beating you senseless."
Megohime struggled to breathe, clawing at his hand and glaring death at him, grinding her teeth before she spit in his face. "Eat shit, Imperial." She ground out.
Mitsunari threw her into the wall and drove his blade into her shoulder all the way through the wall itself. Hidemune felt his chest tighten and his stomach do flips; he wanted to help but he couldn't go against Mitsunari
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