Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Then I would die, too! He's my jarl, I can't say no to him!" Hidemune stated, grabbing her forearm, "Please..." His eyes showed the confliction in his heart; he wished this wasn't happening but he had no power to stop it.
Irohahime blinked away her tears, following him out of the cell, eyes downcast, entire body trembling with the thought of what he would do to her.
Hidemune brought Irohahime out to of the prison and into the keep, stopping her in front of Mitsunari. The Jarl of Solitude sat in Masamune's throne, surrounded by Imperial soldiers. Mitsunari stared at Irohahime and scowled hatefully, "It's been a very long time, mage."
Irohahime wanted to run, run far from Riften and never come back, she wanted to cry and disappear, but she couldn't do anything. Keeping her mouth shut, she only looked at Mitsunari's feet, her gloved hands twisting at eachother in her anxiety.
"I still have to repay you for nearly destroying Lord Hideyoshi's land." Mitsunari stated darkly. Hidemune frowned and stepped away from Irohahime as Mitsunari stood and moved closer
Irohahime tensed hard as he moved closer, her heart jumping into her throat. "P-Please don't do this..." She begged, shuffling away from him a step.
Irohahime let out a sob, standing stock still, eyes squeezed tightly shut. "Gomenasai..!!" She apologized, head turned away from him.
He noticed burn scars from under the robes and scowled before ripping off the robes, leaving her bare for all to see. "Lord Mitsunari!" Hidemune gasped
Irohahime stumbled to the ground, covering her chest in shame and curling into a ball, tears streaming down her face as she tried to make herself as small as possible. Most of her skin was silvery pink, dotted with red and slightly wrinkly, covering more than half of her body, most of the scarring on her back, hips and thighs, arms and legs; burn scars even covered parts of her chest, inner legs and a part of her neck.
Hidemune moved to shield her but was grabbed and pulled away. Mitsunari grabbed Irohahime by her hair and hoisted her back up to her feet, "Disgusting. No wonder you hade under so much cloth."
She let out a strangled cry of pain and tried to shy away from him, keeping her arms hugged to her breasts to hide them, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Please stop... Please..!" She begged.
"My Jarl, stop!" Hidemune yelled. Mitsunari looked to him and dropped her, "Defending yet another woman?" "She's already paid for her crimes, she doesn't-!" "If she still breathes, she hasn't yet paid for her sin!!" Mitsunari shouted
When Mitsunari dropped her, Irohahime crawled to her clothes, picking them up and shakily putting them back on, trembling so hard she had a hard time pulling her arms through the sleeves.
"Take her from my sight. I don't want to look upon her until I'm ready to deal with her." Mitsunari growled and a couple soldiers grabbed Irohahime, dragging her off
Irohahime did her best to hold her robes closed, crying softly as they brought her back to her cell and dumped her inside, leaving her to pick herself off the ground and fumble with tying her robes closed, hugging herself and refusing to face her siblings.
"Onee-sama!" Munekiyo and Muuhime were up against the bars as soon as the soldiers left, looking her over with worry, "Are you ok?" "What happened?!"
Irohahime just shook her head, wiping her tears away with her sleeve and keeping herself hunched over where she had been dropped.
The rest of the day went by dreadfully slow, and Minehime still hadn't regained consciousness; Irohahime sat in the farthest corner of her cell, staring at the wall, and Megohime remained incapacitated.

((Whenever you're ready~))
A couple days passed before the prison door opened and a large group of soldiers approached Irohahime's cell, "Let's go, little mage." They jeered. "Leave her alone!" Munekiyo growled but they ignored him
Irohahime didn't move for a moment. "Minehime, my little sister, is hurt... Please, she's only nine... Please let a healer come and see her..." She begged the guards.
"That's up to Jarl Mitsunari, not us. But don't hold your breath for a healer." One stated. Munekiyo was losing his cool, cursing and screaming at them as Muuhime tried to calm him
Irohahime nodded numbly before standing, moving to the door. "Please... At least see if you can get her a potion... I'll cooperate.." She said.
They didn't oblige her with an answer, just escorted her from her cell and out of the prison. Munekiyo was shaking, moving to Tadamune and beating on his chest, screaming and yelling about how this was stupid and unfair and how he wanted Masamune home
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