Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Tadamune had been completely silent, frowning heavily. "There's nothing I can do.. The only hope we have now is that we aren't all brought to the block." He said, having never been prepared for a situation like this.

Irohahime held onto her robes tightly, swallowing the lump in her throat that formed when she entered Mistveil, glancing up at Mitsunari as she approached, fearing the worst.
"Mune, onegai..." Muuhime touched Munekiyo's shoulder but he pushed her away, storming to the far wall

Mitsunari glowered at her, "Your punishment begins today and will continue until I grow bored of you."
Irohahime remained in the same spot, not moving an inch, and not meeting his gaze. She wrung her hands, a heavy feeling of dread growing in her stomach.
Irohahime felt her cheeks grow hot and she tried to push their hands away, shying away from their touch like it burned her. "St-Stop it..!"
Irohahime started to scream, kicking and lashing out at anyone she could reach, thrashing and struggling to get away. "Stop!! Let me go!!" She screamed, though she was more begging than demanding.
Every struggle was in vain, because for the next hour or so, Irohahime was taken against her will repeatedly, each soldier being allowed his turn and then some. She laid in a sweaty heap on the bed, shoulders and head being pressed into the bed as one of the soldiers finished, holding her hips up in the air. With one final thrust, and a loud grunt, he spilled his seed inside of her, remaining inside her for a moment longer before he let her drop back onto the mattress, standing to clean and clothe himself. Blood trickled from Irohahime's womanhood and she stared at the wall blankly, tears staining her cheeks; everything hurt. Her womanhood throbbed with them taking her suddenly and far too roughly, bite marks and bruises covering her shoulders, neck, and breasts. "Her skin may make her look like an old hag, but she's one fine woman." One of the men snickered.

((And I'm really sorry if this is triggering! Dx If it is, I'll edit it!))
((*deep breath* I'm good!))

There was a pounding on the door and one of the soldiers who had already received his turn looked back with a scowl. "What, did someone else wanna have some fun?" He huffed, moving to the door. Before he could open it, it was kicked down; Hidemune stood angrily at the door, glaring death at each and every one of them. "Get. Out." He growled and they all complied quickly, putting back on their armor or tunics before rushing out. Hidemune moved in and gently covered Irohahime, "Nee-chan...hey, can you hear me?" He called gently, afraid to touch her in fear of triggering her
((If you're not, just say so! You won't hurt my feelings!))

Irohahime didn't move, she refused to acknowledge that she exsisted in that moment, keeping her eyes trained on the far wall. Hidemune's voice was blocked out and she didn't even register that he was there, but fresh tears welled in her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.
Irohahime cringed and a soft whimper left her, eyes closing slowly to try and block him out.

((Should we jump to the part where Masa comes in on Mitsunari torturing Iroh hardcore~? Or is there something else you wanna do~?))

Minehime had finally awoken, but she had a rather bad concussion and was for the most part out of it, Tadamune making sure that when the guards came, she was safe. Megohime had also regained consciousness, but she hadn't moved from her spot on the floor, wheezing weakly and struggling to stay awake. She battled a fever due to her festering shoulder wound, and she had many broken ribs. "Why hasn't Irohahime... Been brought back yet...? What's going on...?" She asked weakly from the floor, trying to get some answered as to what was happening every time her daughter was taken upstairs for hours at a time, usually coming back deathly quiet.
"We don't know...they keep taking her and bringing her back whenever..." Munekiyo answered quitely, almost numbly. Muuhime stayed with her twin, having little hope that they would make it out of this alive, "I miss Otou-sama...."
Megohime clenched her jaw, eyes watering. "Your father will come back, I promise you that... And when he does, he'll make that son of a bitch pay."

((So what would make Masa more angry, him walking in and seeing his daughter being drown or him coming in and seeing her being whipped bloody?))
((I think the drowning would...but then again, they would be whipping her scars and making them even worse...that's a tough choice xD))

From one of the cells came the sound of stone grinding against stone before quiet footsteps were heard. "Megohime-dono?" It was Kojurou. "Tadamune-sama? Muuhime and Munekiyo?" "Kojurou...! Shigenaga...!" Muuhime and Munekiyo rushed to the bars, trying to find the two. Kojurou and Shigenaga exited a cell and moved over, Shigenaga working on the kids locks while Kojurou went to Megohime
((I think the whipping would be more rage inducing~))

Megohime made a noise of relief, this being the only good thing to happen in days. "Kojurou, you listen to me right now. You take my children and you leave, you need to leave me here, do you understand? I'm going to buy you as much time as I can." She ground out, slowly getting to her feet, even though a look of agony crossed her face. "Please don't argue..."
Kojurou frowned heavily and handed her a healing potion, "Please don't do anything rash...you're as wild as your husband." He told her.

((Whipping it is!))
She grinned weakly and uncorked the top, downing the potion. "You have little faith in me, Kojurou.." She said, leaning against the bars. "Just make sure my children are safe... And once you get them out.. Find Irohahime. Only the Divines know what they've been doing to her.." She said. Almost as a cruel joke, a horrendous scream of agony tore through the keep and echoed into the prison; Irohahime's. She laid on the ground, trying to crawl away from the soldier who held a white hot metal poker, laughing at his work. A burn on her cheek below her eye was already blistering, and he wasn't done yet. "Oh damn, I missed your eye. Here, let's try again."
"Onee-sama!!" Munekiyo yelled but Shigenaga held him back firmly, "We need to leave. Come on, through the secret tunnel..." Shigenaga ushered them out steadily and towards the cell with the ecale route. Kojurou frowned softly and bowed to Megohime, promising to get Irohahime back before they too the kids any farther than needed.

The door opened behind the soldier before he was run through by a blade. Mitsunari pulled his sword free and wiped the blood from it, scowling, "Why do you insist on having her make such irritating sounds." He growled lowly, "If anyone is to punish her in such a manner, it's me."
Irohahime held her hand gingerly over the burn, shaking her head and trying to make herself as small as she could. "Please don't do this... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, I'll do anything you want..! Just please stop..!" She begged. The soldier lay dead at Mitsunari's feet, the poker smoking on the floor.
Irohahime clenched her jaw and hugged herself, lowering her head. She didn't want anymore punishment, she couldn't handle any more. It had alternated between being lashed with a whip by Mitsunari himself, to some of the Imperials defiling her repeatedly. "Please, no more..." She whispered.
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