Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Her hands are still bound~))

"Please don't... I can't see my father... Not after disgracing him again like this..!" She said, her eyes holding a pained look.

((But she also has a concussion~))
((Does Masa know what happened to Iroh?))

As soon as she was cut free, Irohahime latched onto Koji, trembling hard, and pressing herself against his chest even harder.
Irohahime numbly got dressed, standing from the bed with the help of Koji, holding onto his arm and leaning against him, staying as close as she could.
Koji brought her out of Mistveil as carefully as he could, moving into the prison slowly, assuring her that nothin would happen. "LET US OUT!!" Munekiyo's voice echoed, "He's gonna kill her! He's gonna kill Okaa-sama!!"
((Does he have Shige, Mego, Kojurou at the block right now~?))

Irohahime pointed to the keys hanging on the wall; the sound of metal being slammed against. Tadamune was slamming a bucket against the lock, Minehime covering her ears and sitting in the corner.
Koji grabbed the keys and rushed over. "Who the hell are you?" Munekiyo asked. "He wants to marry Onee-sama.." Muuhime said. Koji started unlocking the cell, nodding

((In Riften or in Solitude??))

Tadamune moved over and picked up Minehime, carrying her out of the cell once the door was open. "Did you see my mother? Did they have her in the keep? What about Katakura?" "Where's Tou-sama..?" Minehime whined.
((Riften! In the Graveyard! :D ))

"I haven't seen them yet...but Masamune-sama is fine, he's fighting to regain control of Riften." Koji explained.

"Mitsunari!" Masamune hollared, approaching the scene of Mitsunari with his wife and housecarl on makeshift headblocks. Mitsunari scowled softly, raising his hand to halt the execution
"Then I must join him." He said, handing Minehime off to Muuhime, grabbing a sword off the wall and rushing from the jail to find his father.

Megohime couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face, her heart jumping into her throat when she heard Masamune, even though she was just about to be executed. The headsman lowered the axe that was prepared to come down on Kojurou's head, taking a few steps away from the group.
"Matte!" Koji called and cursed under his breath. Munekiyo held Irohahime's hand, "Go help Otou-sama..." "Yeah...we'll watch these two..." Munekiyo and Muuhime said. Koji nodded and gently handed Irohahime to Munekiyo before following Tadamune

"The hell do you think you're doing?" "Claiming this Hold for the Empire." Mitsunari sneered. Masamune scowled and nudged his head to his wife and housecarl, "And them?" "Execution for betraying the Emperor." Masamune scowled even more and Fus'd, knocking Mitsunari down. He glared at the headsman, "Leave." He hissed.
The headsman nodded and quickly left, leaving the scene before he was killed. "He has the children, are they still here?" Megohime sounded frantic. "He was planning to ship them somewhere, and I can only guess he's been beating Irohahime with how she comes back with a bloody back."
Masamune shook with rage. "Masamune-sama!" Koji called, running iver with Tadamune. Masamune didn't take his eyes off Mitsunari, "Where's Irohahime?"
Tadamune took to his fathers side, weapon in hand, but bags under his eyes; he felt guilty. "She's with Munekiyo and the others, they're all alive." He said, moving over to cut the bindings that trapped Kojurou and Megohime.
Kojurou rubbed his wrists and went to go help his son; Masamune paid his housecarl no mind, just glad to see one of his offspring was well. Koji gripped his greatsword firmly as he and Masamune made sure Mitsunari didn't move while Tadamune helped Megohime
When Megohime was cut free, she limped over to stand behind Masamune, holding her left side, and cringing with every breath. "How are you planning to get all the Imperial's out of here?"

((He could either ask Mitsunari nicely or summon Voslaarum~?))
((Both xD))

Masamune made a noise and nodded to Mitsunari, "I'll give you a choice; leave peacefully or I call my friend and she can make you leave." "Riften belongs to the Empire!" Mitsunari spat. Masamune gave a half-hearted shrug, "Suit yourself." He said before taking a deep breath, "VO-SLAA-RUM!" He Shouted and the earth shuddered at his Voice
Megohime made a face, unsure of what her husband was doing, but she didn't question him. Within seconds a loud roar echoed through Riften, the ground shaking, and not a moment later, a large blue beast landing on the Temple of Mara. Voslaarum flapped her wings to stablize herself before folding her wings and lowering her head to look at Mitsunari, blowing smoke from her nostrils. She made a low rumbling, the side of her face that still had skin lifted to expose blackened teeth. "Dovahkiin, wo los daar... Scrawny... kiir?" She rumbled. Megohime stood in shock, staring up at Voslaarum in awe.

((Dragonborn, who is this scrawny child?))
Mitsunari's eyes widened and he stumbled away slightly. Masamune gestured to the Jarl, "Daar nikriin lor nii onik wah verut dii hofkiin ahrk fron fod Zu'u lost hond."

((This coward thought it wise to endanger my home and kin while I was away.))
A snarl was torn from Voslaarum's throat, her golden eyes falling back into Mitsunari. "Common mortal men are... Gekrastok, sickening. Speaking in this guttural language is almost humiliating, so answer my questions and do not make me repeat myself. Is this true you attacked Dovahkiin's kin while he was away, unable to protect his family?"
Mitsunari hardened his expression, scowling at the dragon. "He refused to surrender Riften to the Empire as demanded." "He would not fight me in honorable combat for my Hold, as I negotiated." Masamune added, making Mitsunari glare
Voslaarum had either been running short on patience that day, or she really didn't like the smell of Imperials; blowing a hot breath in Mitsunari's face, which smelled overwhelmingly like fire and ash, she unfurled her wings slightly. "If you fight without honor, why fight at all." She hissed. "Leave, before I decide to show you how to fly like a Dovah."
Mitsunari growled lowly under his breath before storming off, hollaring to his men that were still alive to leave. Masamune bowed to Voslaarum, "Hi lost dii kogaan."

((You have my thanks.))
Voslaarum bowed her head in return. "Zu'u saraan hin uth waan hi los ko praag do frey." And with that, the dragon spread her wings and took flight. Megohime rubbed her temple with one hand. "We should go check to see if the kids are alright..." She stopped and looked to Koji. "When I was taken... Irohahime was not in the jail cells with us, but yet you said she's safe... Where was she?"
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