Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Let's go~!))

Megohime woke with a start, covered in a cold sweat and wide-eyed, then she realized it had all been a dream. She sat up and shook her head, wiping her eyes with a sigh. She didn't remember all of her dream, but it had been pretty weird.
((Whoever you want~))

"Megohime! Are you still sleeping?" Kiyoaki called from downstairs, making Megohime sigh softly. "No, I'm up..." "Good, because you need to get your things, starting from today onward you're going to be living with the Date until you come of age to marry him." Megohime had dreaded this day for weeks, it being an arranged marriage to mend a bond, mostly for political reasons. She had never even met Masamune before, but she heard stories of his strength and prowess even at a young age. "Hai.." After packing up and saying her goodbyes, she headed for the carriage that would take her to Riften.
"Kojurou, stop." "You need to look presentable for your fiancè, Masamune-sama." Kojurou straightened Masamune's clothes, making the young Jarl-to-be irrate
"Masamune-sama, your fiancé has arrived, she's waiting downstairs." A maid called from outside of Masamune's bedroom, bowing before leaving. Megohime stood uncomfortably in a fur trimmed cloak, waiting in front of the throne with a soft frown.
Megohime picked lightly at her arm guards, shifting her weight from foot to foot and brushing her thick, black hair over her shoulder. Her garnet eyes flickered over the keep, a look of disinterest on her face.
When Masamune entered, she looked him up and down, finally being able to see him for the first time. He looked nothing like nobility though, he looked more like a bandit in noble clothing than anything else, with one eye bandaged and his scruffy, shoulder-length hair.
Megohime bowed as well, staring up at Masamune with a soft scowl. "Tamura Megohime, from Windhelm, it's my pleasure to meet you." She said, giving him a customary introduction.
Megohime looked just about as excited as Masmaune was, saying a stiff thank you and following him to where her bedroom would be.

((Whenever you wanna shove Kojurou into the trap~))
Megohime slowed her pace and frowned. "What's that noise?" She asked, looking to Masamune for an answer.
Megohime was taken by surprise when he grabbed her wrist, following him blankly before yanking her wrist away. "Don't touch me." She said, scowling softly.
Irritation flared inside her and Megohime walked past him, brushing shoulders a little roughly with him as she did. "You're so generous, my husband."
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