Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Kojurou scowled softly, having stalked a hige buck for miles and now losig sight of it. He was sure ilhe had gone west but now amongst the large trees of the Rift, he couldn't see very many game. He huffed and walked around carefully, keeping his eyes open and his bow drawn. When he stepped on a pile of leaves, however, they fell through to a hidden hole and he fell forward, crying out in surprise. When he landed, he released his arrow and it pierced his leg, causing him to gnash his teeth together and swallow the loud shout of pain
The fall was long enough to at least badly sprain ones ankles, the home being wide and the walls vertical, so it'd be impossible to climb. The trap was meant for prey, but it had caught someone else instead.
Not long after Kojurou fell, dirt tumbled down into the hole, landing on Kojurou's head. A shadow was cast over him before a rope was thrown down into the whole, and a slender figure slid down the rope and landed easily on the bottom of the pit. It was a Bosmer woman with golden eyes, who had on leather hunting gear and an ebony bow and arrows on her back. She frowned softly at the arrow in Kojurou's leg and started to dig through her pack to see what she had to help him. "Did you break you legs?"
She kneeled beside him, her back length braid swinging over her shoulder, appearing to be woven gold in the dark. Pulling out a steel dagger, she expertly cut off the leather boot Kojurou was wearing, carefully removing it. She tied a leather strip around his calf, above the arrow and carefully grippjng the shaft of the arrow and beginning to saw the arrow in half with the blade. Once the arrow was in half, she slowly pulled the rest of the arrow out, wrapping the wound with cloth tightly once it was removed. "I can't do anything else here, I'm sorry, but Riften isn't that far, I'm sure they have a healer there." She said, tossing aside the broken arrow and wiping the blood off her hands. "Y'know... I haven't seen very many hunters fall into a out trap..." She teased, but it wasn't mean, it was more of a concerned scolding.
She laughed softly. "Why don't we get you out of here, don't want something else coming along and falling down on our heads." She said, sticking her hand out. "Jin, desu."
She shook his hand gently, a soft smile on her face. "Nice to meet you, Katakura-dono." She said, pulling him onto his feet.
Kojurou tried to keep the weight off his ankle, hoping he didn't seem like a fool infront if this incredily attractive Bosmer. "Nice to meet you, too.."
She smiled softly and climbed back up the rope, waiting at the top to help him up if he needed the help.
When he neared the top, she helped him up, grabbing onto his forearm and the back of his armor to haul him onto the ground with a soft grunt of effort.

((Her stamina is actually super crazy, so that's why she's like a long distance runner; she also has really good upper body and core strength because in Valenwood, the trees move are migratory so they have to be able to keep up and climb up them really fast~))
((Neat littl thing, huh? C: ))

Kojurou goaned slightly, giving a small thanks, "Masamune-sama will be a little disappoited that I returned empty handed...but he'll understand..." He muttered, more to himself
"Masamune-sama?" She echoed. "You mean the newest Jarl of Riften? You must be his Housecarl then, hm..." She made a soft noise. "I do have a buck that I can spare, I am only feeding myself after all, and I've caught plenty of rabbits." She said.
She held up a hand and shook her head. "There are plenty of game in these woods, do not worry yourself." She said.
She nodded and helped him to his feet, leading him to the dead deer that had been tied down into a cart, walking with him back to Riften.
When they eached the gates, the guards moved over to help Kojurou. Kojurou turned to Jin and held out a hundred gold, "Here...please take this for your help..."
She shook her head and held up her hands. "I couldn't possibly take your money." She said. "I wouldn't feel right, anyways, I was only lending a hand, isn't that what any kind person would do?"
"Then at least accept ten septiums and stay at the Inn for the night...any food or drink is on me. It's the least I can do." He offered, "A kindness for a kindness.."
She seemed like she was going to refuse, but she nodded and took the coin thankfully, bowing her head. "Thank you, Katakura-dono." She said. "Your hospitality is most appreciated."
"I am the one to thank you...I'd probably be dead had you not found me.." He said bemusedly, "Just tell Keerava I sent you and that I will cover anything you purchase aside from the room."
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