Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Well, why don't you tell her yourself and join me for something to drink tonight, if you're free that is?" She asked, hoping she wasn't intruding on his duties.
She smiled softly. "Would you mind meeting me for a drink then? If your leg doesn't hinder you too much that is."
Jin bought a room and headed up to it, setting her bow and arrows at the end of the bed before heading back down to the bar, after locking up her bedroom door.
Kojurou arrived a few moments later in more simple clothes rather than his armor and coat. He smiled softly when he spotted Jin and moved over, barely a limp in his stride
When Kojurou sat down, Jin looked up and smiled softly, pushing a glass of ale towards him. "It's nice to see you're doing better." She said. "How's your leg?"
Jin took a drink of hers, enjoying the sweet drink. "If I may ask, Katakura-dono, why is a Housecarl out hunting? To my knowledge, aren't they advisors for the Jarl?"
Kojurou smiled faintly, "With Masamune-sama so young and all available persons helping him better become Jarl, there isn't much help left to gather the food for our cook. He has an assistant, but she can barely fish let alone hunt, so I go out and gather elk and deer as well as goats and rabbits for our meat." He explained, "I used to hunt with my father before illness took him, now it's just nice to hone my skills.."
She made a soft noise. "It's noble of you to handle so many duties at once." She said, looking down at her drink. "If I may ask, what is the Jarl of Riften like? I've heard tales of the other Jarl's, but not much on him."
Kojurou made a face; she probably thought Masamune to be some kind of hooligan. "Masamune-sama is...different..." He started, "His duties as Jarl were thrusted upon him rather early so he tries to handle things appropriately. There are times, however, when he acts out..."
Jin made a noise. "I think it was very brave for him to take on those responsibilities, even if he does make mistakes, as you said." She said.
"I suppose the only thing you can do is give him a chance." She said honestly. "You can't expect someone to prove their worth it you don't give them the chance."
She nudged his shoulder with hers, giving him a small smile. "Come now, we're here to enjoy a drink, are we not?"
"There isn't much to tell, really..." He replied, "My family owes The Date a great deal and it is my sworn duty to care for Masamune-sama...I have to protect him and guide him to make good choices when he's fully appointed Jarl..."
She stared at him with golden eyes for several seconds, choosing her words carefully, as to not offend him. "I think you're a very noble man, Katakura-dono, you put every ounce of yourself into your duties, and that's very admirable." She said, rolling the bottle between her palms
Kojurou blushed faintly, "It's only fair that you tell me a small ounce about yourself...u-unless you don't want to! I-I don't wish to be rude!"
She shook her head with a small laugh. "No it's alright. I was born in Valenwood, and decided to come here once I was seventeen. As you already know, I'm a hunter, and well... That's all really, just experiencing the world." She said with a small smile.

A young woman, around nineteen, walked down the path behind a tall man, carrying three heavy sacks full of food, her sickle and weight handing at her side, making their way back down towards the sea, where a ship lay in wait. "This months crops have increased, Motochika." She informed; a freshly healed scar running horizontally over her nose.
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