Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana let her eyes follow Motochika, watching him with a gentle expression, her cheeks flushing pink as her gaze traveled over his lips.
Her heart beat against her chest hard, cheeks flushing more. "Hey, Motochika.." She called softly, taking a step closer to him, armor clinking softly.
Without answering, she reached out and brushed a small leaf from his hair, letting her fingers run through the wild locks. "You, uh, had a leaf in your hair.." She said, her face going red with embarrassment, pulling her hand back.
Motochika rose an eyebrow at her before smirking and leaning forward, kissing her gently. He pulled back and went back to the stew, "Gomen, but you had something sweet on your lips and I had to get it off~"
Nana stood shocked, feeling her lips for a moment before moving over, grabbing his shirt collar and leaning up to kiss him, pressing her lips against his. She had to stand up on her toes, chest resting against his, her other hand resting against his stomach.
Nana gripped his shirt and pulled his hips closer, returning his kiss deeply, closing her eyes and making a soft noise.
Nana let out a small noise, face flushing red and her arms snaking around his neck, her kisses growing more heated.
She panted softly, nodding and letting go of him. "Gomen.." She said, but didn't move too far away from him.
Motochika chuckled and checked the stew, satisfied to see it finish so quickly. Dampening the fire slightly, he poured her a bowl and held it out for her, "Here ya go!"
She took the bowl gratefully, getting a wooden spoon and tasting it. She was silent for a minute before she took another bite, smiling up at Motochika. "It's good." She admitted with a small laugh.
She laughed again, taking another bite, finishing her meal in minutes. "Thank you, Motochika."
"Aye..!" She sat her bowl down and headed back up the stairs onto the deck, alerting the crew to ready the sails and set course for home.
Nana helped raise the sails and bring the anchor up, excited to see home once again.

That night had been one of the nights Masamune would meet with Kojurou and discuss plans on keeping Riften in top condition, giving Megohime the perfect chance to sneak into Masamune's room to find out what was making all the ruckus at night. Picking open the lock, she slipped inside the room quietly, closing the door behind her and moving inside. She had only taken three steps inside when something large slammed into her, making her scream in surprise and draw her dagger, spinning quickly to face whatever had bodyslammed her. The beast let out a snarl as her dagger cut its wing, grey teeth bared as the girl backed quickly into the corner. It was twice the size of a hunting dog, and nearly as big as the draft horses down in the stables, dark blue and black scales covering it; a slender tail slowly swaying back and forth, two small horns curved backward out of its skull.
The door was thrown open and Masamune rushed in, only takin half a second before becoming livid, "Voslaarum! Steg hond nol kon!" He ordered firmly, the room vibrating at his voice

((Step away from the girl))
"In, Zu'u rund ahkrop do, ahrk voth zun..!" She hissed, but took a step back from Megohime, leaving a trail of blood on the ground, the transparent flesh of her wing torn in one place. Megohime was backed into a corner, dagger out in front of her, terror on her face. "What the hell is this thing?!" She demanded.

((Master, I found her sneaking about, and with a weapon.))
"Kojurou, she's bleeding!" "Megohime?" Kojurou asked. Masamune glared as he moved to his hatchling, frowning softly, "Get little miss princess out of my room while I care for Voslaarum." Masamune ordered. Kojurou bowed his head and moved carefully to Megohime. "Dreh nii ahraan?" Masamune asked his tiny friend gently, carefully examining her wing
((Voslaarum is almost as big as a horse, but still kinda the size of a dog, btw.))

Voslaarum was still agitated, even after Megohime left, but she laid her head at Masamune's feet and puffed smoke from her nose. "Nii los pus ahraan, nuz nii tul ahraan." She rumbled softly, spreading her wing slowly so Masamune could see the wound better.

((It's a small wound, but it still hurts.))
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