Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I hear that the trees and forests of Valenwood are a beautiful sight to see." He commented

The tall young man with wild white hair looked back with a grin, "Aye, the tundra is kind to us this month!"
"They are, Valenwood is nothing like here... It's always warm, and it rains often; and the trees move more than the beasts do." She said, a hint of longing in her voice.

Nana couldn't help but smile back a little, her cheeks flushing when he turned and smiled at her, her heart skipping a beat. She had left her hometown almost seven months ago to travel the seas with Chosokabe's crew, having met and shortly after getting into a fight, he had bested her, something she hadn't found any man could do. She respected him and he treated her just like any other of the crew, regardless of her being a woman; she enjoyed it. "Aye, they are."
"Would you...want to return one day?" He asked carefully

"Pretty soon we'll return to port in Dawnstar, make sure there aren't any Imperials running around and we can shove off to another grand adventure!" He said
Jin glanced at him and then back down at her bottle. "Maybe one day, but not anytime soon, why thinking you want to try some of the big game back in Valenwood?" She teased lightly.

She grinned and nodded. "Aye, and it'll be good to bring food back home." She said, shifting the bag of potatoes that sat on her shoulder.
"Well...I wouldn't mind a hunter's invite, should the occassion arise." He replied

Motochika nodded as he helped her bring the food on board. It had been a good long while since they had been in Dawnstar; they had been traveling around Tamriel by sea for many a moon.
"I would be honored to have you hunt at my side." She said, taking another drink of ale.

Nana unloaded the food into their correct barrels, making sure she put plenty of salt in the fish barrel to preserve the fish.
Jin rose her bottle slightly, finishing off her drink and setting the empty bottle down.

Nana's cheeks flushed slightly and she closed the fish barrel, turning to face him. "Ha ha, funny. Have you even cooked before?" She shot back, a lop-sided grin on her face.
Kojurou sighed contently, setting his empty mead aside. The door opened and a guard moved over, whispering in his ear. Kojurou frowned and sighed before looking to Jin, "Forgive me, but it would seem that Masamune-sama needs me.."

"I know plenty about cooking." He smirked, pinching her cheek, "Whether you'll like it or not is different."
She waved her hand dismissively. "Don't concern yourself for me, I'll be fine." She said, then added. "I may stay a few days, we should have another drink together sometime?"

She frowned and smacked his hand away lightly. "Please, I doubt you could even boil water." She said, crossing her arms over her chest, giving him a challenging smirk.
Kojurou nodded, moving from the stool, "Of course." He replied before handing Keerava fifty septiums to cover Jin's food expenses before leaving with the guard

Motochika puffed up his chest, accepting her challenge, "Rin! I need a handful of lavender, two tomatoes, two cloves of garlic and a pound of Horker meat!"
((Should we have this be the first account of Masamune pranking Mego? Or should Mego have found Voslaarum~?))

Nana watched as a young boy of around nine or ten run in with a large bag full of the ingriedients Motochika needed. For now, he was only allowed to help in the kitchen, being far too young to work on deck. "Here ya go, Cap'n!"
Megohime stood, furious, before Masamune, arms crossed over her chest. "Are you serious? A freak accident? I've never seen magic like this before, and how is it that only my clothes were frozen solid?" All of her clothing, except for her undergarments, were laid out at Masamune's feet, frozen solid and steaming, chunks of ice coating them.

Nana followed Motochika down to the kitchen, Ren running off to the storage rooms again. "I still don't believe that you can cook."
Masamune was laughing behind his hand, body shaking, "I-I dunno what it is, I'm sorry!" He said between laughs

"Watch and learn." He stated smugly as he filled the cooking pot with water an lighting the cooking spit while he prepared the ingredients
Megohime nearly screamed, her anger boiling over. "I know you did this! I can see you laughing- and what is that terrible growling that always comes from your room!?" She demanded.

Nana leaned against one of the walls, watching him work in silence, a dark eyebrow raised slightly.
"I have a dog that likes to eat snibby rich girls. She can smell your expensive life style and wants to nibble in your bones!" He said tauntingly, chomping his teeth loudly

Chopping up the horker meat and dropping it in the pot, he sprinkle in the lavender and started grating the garlic and chopping the tomato
Megohime's eyes widend slightly, rage igniting within her. With one stride forward, she smacked Masamune across th face hard, glaring down at him, cheeks flushed red. "I don't want this marriage anymore than you.."

She watched him work, looking up at his face every now and again, finding herself smiling softly as a look of concentration was plastered across his face; he was even very precise with cutting the meat, and careful with the lavender.
Masamune exploded and used Fus, sending her stumbling backwards, "Show respect, you viper woman!" "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou moved over and grabbed Masamune's arm, "What are you doing?!" "She hit me! At least I didn't Shout her to pieces like I wanted!" The last word was spat at Megohime as he glared

Adding the final ingrediets, he covered the pot and let it sit, "We let it sit now...say about half an hour."
Megohime nearly fell over the table, catching herself on one of the chairs and staring at Masamune in horror. What was that? What had he just done? She steadied herself, watching Masamune and Kojurou snap back and forth, waiting for her heart to slow down.

((So when's he gonna do it~?))

Nana played nonchalantlg with the chain of her weapon. "I suppose it doesn't smell as horrible as it could've." She said.
"Apologize." Kojurou said sternly. Masamune grumbled and Kojurou nudged his shoulder. "Sorry." Masamune hissed

Motochika grinned, "Jealous it smells amazing?"
Megohime simply nodded, standing up and walking hurriedly back to her room, shocked into silence by his Shout.

Nana glanced up at him. "... It does actually smell good." She admitted, trying a soft smile.

Nana couldn't help but laugh a little, feeling a soft warmth spread through her chest. "Okay, okay, you win.."
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