Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Koji looked uneasy, as if nervous to answer, "A-Ano...I don't feel it right to tell you." "Whatthe hell happened?" Masamune asked. Koji shook his head, "I cannot say...it is Irohahime's right to tell you, not mine."
"Tou-sama..!!" Minehime came running down the pathway, eyes wide with fear. "Nee-sama, she's sick!" She said, panting softly from her run. "She was with Muu Muu, Munekiyo, and me and she said she didn't feel good and then she fell down!" "Where is she?" Megohime asked. "Still in the jail with Muu and Mune!" Megohime right about bolted, but her broken ribs and sprained ankle said otherwise. She nearly doubled over, holding her side and wheezing softly. "Dammit..!"
When they arrived, Irohahime lay on a bed inside of a cell, face contorted with pain, even in an unconcious state, her skin feverishly hot. Minehime moved over to Irohahime and kneeled before the bed, frowning. "Munekiyo noticed a bad smell, and we found this." Minehime gently pushed Irohahime off her side and onto her stomach, gingerly pulling down the back of her robes to show her back. The entirety of her back was a bloody mess, some of the lashmarks scabbed over while others still oozed blood. From her shoulders down to nearly her tailbone, the flesh had been mangled and healed, only to be mangled again. Mitsunari had delivered so many blows with both a bamboo stick and a leather whip that her skin was no longer healing correctly, swollen and infected. Some of the flesh that practically hung off her back had begun to rot, creating the smell. Megohime's eyes widened at the sight and she clenched her fists hard, trembling. "He's a dead man."
Masamune gently set Megohime down and ordered Koji to find a mage skilled in Restoration. Koji nodded and ran off. Muuhime frowned softly, "Otou-sama, I don't think Restoration will fix this." "It can and will." Masamune said firmly, "It has to."
It wasn't long before Koji returned with a young man, Val, who was working under the court wizard in hopes of taking her place. He entered the cell with all the things he would need for healing Irohahime frowning when he saw the wound. "Oh dear.." The wood doc frowned heavily and moved over. "This dead flesh needs to be removed before we start, and her back needs to be washed thoroughly." He said, getting out a very sharp looking knife. "Will someone please boil some water, and I need someone else to hold her shoulders down, this isn't going to be pleasant."
Val started to cut off the dead flesh carfully, Irohahime making soft noises of pain, but remaining still. Once he was done cutting as much dead and dying skin off that he could, he set the knife down and got a rough looking cloth and a healing potion. "Has the water been boiled?"
Val nodded in thanks and carefully soaked the towel in the hot water, wringing it out before moving back to Irohahime and starting to scrub her back. Irohahime jerked hard and a sail of agony was torn from her throat, Megohime moving over to hold her hips down to keep her as still as possible. Now completely awake, Irohahime cried in pain, clawing at her fathers wrists and trying to get away.
Irohahime struggled weakly as he cleaned her back, then gently helped her drink a healing potion, moving to work on healing her back with restoration, but he didn't look confident.
Val worked on healing her back for nearly twenty minutes, but it only did so much. "I'm sorry, that's all I can do for now, make sure she doesn't lay on her back for a few weeks and nothing physically exerting." He said. Irohahime's back had recovered some, but some wounds were still struggling to close, thick scar tissue covered her back, leaving thick, long marks down her back; the marks from the bamboo stick.
Megohime moved to usher everyone else out of the jail to get her children up to their rooms and make sure they were safe. Val nodded and began to pack up, when he noticed something. "Ano..." He frowned softly at the blood on the skirt of her dress. "She has, um, blood.." He trailed off, motioning to the blood stains that were on the crotch area of the dress. He cleared his throat, grabbing his things. "If you need me again, just send for me, my lord." He said, then left. Irohahime slowly pulled clean skirt fabric over the soiled spot, curling into a ball the best she could; her lower lip trembled and tears pooled in her eyes.
Irohahime simply shook her head, not saying anything, but she didn't have too. Bruises and bite marks covered her neck and shoulders, going down her chest, and her wrists were bruised heavily.
((Does he get it now~?))

Irohahime nodded, but looked around. "Where's Koji..?" She asked, pulling the blacker around her shoulders to hide as much skin as she could.
Irohahime took his arm and stood shakily, letting out a small cry of pain as the skin on her back was stretched. "Can... Can Koji sit with me until I fall asleep..?" She asked quietly, feeling as though there was a part of her missing when he wasn't there.
Irohahime laid down in her bed as soon as they got to her room, stiffly pulling the blankets over herself, curling up slightly.
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