Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime tensed when he grabbed the stick, her back throbbing from the welts and thin gashes from both the stick and the whip, instinctively curling up to protect her face and stomach, waiting for the beating to start.
Irohahime bit her hand to silence her cries of pain, no longer feeling shame for being stripped publicly, of course it was still degrading, but the beatings hurt more. Blood started to trickle from the wounds on her back, old gashes re-opening and new ones being formed.
When Mitsunari's arm grew tired, he used his other one until it got tired and he tossed away the bamboo. Panting, he left in a huff to let her recover before torturing her again
Irohahime's back was a bloody mess, and she had dry-heaved for the past ten minutes, having received little water and no food. Soft sobs escaped her, not daring to try and pull her robes back on, it would only hurt her further; the flesh on her back was such a mess, almost as if wild cats had mauled her back.
((When should Koji come save the day?))

Silent footsteps made their way to the room before Kojurou quietly entered. He looked horrified at the sight of Irohahime, moving over to cover her with his coat, "Irohahime-dono," He called gently, "It's Kojurou, I'm here to help."
"K-Kojurou... G-Get out.." She shook hard from the pain. "He's coming back..!" She croaked, dry-heaving again.

((After Kojurou and Shige get caught and Iroh is dragged to the back room with the soldiers again. Oh~! Mitsunari could say it's her punishment for Kojurou trying to free her and her siblings~))
Irohahime shook her head, staring toward the entrance of the keep. "Run away.." There stood Mitsunari, glowering down at them.
Kojurou felt the air fill with malice and he turned, looking at Mitsunari with slightly wide eyes. The Jarl of Solitude fumed and hit Kojurou across the face with the hilt of his sword, "Take him to the dungeon and make sure the others are still there!" Soldiers swarmed inand grabbed Kojurou struggling out of the room. "And you," Mitsunari pointed at Irohahime, "You will be luckily enough to still live when I'm done with you."
A sob of despair choked out of her mouth and she started to crawl toward Mitsunari. "Please...! I'm begging you, no more..!" Tears fell heavily from her eyes, crawling to his feet and resting her forehead against his boots. "I beg you, no more..!"
He kicked her away, a look of disgust on his face. "Why have you not tried using your magic? You could easily free yourself and do away with me, yet you choose to grovle and snivel like a newborn babe."
"I made a promise.." She shook her head. "And when my tomes were removed, half of my magic prowess was taken.." She admitted.
((Now just bring in Masa~))

Irohahime didn't struggle as two of the men started to drag her into the back room, the third one closing the doors beind them, starting the pattern of defilement; something that seemed to last years, but it was only a mere hour.
((Got it!))

It had been almost a full month since Masamune left to fight Alduin. Kojurou and Shigenaga were due for an execution, as well as Megohime. Muuhime, Munekiyo, Minehime and Tadamune were going to be sent to Cryodil and left to fend for themselves. Irohahime was going to be executed as well, but this time fed to a pack of starving wolves Mitsunari kept around. Hidemune was branded a traitor to the Empire and was exiled to Raven Rock. The people of Riften were horrified by what Mitsunari was doing but could do nothing to stop it. Unaware of what was happening at his home, Masamune was returning from the Throat of the World, having borrowed a horse from Ivarstead. He couldn't wait to return to his family and tell them the story of how he defeated the World Eater
Nearing the end of her life, Irohahime spent most of her time with her wrists tied to the bedpost, and eyes red from crying. Her back had healed, only to be torn open once more, making the scarring horrific. A young Imperial rolled off of Irohahime, putting his undergarments back on and moving to sit with his friends, leaving a battered Irohahime slumped on the bed. Her arms had been tied above her head so tightly her fingertips had started to turn purple, face and body covered in bruises and laying in a rather revealing position. Her head throbbed from the numerous punches she had received, a mild concussion keeping her for the most part out of it.
When Masamune reached the gates of Riften, he was shocked to see Imperials in place of his usual guard. Dismounting, he moved to confront them, only to be grabbed and tugged away. It was Koji, the young man who wanted to marry Irohahime. "My Jarl, it isn't safe. There are Imperials everywhere." "What the hell is happening?" Masamune growled. Koji explaiend the situation and Masamune nearly used his Thu'um out of pure rage. "How do you know this?" He growled. "I was supposed to help Kojurou-san and Shigenaga-san remove your children from Riften but they were captured. I've been waiting here for you." "Alright. I'll deal with the guards, you go start looking for everyone." "Hai." Masamune moved back towards the gate, the Imperials reaching for their blades. Masamune used Unrelenting Force with such a bellow that it broke open the gates and tore the two soldiers apart. As Masamune distracted the soldiers, Koji ran to Mistveil, hoping to find everyone alive and well
Mistveil was mostly empty, only a few Imperial guards standing in front of the keep doors and another posted in front of the prison, the only sound coming from Mistveil was the faint chatter of men.
Koji followed the voices until he was met with a closed door. Peeking into the keyhole, his eyes widened at the scene. Irohahime tied down and used by these lowlife soldiers boiled his blood. Taking a breath, he started hitting against the door with his shoulder, glad he was in his Ebony armor. When he finally broke the door down, he drew his ebony greatsword and glowered at the soldiers, "I will present you with two choices; the first being I run you through with my sword. The second, I let you live with what little honor and dignity you have left. Choose carefully."
The Imperials got the point, grabbing what they could of their clothing and dashing past him, leaving him alone in the room with Irohahime, who had tears streaming her cheeks. "... Kill me..." Her words came out as a soft whisper, her lower lip trembling.
"... K...Kill me..." She whimpered softly, begging for him to end her suffering. Slowly pulling her knees together, pressing her legs closed out of shame, tears flowed heavily down her face. "Please kill me..!"
Koji frowned and looked around before grabbing a dress for her, "I know you're very traumatized right now but we have to leave. Your father tasked me with finding you and the others."
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