Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime arrived shortly after with the rest of their children, frowning as she closed the doors behind her. "Masamune-sama, what's going on?"
"Otou-sama?" Muuhime looked just as confused as the others. Munekiyo scratched his head, "What was up with that dragon?" Masamune rubbed his face and sighed, "I've been shirking my responsibilities as Dovahkiin...I've been so busy with being Jarl and taking care of you and dealing with Iroh that I let things with Alduin get out of hand." He said. Muuhime and Munekiyo looked to each other with astonished glances before looking to their father, "The World Eater!?" They both gasped. Masamune hushed them and sighed, "Hai..."
Minehime held onto Masamune's hand, fear in her eyes. "What's going to happen, Tou-sama?" She asked. "You don't mean you're going to fight Alduin yourself, now, are you?" Megohime frowned heavily. "With the war still going on, who will take the throne until you come back?" Tadamune made a face. "I will. Otou-sama has been training me to be his stand in, incase something like this were to happen."
Masamune pet Minehime's head, frowning softly, "Tadamune will be my stand in until I return...I'll leave Kojurou here to protect all of you...but this needs to be done."
((But the question is, will be come back in one peace~?))

Megohime clenched her jaw hard and glared at the ground, fighting her tears. "But Tou-sama!" Minehime hugged Masamune's leg tightly.
"Do you have to go?" Muuhime's usual calm expression was replaced with worry. Munekiyo frowned softly, "You'll come back, right?" "Of course I will!" Masamune grinned, "Do you know how hard it is to kill me?"
Megohime moved over and wrapped her arms around Masamune tightly. "If you don't come back I'll presonally drag you back from Sovengarde." She said, trying to harden her tone.
Madamune chuckled and held her, "It's a date, then.." He joked, "I have time before I have to leave...a couple days to be with guys...then I'm off."
Minehime practically crawled up Masamune's leg to escape being crushed from her mother hugging Masamune so tightly. "Otou-sama, can Iroh-neesama spend time with us too?"
Minehime beamed up at him, a look of triumph he knew all too well. "We'll be a whole family again!" Megohime made a noise and placed her hand on Minehime's head.

For the next three days, Tadamune took on half of Masamune's duties so his father could spend more time with everyone, Minehime in particular, kept even closer to Masamune. At night, she would crawl under the covers with Megohime and Masamune, snuggling between the two and curling up, and during the day, she was always at his side, chattering and keeping him busy.
Masamune could barely part from Minehime long enough to do much of anything. He didn't mind, she was an amazing daughter. Muuhime and Munekiyo played tag with their younger sister and father, laughing as Muuhime grew frustrated with always being it.
Megohime sat outside, simply enjoying watching most of her children play with their father before his long journey, a heavy weight in her heart; she didn't want Masamune to go, what if he never returned?
"Ha! Otou-sama's it!" Muuhime cheered, "No Shouts this time!" "Yeah, ya cheater!" Munekiyo grinned. Masamune laughed faintly, chasing after Minehime, "Fine, fine.."
Minehime ran as fast as she could, dodging Masamune by a hair, a wild grin on her face. "Hi nis horvutah dovah!"

((You can't catch a dragon!))
Masamune laughed and easily caught up to her, grabbing her and hugging her, "Parthurnax los neliik fein hi ahrk rok los ben do eruvos wuth, mal yunkliin." He chuckled

(("Parthurnax is faster than you and he is over hundreds of years old, little hatchling."))
((Hey you know what would be terrible~?))

Minehime groaned in defeat and puffed out her cheeks. "Parthurnax lost viing to!" She said, spreading her arms out like wings.

((Parthurnax has wings though!))
((If somethin happened to Mine, Muu-Muu and Mune~?))

Masamune laughed softly and kissed her forehead, "You're it, Minihime. We'll try and make it fair." He said and jogged off. Munekiyo laughed, "Not likely~!"
((That too~ But what if Mitsunari were to get word of Masamune leaving for a while and makes a move on Riften while daddy dragons away~))

Minehime threw her head back in an over dramatic groan, but it was just for show, chasing after her brother, she laughed, short brown hair blowing wildly behind her.
Masamue laughed with his children, his eye catching a glimpse of Hidemune wtching in the distance. He paid his son no mind and continued to be chased by his daughters and son
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