Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Five ever. °3° ))

Masamune laughed softly and looked when Shigenaga brought in a young man in ebony armor, helm tucked under his arm. His long raven hair was pulled into a ponytail and he looked confident. "My Jarl, my name is Koji. I hail from Windhelm and I wish to marry your eldest daughter, Irohahime!" He stated. Masamune roared with laughter, making Koji look confused. "Oh man, that's hilarious!" Masamune jeered. He then became deadly serious, "She is 't seeing any suitors; or anyone for that matter." "N-Nani?"
"Are those who come from Windhelm all as icebrained, such as yourself?" Tadamune scowled softly, arms crossed loosely across his chest. "There are even deaf who know about Irohahime. She isn't good news. Not for Riften, and not for anyone." His tone was cold, and his eyes colder, but his words were nothing but the truth; there was no hatred behind them.
((Tadamuneeeeeeee! Such beeeeeast!))

"Kid's gotta point...Irohahime would bring you nothin' but trouble." Masamune said. Koji made a face, "And if I can change her?" "Change her? Buddy, if she won't listen to me or her mother, what makes you think she'll listen to you?" Masamune retorted
Tadamune sighed, this poor fool was on a wild goose chase, he'd never get what he was looking for. "If you think you can change an imprisoned criminal, you must be mad. She's kept under lock and key for a reason; do you know more than just her name?"

((He's a dick~ But he isn't irrational~))
"I know she's a powerful mage..." "She tried resurrecting the Wolf Queen." Masamune stated. Koji gulped, "B-Be that as it may...I hear she's beautiful and smart." "Yeah, buddy, just stop. You're making a fool out of yourself. She's bad news. I'm not letting you marry her, for your own sake." Masamune said
Megohime had returned once she had made sure Shigenaga was no longer inside the keep, returning to her place beside her husband. "Who is this?" She asked, red eyes landing on Koji.
"Marry Irohahime?" She hissed out venomously. "And just what do you think she is? A princess locked away out of the cruelty of her parents? I love all of my children, but Irohahime is far more dangerous than you can ever imagine. Once let out of that cell, there is no garentee she won't kill you and try to flee to freedom. She cannot be controlled and she cannot be reasoned with; she can barely be contained. Her freedom has passed a decade ago. Now get out of my sight before I have the guards remove you from the entirety of Riften." She hissed.

((Would Koji try to sneak in and see Iroh?))
Megohime relaxed slightly in her chair, watching him until he exited the keep completely, the door closing behind him. "Why would anyone want to marry Irohahime..? Surely he isn't that stupid.."

((And is Masamune gonna catch him~?))
((Hella yes ma'am~))

"Or desperate.." Masamune mumbled.

Koji sighed softly and looked around before heading into the prison, making sure he didn't rouse any suspision as he looked for Irohahime
Irohahime was, as always, in her cell working at her alchemy table. Though the room was dark, she easily picked up whatever ingriedients she needed, a soft frown on her face.
Irohahime stopped working when she felt eyes on her, looking over her shoulder to see who was there. When she saw Koji she tensed and moved away from the alchemists table, moving into one of the darker corners, gloved hands nervously smoothing her dress. "Who are you? How did you get down here?"
Irohahime stared at him for a moment, before her expression grew hurt. "What kind of cruel joke is this? Surely my father put you up to this." She said.
"No, not at all, my lady! I heard of your amazing skill as a mage in Windhelm, travelers from Winterhold spoke openly of your gifts with praise. You sounded so incredible, I traveled to Winterhold myself to meet you...but they told me you were killed. Only recently did news of you being alive still reach Windhelm...very little know, it seems...and I'm glad for it. I don't want anyone else to prove themselves for your hand before I do." He told her
Irohahime hesitated for a whole minute before answered. "You shouldn't have come here, you'll only be disapointed... I've done unforgivable things; and as for my magic, I no longer have the power i once wielded, nor am I willing to cast anymore spells." She sounded sad, almost like her last sentence hurt her more than it should have.
Koji frowned softly and moved closer, "Lady Irohahime, I-" "What the hell are you doing down here, we told you to leave!" Masamune growled, having come down to check on Irohahime
When Masamune spoke up, Irohahime looked away, moving even further away from the cell door, avoiding her fathers gaze. "O-Otou-sama I wasn't, I-I..."
"My Jarl, I-!" "Out!" Masamune bellowed, the prison shaking from the power of his voice. Koji panicked and rushed out. Masamune huffed and glanced to his daughter, "What was he doing here?" He asked, a little more calmly
Irohahime kept her gaze on the ground. "He came asking my hand in marriage." She muttered, shifting uncomfortably. "I thought you had sent him.."
Masamune made a noise and left, sighing softly in disappointment. As he left, Shigenaga entered the prison, books hugged close to his chest, "Irohahime-dono, I brought you some more books...!" He said kindly, moving to her cell, "And I brought you more alchemy ingredients, as well."
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