Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime flinched slightly when he slammed on the cell bar; she didn't have an answer to what he was asking. She didn't have an answer to anything anymore, she didn't know what else to say. "I didn't do it to get back at you..." She said, eyes watering; Daisuke didn't deserve this pain, neither did Akihime or Yukimura.
"I made a mistake..." She said quietly. "I made so many terrible mistakes, and I can't fix any of them. I'm so sorry, Daisuke, I'm so sorry.."
"D-Dammit, Iroh...!" He fought his tears hard, "I cannot forgive you for this, ever...any chance to make peace is gone...I wanted to, I really did...! Because I missed you and all thise amazing spells you created...but I can't now...I'm sorry." Sucking it up and acting like the soldier he was, he nodded curtly, "I hope you recover quickly. Good bye." He stated before leaving briskly
Irohahime's heart fell into her stomach. "Daisuke wait!" She called, wishing she could desperately get to her feet and chase after him.

((Shall we skip ahead?))
"I know I don't have room too ask anything of you... But please, don't become bitter... Hate me all you want, but please.. Don't become full of hate and resentment toward everything else.." She begged.
((Now we can skip~!))

Many years had gone by since then, and three more children where born from Megohime, two twins, Muuhime and Munekiyo, and the youngest, Minehime. Tadamune had grown into a fine young man who shared his looks with his mother, thick, long black hair and red eyes. The twins, Muuhime and Munekiyo also took after their mother, with dark brown hair and dark red eyes, and although Munekiyo wasn't even out of his teens, he stood as tall as Kojurou. Muuhime on the other had stood as tall as her mother, with a curvatures figure and a wonderful voice. The youngesture was Minehime, and she was considered the runt of the litter, with her fathers looks and attitude, she was a feisty child full of energy and hard to control. The only one who could seem to get her to do anything was Masamune in fact. "Otou-sama!" Minehime squealed, grinning widely as she jumped down the stairs and ran to Masamune, wearing his helmet, which was much too big for her.

((I can play Minehime and Tadamune, but do you wanna play the twins or Shigenaga??))
((No, no! I was asking if you either wanted to be the twins or Shigenaga!))

Minehime grinned widely. "One day, I'm going to wear it into battle!" She said proudly, beaming up at her father.
((And I'm saying I can do all three if you like...!))

"Oh, yeah? Wouldn't that be somethin'? I would enjoy seeing that. My Minihime charging off to fight dragon's with her old man's helmet." He grinned
((If you don't mind~ Muuhime is kinda more like a hard, the one who uses her voice and words to do politics and defuse tense situations~ She has wicked speechcraft~ Mune is just kinda the flirty hunk, but can also be really scary in battle~ That's just my Headcanon at least~))

Minehime stuck her tongue out, but then perked. "Tou-sama, can you teach me how to use a sword?" Megohime glanced up from her spot in the chair beside Masamune, making a face, but saying nothing.

"Eehh..." Masamune glanced at Megohime before looking back at his daughter, "Maybe one day, I will." "You have to be able to hold one first, Mini-chan." Munekiyo teased playfully
Minehime's cheeks flushed pink. "I can hold a sword!" She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Minehime made a noise that sounded like a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

((When should we bring in Iroh's suitor??))
((We could do it now~))

Minehime leaned against her father, sitting in his lap, like she belonged there.
((Where is Iroh anyway??))

"Ano...Masamune-sama...?" A young man with kempt bronze colored hair approached awkwardly. Masamune didn't even look at him, "What is it, Shigenaga?" "There's a man here requesting an audience with you.." Shigenaga said; he tried to be as confident as possible around Masamune but the Jarl was so cold to him, it was difficult.
((Still in prison~ She can come out sometimes, but she's usually just down in her cell practicing alchemy since it isn't technically magic??))

Megohime's face paled slightly and she cleared her throat, setting her book down and leaving stiffly, Minehime looking from Masamaune, to Shigenaga, whom she gave a smile and a small wave.
Shigenaga smiled faintly and gave a small gesture in return. "Bring him in." "H-Hai!" Shigenaga bowed and left to retrieve the fellow waiting for the Jarl's council. Masamune sighed, gently petting Minehime's head.

((Poor Iroh, though...feel kinda bad..))
"Tou-sama, why don't you and Kaa-sama like Shigenaga?" Minehime asked, looking up at Masamune, azure blue eyes staring right into him.
Minehime erupted into a fit of giggles, squirming her way away from Masamune before running off up the stairs.

((How long is he gonna have to wait before Masamune will let him see Iroh~?))
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