Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime moved out of the shadows of her cell and towards the door, a sad smile on her face. "That's very kind of you, Shigenaga.." She said, brushing her snow-white hair behind one ear. She had bags under her eyes, and her voice was feeble and weak.
Shigenaga frowned and handed her the books one by one before giving her a satchel of ingredients, "Have you been sleeping enough, m'lady? Pardon my rudeness, but you look dreadful.."
"I've just been keeping myself busy to pass the time, I can sleep whenever, but I find Alchemy much more exciting." She said, setting the books on the table and the satchel on the alchemy table. "Don't worry, I have plenty of time to sleep."
Shigenaga nodded, "Do you need anything else? Food, water?" He asked. He seemed somewhat connected to Irohahime in the sense that they were both outsiders and looked down on by others. He felt like being her friend, since neither of them had really anyone. Sure, he had his father, but she had no one.
Irohahime shook her head. "I wish I could just go outside again.. But I still have water and food from this morning, thank you." She wished she could go out and just spend a day outside of her prison cell.
"Thank you, Shigenaga." She said softly, giving him a small wave before returning to her alchemy table.
((Tiny skip, I have a little surprise~))

The day went on as normal, Minehime following Masamune around, the the daily chatter from the market buzzing, but soon most of the dogs and horses became uneasy, either growling or stomping at the ground. "My Lord!" A guard came rushing into the keep. "A dragon has been spotted circling over the docks, some of the fishermen are trapped inside, but it isn't attacking."
Masamune grew tense. How long had it been since he last faced a dragon? He found himself looking to Kojurou, who seemed to be suffering from horrific flashbacks. Masamune turned to Minehime, placing his hand on her head, "Stay inside with your mother. Don't leave until I return. Understand?"
Megohime moved over, placing her hands on Minehime's shoulders, giving Masamune a look of concern. "Tou-sama.." Minehime could feel the tension in the room, but didn't argue, nodding.

((Masamune may either shit a brick or be really happy~))
((Oh boy~~))

Masamune grinned and gave her a thumbs up, "I'll be back before you know it. Let's go, Kojurou." "Hai..." Kojurou followed Masamune out as they headed towards the fishing docks
When Masamune came out onto the fishing docks, the dark blue dragon turned its attention on Masamune, a low grumbling sounding from its throat before it stopped to hover above the water, then land, facing the docks, as though waiting for Masamune to come closer. The flesh and scales around the right side of the dragons mouth had been torn and scorched away, leaving the right side of the dragons face in a permanent snarl, exposing all of its teeth and gums. Two large horns curved backwards, but one had been broken off; the only spikes on the dragon being on its tail.

((It looks like an elder dragon pretty much~))
((Is he supposed to feel a familiarity with this dragoon~?))

Masamune slowed to a stop a yard or two from the dragon, staring at it with a soft scowl
"Dovahkiin, fey hin haal. Zu'u lost meyz, ni wah krif, nuz wah tinvaak." The dragon spoke with a low rumble, though it's voice held somewhat of a more feminine tone.

(("Dragonborn, stay your hand. I have come, not to fight, but to speak." And not particularly~ But it has more or less been keeping an eye on him for a long time now~))
"Fos dreh hi praag, Dovah? Hin nuvah het los kasiil dii joriin." Masamune asked, folding his arms

(("What do you need, Dragon? Your presence here is unsettling my people." Oh my~))
"Hi lost in ven do faal Zul, ahrk tul rut do Alduin lahney nau. Rok dreh ni nunon verut jul, nuz vorey dovah ol pruzah. Daar wo kriz mok, uv hind wah reyzan neutral, lost pah nuz kosaan kriind. Daar wo korah ko hi lost pah saraan patiently, nuz un tokaan los dwindling, ahrk tiid ru tir. Zu'u lost meyz het wah miik sent, ol daar fund saag ko hin vun govir daar lein do Alduin, ahrk ko daal, Zu'u pledge wah hi dii frey ko grah erei Zu'u sum dii laat." Its tail swished slightly beneath the water, causing the water to slosh against the deck.

((You have mastered the way of the Voice, and yet the threat of Alduin lives on. He does not only threaten mankind, but other dragons as well. Those who oppose him, or wish to remain neutral, have all but been slaughtered. Those who believed in you have all waited patiently, but our numbers are dwindling, and time is running out. I have come here to offer a deal, as those would say in your tongue: rid this world of Alduin, and in return, I pledge to you my aid in battle until I breathe my last.))
Masamune's heart jumped into his throat. He was so busy being Jarl and dealing with his wife and family that he had completely forgotten about Alduin. Cursing loudly, he glared down at the docks. "Idiot." He muttered to himself. He looked back up at the dragon and nodded. "Hin rot prenlon vahzah, Dovah. Rot nis express dii dil groso vos daar trun fahbo fah ful lingrah. Vos zey sed sul wah kos voth dii ragnavir ahrk Zu'u fen daal het wah grind voth hi. Alduin fen vedkrasom daar himdah nid lingrahiik. "

(("Your words ring true, Dragon. Words cannot express my deep regret for letting this matter continue for so long. Allow me three days to be with my family and I will return here to meet with you. Alduin will plague this land no longer."))
The dragon made a soft rumbling noise in response, seeming to nod its head slightly. "Zu'u fen votivut kotin strunmah fah nu, nuz Zu'u fen ofan hi dii for ful hi aal bel zey fod hi los nuk, aal hin hil reyzan mul." The dragon started to back away from the docks, so she wouldn't break them while taking off. "Voslaarum. Nuft hin zul ahrk Zu'u fen meyz, Zu'u nok ko saraan."

((I will retreat into the mountains for now, but I will give you my name so you may summon me when you are ready, may your heart remain strong.Voslaarum. Use your voice and I will come, I lay in wait. ))
Voslaarum took flight with two large down-strokes of her wings, taking off and circling overhead once before flying off toward the mountains.

((So Voslaarum is kinda like his Alucard~))
As soon as Masamune opened the door to Mistveil, he was nearly knocked over by Minehime, who looked both scared and excited. "Did you kill it? Is Riften safe again?" Megohime moved over as well, a concerned look on her face; she could sense that something was wrong.
Masamune frowned, rubbing the back of his neck, "Mini...ugh...come on, I need to speak with you and your siblings, as well as your mother..." He looked to Megohime and nudged his head, "Go get the twins, yeah?"
Seeing how serious the situation seemed to be - whatever it was - Megohime nodded and left to get Muuhime, Munekiyo, and Tadamune, a soft frown on her face. Minehime looked puzzled, unsure of what was going on. "Tou-sama, what's wrong?"
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