Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime slowed when she saw Masamune glance to the side, following his gaze, she stared at Hidemune. Slowing to a stop, she stared at Hidemune curiously. "Ne.. Tou-sama, who's that?" She asked.
"But he seems lonely..." She said, her expression grew sad, before she smiled widely and hurried over to Hidemune. "Hidemune-san, do you wanna play tag with us?"
Hidemune stared down at her before looking to Masamune. He shook his head, looking back at his half-sister, "Arigatou, but I can't...bad leg from the war..." He pat his right thigh gently, smiling faintly, "Gomen.."
Minehime made a sad noise. "Aw, maybe next time!" She said, turning and giving him a small wave. "Bye-bye, Hidemune-niisama!" She said before scurrying off.
Minehime smiled and nodded. "Hai, 'cause his eyes look just like yours..!" She said, then scampered after Munekiyo.
Megohime made a face and sighed. "I don't know.. They deserve to know, but... Now isn't the time, when you come back you should tell them." She said.
((Did you get my message for the torture stuffs?))

The three days went by quickly, and soon, it was time for Masamune to leave to vanquish Alduin. "Bye, Tou-sama..!" Minehime hugged Masamune tightly, trying her best not to cry. Megohime just looked angry, but it was to hide her tears too.
((It might not have pinged xD ))

Masamune pet her head, "I'll b back safe and sound soon, little hathling." He told her. Muuhime and Munekiyo hugged Masamune as well, making him stumble slightly and laugh, "You all act like I'm never coming back." "You might not though!" Munekiyo said. "Alduin is dangerous! He'll kill you!" Muuhime exclaimed. Masamune shook his head, "Impossible, I can't die." "Otou-sama!" Muuhine whined
Megohime took Masamune's hand, her eyes glinting fear. "Please be careful." She said softly, giving his hand a firm squeeze. She wanted to believe her husband would survive, but still, he was facing something that would be able to kill him like an insect, but the Masamune she knew would put up one hell of a fight.
Masame laced their fingers together and smiled faintly, "I swear to you all that I'm coming back. I've trained my whole life for this moment. I'll be fine." He looked amongst his children with a grin, "You know I'll be back, right?" "H-Hai!" Muuhime and Munekiyo agreed
Minehime nodded and Megohime leaned forward to kiss Masamune. "Just hurry up and come home, okay?" She said.
Masamune nodded and pried away from his children to head off. "Matte!" Masamune looked back and saw Hidemune with Irohahime; she wasn't bound or held at sword point, but he had his hand gently on her arm, to help encourage her. "You kinda forgot someone, y'know." He said. He glanced at Irohahime and nudged his head, "Go on. No one will hurt you."
Though Irohahime looked excited to outside, she shook slightly from the unfamiliarity of being outside, and being before her father without iron bars between them. Keeping her gaze downcast, Irohahime moved forward, shuffling her feet slightly and picking at her gloves. "S-Sayonara, Otou-sama.." She said quietly.
Irohahime felt tears prick at her eyes and she nodded, leaning against him lightly. "I promise, Otou-sama.." She said, missing having him call her princess.
He kissed her head gently and nodded to Hidemune, patting Tadamune's head and heading out, "Wish me luck!" "Ganbattene, Otou-sama!" Muuhime and Munekiyo called

Masamune moved to Lake Heinrich, adjusting his chest plate so he could open up his airways. Taking a deep breath, he prepared his Thu'um, "VO-SLAA-RUM!" He shouted, the lake shuddering from the echo of his Voice
For a while, it seemed like the dragon hadn't heard Masamune, but soon the roar of a dragon could be heard. The large blue reptile appeared over the ridge of the car mountain, flying fast towards Riften, using its powerful wings to get to Masamune in no time. It landed with a heavy thur that shook the ground, lowering its head to look at Masamune. "Lost hi vorohah drem voth hin fron?"

((Have you made peace with your kin?))
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