Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune was so livid he was practically shaking. He raised his hand to strike her but halted, letting his hand drop to his side. "You are in so much trouble, I don't even know what to do with you." He hissed, "We're removing those tomes and if I ever see you use magicka again, I will cut off your damned hands. Do I make myself clear?"

She pulled away from the kiss, breathing labored as she nestled her head into the crook of his neck, "Daisuki...Yukimura-sama...g-gomenasai..." Her voice was no longer haunting or empty, but weak and scared, "P-Please forgive me, my Lord Husband...!"
Irohahime was trembling with fear, flinching when he brought his hand up to strike her, eyes glued to the ground. "Yes, Otou-sama." She said quietly, nodding quickly.

((Just so you know, the tomes cover about 85 percent of her body ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))

Yukimura held her close, petting her hair to comfort her. "Let's go home?" He suggested, cupping her cheek with a tired smile.
"March." He ordered, pointing back to Riften, "You're going into a new cell with round the clock supervision."

Akihime nodded, "H-Hai..." She agreed. She then frowned, "No...wait...I still have to go to Solitude to pray; even harder now that I've forsaken the Divines..." She looked up pleadingly, "Come with me?"
Irohahime nodded and started walking, keeping her head down as she passed Masamune, having no energy to fight or complain.

Yukimura nodded, standing and putting his clothing and armor back on. "Of course, I'll just have to send word back to Whiterun."
Masamune followed her, grumbling angrily. He would have to figure out a way to tell Megohime, either that or not tell her at all.

Akihime nodded and looked to the revealing robes she wore previously with a blush, "I will have to find where my clothes went, as well..." She muttered, tugging onthe Dragon Priest robes for the time being. The ruins rumbled and she gulped, "Or maybe we should just leave before Volsung appears! That works just as well!" She said, starting to move for the entrance
((Should we just move to Masamune having Iroh's tomes burned off?))

Yukimura followed after her, ushering her out of the cave quickly. "I'll buy you something inside the city." He said.
Irohahime had been scheduled to have her tomes removed that same night, having been moved to a more secure cell, with better equipped magica dampening spells inside. The solitary confinement cell had been modified so she could live a bit more comfortably, a single bed placed inside. When it was time to remove the tomes, two guards entered, bringing with them what looked like a small, mobile forge with a long, flat piece of metal sticking out. Arcane fire had been deemed too dangerous, and there was no other way. Irohahime grew nervious, moving away from them. "Please, can't I talk to my father once more..?" "I'm sorry, M'lady.." Two of the guards moved forward and grabbed her firmly, but as gently as they could, figuring it would be slightly more comfortable on the bed, that's where she was pinned. "Stop!" She begged, one of the guards pulling her shirt off before looking to the third, nodding. The third picked up the white-hot metal and moved over, beginning the slow process of removing the tomes by pressing the hot metal against her flesh; screams of agony echoed in the prison, slipping from the jail and out into the courtyard.

((Would Masa have all of them removed in one sitting or just do patches at a time? Also what do you want to do next with Yuki??))
((Other than bringing Daisuke in, nothing comes to mind..))

Masamune winced slightly and tried to block out the noise. Hidemune sat in his room, listening to the screams in disgust, scowling heavily.
((Is Hidemune disgusted by Iroh or the fact of what Masamune is doing to her?))

The process took nearly two hours of burning and reheating the metal, and by the end, Irohahime didn't even have to be held down. She was in so much pain, she barely even flinched when they burned off the last tome on her hip; the guards moved aside so the healer could clean the burns and dress them, she carefully cleaned Irohahime's shoulders, back and legs, wrapping her up in gauze before gently rolling her onto her back, fresh tears of pain streaking down her face, eyes puffy and distant. "Here." She helped Irohahime drink some water and a health potion before leaving, the guards locking the cell behind the mage.
((More Masamune~ but his disgusted that Irohahime would fuck up this bad~))

Masamune heaved a heavy sigh. Hopefully this magicka business was behind them now and they could go back to their normal lives.
Over the next few days, Irohahime was bedridden, unable to even lay still without pain. Still the healer came everyday to clean the burns and change the bandages, helping Irohahime drink and eat what she could before leaving, leaving Irohahime in the small secluded room by herself, breathing labored from her pain.
Irohahime laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling, but even that hurt. Shaking slightly from the pain she was in, she blinked away tears. "You... Took away the one thing... I was good at.." She rasped, her throat sore from her screaming. "Now, all I am is a traitor."
"You're still my daughter." He said, "And there are plenty of things to be good at other than magicka. I did it for your own good, you nearly made things worse for everyone, and for what?"
The room was silent, Irohahime refusing to answer him. Megohime entered the jail and moved over to Masamune, her belly slowly rounding, being almost three months along in her pregnancy. "Masamune-sama, a visitor." She said, tone short. She had been a little snappy since she found out she was pregnant, her temper shorter than ever.

((Shall we scooch Daisuke in~))
"Sanada Daisuke." She said, giving the iron door a wary glance. "He demands to speak with Irohahime." She said, shifting her weight.

((Also where's Kojurou and son??))
(( (*゚▽゚*) wwell...Masamune put him in a special place to be with his son...))

"Daisuke?" Masamune glanced to Irohahime before looking back at Mego, "Bring him in.."
((In a coffin or a jail cell? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))

Megohime gave a curt nod, moving and opening the door, moving aside to let Daisuke inside. Irohahime kept her gaze on the wall as Daisuke entered and her mother left, glad she didn't have to sit up and greet him. Instead she remained deathly silent, her heart racing; how was he going to react?
((A cell c: ))

"What happened to her?" Daisuke's voice was monotone, lookingto Masamune. The Jarl made a face, "We had to emove some tomes she had engraved into her body for Necromancy." He answered. Daisuke gripped the bars, shaking, "I see."
((Does Daisuke know Iroh killed Daihachi?))

Irohahime swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, chancing a glance at Daisuke, but quickly moving her gaze back to the wall. "... You shouldn't be here..." She murmured softly.
Irohahime frowned more, falling silent and returning to staring at the wall, wishing she could just disappear.
Masamune left them in silence and when the door closed, Daisuke hit the bars of her cell hard, "I was hoping that when I came back from fighting that I could make peace with you! But instead, I return to my mother a broken heap with my father desperately trying to keep her together! All because of YOU, yet again! He was a cub, barely old enough to go anywhere without guidence and you ABUSED it! Because of you, Daihachi is dead!!" He snarled, "Why?! Why did you do it?! To seek revenge for m cutting you from my life?! Not a very fair trade!!"
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