Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime sat down on her bed and closed the journal, frowning heavily as she waited for Kojurou to return from gathering the ingredients she needed to bring his son back from the dead.

Yukimura felt his armor loosen and the chest plate soon clattered to the ground, hoisting Akihime up so she could wrap her legs around his hips, working on removing her robes.
Kojurou moved into the Hall of the Dead quietly, sneaking passed to get to where he knew Takematsumaru's body was laid to rest. He felt absolutely horrible for what he was doing, but he wanted a small tie he had to Jingu so badly. Delicately removing the small coffin, he moved stealthfully from the Hall and made his way to the dungeon

Her dragon pauldrons clattered loudly to the ground and she pressed her bare chest against his, biting up and down his neck hard enough to draw blood
Irohahime had a soft frown on her face, glancing out through the bars every-so often.

Yukimura gave a soft gasp of surprise and pleasure, working on removing the rest of his clothing and armor hurriedly.
Kojurou almost made it to the dungeon when he heard one voice he had hoped to avoid. "Wha'cha got there, Kojurou?" Masamune asked. Kojurou froze and looked back slowly, "A box." "Looks like a coffin. Why do you have a coffin?" "It's..for Irohahime-dono..." "Why does she need a coffin?" Masamune persisted, moving closer. Kojurou tried to keep away, avoiding his lord's eyes, "Please, I'll take full responsibility for my actions later, but-" "That's my son's coffin. Isn't it, Kojurou?" Masamune's eye slitted. Kojurou looked incredibly disheartened with himself, "I'm so sorry, Masamune-sama..." "You son of a BITCH!!" Masamune rushed forward and Kojurou darted into the dungeon, locking Masamune out. He cursed, there was no way he could get the rest of the ingredients now.

"Excited, Yukimura-sama~?" Akihime purred, raking her nails up his back
Irohahime heard the door slam and she rushed to the cell bars. "Kojurou?" She whispered, her frown deepening, she hadn't expected him to gather the ingredients so quickly.

This made Yukimura falter, his gaze shifting away from her. "I... I shouldn't be doing this..."
Kojurou moved towards her and set the coffin before her cell, looking through his pouch and pulling out the nirnroot with a frown, "Kuso..."

"You shouldn't be making love to your wife?" Akihime questioned, caressing his cheek, "Unfortunate..."
Irohahime frowned heavily and moved back to her desk, gathering what little things she had as well as her journal, moving back to the cell door. "I can't do anything in here, the cell is magica dampening." She said, pulling out three common soul gems; empty ones. "And if you can't get a black soul gem... Then you're going to have to fill these.." She gave a glance to the other prisoner, sorrow in her eyes. "And guessing from the way you rushed in here, we don't have anymore time or any other choice.."

((And Yuki can see she isn't in the right state of mind~ He may need some slightly forceful convincing~))

"Akihime.. You aren't well..." He said, brows furrowed. "Please, stop this and come home..?"
Kojurou looked to the prison door of which Masamune was still pounding. Soon, he would use his Thu'um to break it open and then they'd both be in trouble. He glanced back at her, "Do you only need the ingredients and the tomes? If you require anything else, grab them now; I will take you through the escape tunnel."

"But I want to be one with you, Yukimura-sama~ it's been so long~" She kissed him tenderly, as if she wasn't controlled at all, "Please don't deny me your touch any longer~"

((Oh, she's totally gonna convince him through struggle snuggles~~))
"Um.." She looked everything over quickly. "All we need is the ninroot, the deathbell, the black soul gem and your blood." As she spoke, she opened the coffin, carfully removing the embalmed infant, she wrapped the small corpse in a cloth and put it in her knapsack, gathering the things she would need. "And we may need a few more things, but they're easy to get." She said, closing the coffin again. "Leave it, we should go."

Yukimura felt heat rise up his throat and to his ears and cheeks, trying to look away now. "This isn't right, this isn't you. Of course I want to make love to my wife-!" He gasped raggedly when her hand wandered to his crotch, his face going red.

((A little push~))
Kojurou handed her the nirnroot he had in his pouch and entered the cell, glancing around the back wall before pressing in a brick. The wall opened up slightly and he ushered her through before entering himself and closing the wall back behind him, "Come on, this will take us to the sewers, from there we'll exit south-east of Lake Henrich." He told her, pulling her along

She smirked darkly, rubbing his need gently through his trousers, "Do I have to force you to do what I want, Yukimura~? That won't be very fun for either of us, you know~ it's better if you're willing~" She nibbled his ear gently, giving a breathless moan, "And I know you're very willing~"
Irohahime followed after Kojurou, trying to keep and and remain as silent as she could, but her body was somewhat feeble and couldn't support running long distances.

Pleasure shit through Yukimura and he struggled to keep his thoughts on the right track. "Akihime stop-!" A moan slipped out from his lips and he involuntarily bucked his hips into her hand, it had been quite a while since he had any intimate physical contact with Akihime, and he wanted it more than he'd ever admit. Resting his head against her shoulder, his breath came out in hot puffs against her skin, gripping handfuls of her hair tightly.
Kojurou glanced back at her every now and again to see if she was all right and needed any assistance, "We'll both be in huge trouble for this, you know..." He told her

"There we go~ see~? Much more willing now, aren't you~?" She purred, continuing to rub and stroke gently to coax him to be more comfortable.
Irohahime was already panting. "I know... That's why I'm taking the fall.. I'm already in deep shit.." She said between breaths, doing her best to keep close to him.

Yukimura couldn't help himself, he was tired and hurt, and right now this was the only thing that had brought pleasure to him in a long time; so he gave in. Tugging her hair gently, he let out another raspy moan, bucking into her hand again as his manhood became erect. "A-Akihime..~!"
Kojurou frowned heavily and slowed down so she could catch her breath, "Thank you..." He said after a long pause, "I'm jeopardizing every ounce of trust I have with your mother and father, but...it will be a comfort to at least have my son.."

Akihime could almost grin as she began to remove the last of his clothing, pushing off the last of her robes and kissing him heatedly
Irohahime slowed as well once they were in a thick enough part of the woods, looking around. "This will have to do." She said, taking her pack off and taking the tiny corpse out. "I need you to fill these." Irohahime handed Kojurou three soul gems, working on crushing up the ninroot in a small bowl as well as some dried deathbell petals. "I also need you to, um, hunt something. Without the black soul gem, I'm going to have to substitute more blood in. And with the ammount we need, it would kill you. An elk or deer would be fine, it doesn't have to be human, but I'll also need some of your blood for this." She said, nodding to the paste she had made. "You should probably hurry too, we probably don't have much time."

Yukimura returned her kiss, moving to sit, as well as pull her on top of his lap, his manhood throbbing with need.
Kojurou nodded, taking the soul gems and heading off into the woods to hunt for game as quickly as possible

A weak groan sounded from her, her womanhood aching and wet with need. She slid down on his stone solid shaft easily, gripping his shoulders and moaning lowly
While Kojurou went to fetch the last of the ingredients, Irohahime prepared ritual, encircling the infants corpse with candles and lighting them, setting the paste aside.

Yukimura ground his teeth together, hips twitching as she lowered herself onto him, waiting until he was fully inside her before thrusting upwards. He kissed her neck and let out throaty grunts, his hair coming unkept.
((Know what I just realized? Kojurou is a simple warrior, he's not gonna know Soul Trap or have any Animus weapons on him >.> ))

Akihime tangled her fingers in his hair, grinding and working her hips hard. Her face was slightly flush as she tilted her head to give him more room to work with, moans of pure ecstasy escaping her lips
((Improvise! Have a small group of bandits stumble upon Kojurou and he can just lead them back to Iroh, she can do it~))

Yukimura bit her neck a little harder, unable to control himself as he thrusted roughly upwards, soft groans escaping him.

Kojurou made a noise of disapproval, finding plenty of game but unable to fill the gems with their souls. He was so busy trying to do what Irohahime asked that he failed to remember he didn't have the proper means to do as she asked. "Shimatta.." He muttered. He glanced to the side when he heard movement. Bandits inched towards him, weapons drawn. "Isn't that the Riften Housecarl?" "Sure is." "Wonder if he has anything valuable on him." They whispered amongst themselves. Kojurou scowled but then got an idea. He could take them to Irohahime and they should be enough to complete the ritual. Smirking slightly, he bit his thumb at them before darting back to the mage. "Hey!" They yelled and chased after him.

"Ah~! Yukimura-sama~!" She was trembling in euphoria, her moans echoing in the ruins. Her mind was in a haze of pleasure and her blood pumped through her body like fire. She didn't know how long they had been going at it, and she didn't care. Nothing mattered to her; not Volsung, not her grieving heart, nothing. All that mattered was being with Yukimura. And that made their love-making feel even better.
Irohahime had everything set up and ready to go, now all that she need was some soul gems; that's when Kojurou came crashing out of the brush, two bandits on his tail. She hissed a curse and got to her feet quickly, understanding what he was doing; stupid! Why hasn't she asked if he could soul trap? Casting soul trap on both of them she easily shot one down using ice spike, the other one she simply paralyzed. "Get your blood in the bowl, quickly, it's now or never." She swatted off the paralyzed bandits helmet and dragged him over to the ritual circle, pulling out a dagger. Without even blinking, she cut deep into the Nords throat, spilling his blood over the dried corpse, waiting until most of the blood had covered the baby before kicking the body aside. Setting the two soul gems beside the blood-covered corpse, she turned to Kojurou, holding out a bowl with the paste in it.

Yukimura's entire body was hot, sweat trickling down his chest as he pulled Akihime closer, capturing her lips in a deep kiss, the feeling of pleasure building and building.
Kojurou took out his dagger and cut his palm deep, wincing as he squeezed the blood from the wound into the bowl.

She felt her climax building, moaning as she kissed back. She trembled more, stomach knotting up tight.
Irohahime could already hear rapidly approaching footsteps, working as quickly as she could. Mixing the blood into the paste, she did the best she could to pry open the corpses mouth, pouring as much of the elixir as she could down its throat. Once she had gotten most of it inside either its mouth or down its throat, she moved outside the circle and kneeled, beginning the ritual. It took only a minute, each tome on her body aching, the bandits blood that had been spilled onto the corpse slowly began to move, almost as if it was being sucked up by the corpse. Both soul gems cracked and shattered and the corpse seemed to balloon slightly. A faint glow grew from the child before it became almost blinding. That's when her father stepped into the clearing, but it was too late. The sound of a baby crying broke the silence, the 'newborn' covered from head to toe in blood, but he wailed with lungs strong enough to challenge a dragon.

Yukimura's pace picked up as he felt his own climax creeping closer, grunts and moans of pleasure muffled by the kiss.
"Kojurou!!" Masamune spat. Kojurou looked to his lord then to the baby, his chest tight with anxiety and joy. He took a step towards his son and Masamune unsheathed his sword, "Don't take another step closer." He ordered. Kojurou glared lightly before moving to his son and covering him in his coat, craddling him. "KOJUROU!" Masamune snapped. The Dragon's Right Eye took a deep breath and looked his lord dead in the eye, "I will accept any punishment you have planned...but please, do not take Shigenaga from me! He's my only tie to Jing-!" "You stole my dead fucking son so you could be close to your late wife?!" Masamune was seething. The guards that approached were ordered to escourt Kojurou back to Riften, "I will deal with my daughter." Masamune growled

Gripping his shoulders hard, she cried out behind the kiss as her climax hit her, making her body quake with bliss.
"Otou-sama, I told him about the ritual, I even suggested using brother's body, this isn't his fault." Irohahime stood up, wobbling, weak from the ritual, it having drained her. "You think those magica dampening spells would hold forever? You think I wouldn't be able to find a way to weaken them? I used magic to get him to let me out. I just wanted to use magic again." She said, a soft frown on her face as she faced her father.

Yukimura pressed her flush against his chest as he reached his climax, sheathing himself in her completely with a final thrust, releasing his seed inside her.
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