Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika kissed her head gently and held her as tight as he could, "We will see him again one day, Nana...for now, all we can do is sing songs of him in the mead hall...mourn him appropriately. Do not isolate yourself from me in these troubling times...I wish not to lose you as well..."

Akihime was growing increasingly annoyed with how persistent he was being. "Begone from my sight, Yukimura. Before I use force."
"Forgive me, my husband... I promise to never leave your side again." She said softly, lacing her fingers with his and bringing his hand to her lips, kissing his knuckles gently. Tears still pricked at her eyes, blurring her vision.

Yukimura had enough, stepping forward he grabbed Akihime by the wrist, gripping her firmly and yanking her a bit closer. "We're going home."
Motochika used his free hand to wipe her tears away gently with his thumb, "You're so much more beautiful without these tears, my heart..."

Akihime's eyes widened and lightning danced up her arm from her fingertips, "Let go of me!!"
Nana nodded, trying to stop her crying, slowly stepping away from him. "I will try my best.." She said quietly. "But I suppose all I can do is resume my duties as your wife and House Carl."

Yukimura was shocked - quite literally - drawing his hand back in surprise and moving a step back. "Akihime, I don't want to have to subdue you..!"
"Just wife for now...that would suit me just fine..." He told her with a small smile

"Just try it!" She hissed, glaring angrily, lighting sparking from her fingertips once more
((I forgot are we gonna have Yuki bring Aki home or just do it in the crypt?))

Nana nodded, wanting nothing more than to just relax.

Yukimura ground his teeth, unsure of what to do, something wasn't right with his wife, but that didn't mean he could just hurt her.
(( (*゚▽゚*) Shit, I'm not sure...I think right there in the crypt because if she tries to leave, Volsung will come see what's up and then Yuki will have to deal with him and Aki..))

Motochika draped his coat around her and brought her inside, holding her close

Akihime smirked haughtily, "Pathetic. Not man enough to even fight me."
Yukimura's will wavered before he loosened his grip on his sword, frowning heavily. "I.. I can't draw my blade against my wife.." He said, letting his hand fall from his blade.
Yukimura averted his gaze and cringed, listening to her turn and walk away. "Matte!" He charged after her, reaching out to grab her.
((Should we have Iroh tell Kojurou she could've saved Jingu?))

Yukimura grabbed her shoulders firmly. "Akihime, I know you're in there! You're gentle and kind, and you want nothing but to have a peaceful life with your family, please! Snap out of it!"
((Hella~ and then he can punch her and when she says he could revive his son, he'll try to punch her again and she be like "Don't hit me, I'm serious!" XD))

Something flickered in her eyes before she tried pushing him away, "I care not for peace any longer, Sanada! Burden me no longer!"

Irohahime sat on her bed as Kojurou brought her food and new books to read, a solemn look on her face. After her incident in the graveyard, she had been permanently moved to the jail cell, and there was a scheduling for her tomes to be burned off. While Kojurou placed the new books on her desk, she glanced over, a flicker of anger sparking in her eyes; why did she have to be locked up? ".... I could've saved her, you know."

Yukimura tightened his grip. "No! I refuse to believe my wife is gone!"

((How do we start this??))
Kojurou halted all movement, glancing back to give her a dark look, "You know not of what you speak."

((Well you said a while ago he'd feel like he forced himself on her...force him on her xD She'll come to little by little!))

"She is and she isn't coming back! Release me, dammit!" She growled, hitting his chest
"I know more than you think. I could've even stopped that dragon from chomping on her too." Irohahime said, meeting his gaze.

Yukimura pressed her arms to her side and forced her against the wall. "Akihime, don't say that! I don't believe that at all!" He said, close to her.
Kojurou's gaze ignited fire and he swung to clock her hard in the jaw. He growled lowly and stared down at her, "I do not want to hear you even utter her name. No one could have saved her and I will deal with such a burden without your poison plaguing my thoughts as well." He stated before he turned to leave.

Her body reacted to his close proximity; her heart skipped and she felt her cheeks flushing. "G-Get away from me! Let me go or I'll scream! Volsung will deal with you then, and he's far stronger than I am!"
Irohahime cried out in pain, being knocked to the ground with a hard thud. She held her jaw in pain, tears pricking her eyes; gasping in pain, she glanced up at Kojurou. "I can bring your child back!" She called, staggering to her feet.

Yukimura didn't know what else to do at this point, he was tired and still in mourning; closing the distance between them, he kissed Akihime deeply, shame pricking his heart.
Kojurou froze and swung around quickly to punch her yet again, clenching his jaw

Her eyes widened and her heart beat picked up. She struggled to hit him again before slowly easing into the kiss, fists clenched tight. The control Volsung had over her was starting to loosen, her heart trying desperately to break her free.
Irohahime brought her arms up to protect her face. "I'm not lying!" She said quickly, stumbling backwards to try and get away from his punch.

Yukimura pushed down his guilt the best he could, holding her flush against his chest and holding the kiss.

((I thought Aki was gonna top??))
(( (*゚▽゚*) Oops.))

Kojurou scowled heavily and lowered his fist, "How?"

Akihime placed her hands behind his head and deepened the kiss, making a low noise of pleasure
Irohahime still took a wary step back. "It involves necromancy... He'll be completely alive and aware, like anyother person, but it takes time and a lot of... Unusual and disturbing ingredients.. But I can't do it without these tomes." She motioned to the markings on her body.

Yukimura's cheeks flushed and he stumbled slightly, his back pressing against the wall, stiff for a moment before he moved his hands to her waist.
Kojurou scowled more, it was a horrible idea; but on the other hand, he would have his son. He growled lowly and glared at the ground, "What do you need...?"

She pressed her hips against his, biting his lower lip
She made a soft noise and moved over to her desk, pulling out a work notebook, flipping it open. "I need a filled black soul gem, blood from one related to the person, one ninroot, one deathbell, and.. You need a body... Preferably one close to the age of which they died." She said.

Yukimura parted his lips for Akihime, grinding his hips slightly against hers in response, holding her close and making a weak noise.
"A body?" He echoed. He became dismayed. Where would he get the body of a baby? He then remembered Megohime's late son and felt his chest tighten. He would disrespect his lord and his wife with such an act. But he would have his son. Would it be worth it? He frowned but nodded, "I'll return..." He said and left

Her tongue slipped into his mouth and played with his while her leg hooked around his hip, hands working on removing his armor
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