Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime looked at Masamune with shell shocked eyes. "I... I brought them back... He'll never stop hunting me..." She muttered, hugging herself tighter. "He's going to kill me.."
Irohahime stood weakly and moved closer to Masamune, pressing herself against her father and holding on tightly. "Please stay with me tonight, Otou-sama..!" She pleaded.
Irohahime nodded and followed Masamune closely, holding his hand so tight her knuckles began to turn white.
He brought her inside, taking her to her old room while dodging his wife. Kojurou had returned Jingu to her grave before entering the keep and numbly walking to his room
"What happened?" Megohime's tense voice sounded behind Masamune, staring at the back of his head. "Why was I not allowed to go outside?"
"Protect her?" Her eyes narrowed. "Protect who?" She asked lowly, trying to see around him, but she was too short.
Masamune moved slightly to show Irohahime, holding up his hand to keep Megohime from coming closer, "I do not want more honored dead coming out of the ground so please do not attack her."
Megohime looked rather uncomfortable, shifting uneasily for a moment before turning. "I.. I guess that's fine... I'll be turning in for the night." She muttered, bowing her head slightly and heading to their shared room.
Irohahime moved over to her old bed and sat down numbly, still shaking from her encounter with Tenkai. "I... I didn't mean to unearth the entire graveyard.." She muttered.
She nodded slowly and laid down, staring at the far wall while shifting closer to her father as close as she could, slipping her hand into his.
She nodded, shame in her eyes. "A-And he made me..." Her throat tightened. "He made me lead Daihachi to his own death..." Her voice cracked and she started to cry again. "He killed him, Tou-sama, and all I did was watch, even when he begged me for help!"
Masamune drew back slightly in shock. Yukimura's youngest was killed by his own daughter? This would bring on a war that Masamune didn't need if Sanada was vindictive. Masamune sighed and pet her head. "Maybe it's best you stay in Riften for a while..."
Irohahime nodded and turned her head away from Masamune, unable to bear the look he gave her; he was so ashamed of her, she was ashamed of herself.
((You could've brought her in at anytime silly! Just throw her in!))

Nana had been anxious ever since her first son had left to aid the rebellion that was led by Ulfric, and already her second son, Morichika, had departed to join as well, not quite yet out of his teens. But Nana busied herself with work, scraping the barnacles off the side of the ship, listening to the crew above chatter.
(( Dx Imsorry!))

Motochika was busy being Jarl, trying to keep Imperials out of Dawnstar and secretly fretting over his sons. He was incredibly stressed but didn't want Nana to worry.

Sasuke watched Yukimura pace worriedly in his room, frowning softly, "I'm sure she's fine, dana. She said she would be gone a couple days, maybe she's taking more time to see her father." He said. Akihime hadn't returned from Solitude in nearly a week and had sent no word of her safe arrival or when she would be returning
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