Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Hidemune scowled heavily before turning and leaving towards the dungeon. There was no way it was Irohahime. Masamune glanced to his wife, "You'll understand that it's her soon enough, Mego...I won't push you to accept it.."
Megohime looked away from Masamune, biting her lip to hide that it was trembling. Irohahime sat alone in her cell, staring blankly at the far wall. She had already read all the books Kojurou had brought by, and now passed her time by counting each brick in the prison.
Hidemune entered the prison and set his helm aside, making his way to find his supposedly alive sister. When he found her, he was stuck frozen in place, air escaping his lungs in a silent gasp.
Irohahime looked up and her heart ached. "Onii-sama..." She stood up and moved over to the cell bars. "I-It's been so long..! You look so different..!" She smiled sadly, reaching out to touch him, overjoyed to see her older brother.
His shock was replaced with rage and he smacked her hand away, "How dare you!! Why?! Why would you have us believe you were dead?! What justification do you have putting us through all that grief?! You're so selfish!!" He spat angrily, hot rage-filled tears pooling the corners of hi eyes
Irohahime pulled her hand back and lowered her gaze. Of course she would be met with anger, she had already gotten denial from her own mother. She had really cut a deep wound into their hearts. "I know it'll never make up for what I've put everyone through, but I'm sorry." She said quietly, resting her forehead against the bars. "Please know I didn't do it to hurt anyone... I just-" She bit back the rest of her sentence, not wanting to tell him who she was with, but he deserved to know what she had been doing. "... I was raising the Wolf Queen." She said after a moment, shame washing over her once more.
Hidemune gripped the bars hard, rage flying over the handle, "Selfish and stupid?! I thought we raised you better than this! You would have us all killed, and for what?! What purpose did you have to do such a thing?!"
Irohahime flinched away and stared at the floor. "I..." She didn't know what to say anymore, tears coming to her eyes as she back away from Hidemune. "You should go.." She muttered, limping back to her bed slowly.
Irohahime kept her back to him, tears falling down her face in a steady stream. "Get out of here, Imperial, you aren't welcome here.." She muttered, choking back her sobs.
As soon as he was gone, Irohahime broke down into tears, crying openly. She collapsed against her bed, clinging to the sheets, sobs racking her body.

((Should we do the flashback with Tenkai putting the tomes on her back and then bring Aki back in?))
((You can throw Aki in whenever you want you know.))

Irohahime fell into a restless, deep sleep that night, recalling her times with Tenkai in vivid reality.
"Tenkai-sama?" Irohahime approached the snow elf, fidgeting nervously. "I need help inscribing more tomes to help with the ritual, but I can reach my back... Could you, you know...?" She held out the iron dagger, unrolling a scroll with all the tomes listed on it. "There's only six, and you have to make sure it will scar." She said.

((And are we bringing Tenkai in to kill her after her dream?))
((It's gonna take a couple days for corrupt!Aki to happen~))

Tenkai smirked under his mask and took the dagger from her hand, "Of course, my Enchantress~"


Irohahime turned around, letting out a small breath as she loosened her robes, exposing her back to him, preparing herself for the pain. The only unmarked place on her body, her back, was about to be bloodied and scarred.
Tenkai grabbed the scrolls he would need and looked over her unmarred skin, "So beautiful...~ I hate to ruin such lovely skin~" His long fingers gently ran across her back as he smirked
Irohahime gasped softly at the feel of his fingers against her flesh, cheeks flushing pink. "I-It's to help, right..?" She asked weakly, wishing he would touch her again.
Irohahime's blush darkened and she arched her back slightly, robes threatening to slip lower. "T-Tenkai-sama, I-I'll be okay, really..!" She said.
Tears pooled in Irohahime's eyes, clenching her fists and grinding her teeth in pain.
Irohahime woke with a start in a cold sweat, breathing hard. "A dream..." She muttered, wiping away the tears that had been running down her face in her sleep.
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