Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Rike dhis!))

"Yukimura-sama..." Akihime stood a few feet away from where her husband was trainging, eyes downcast, "I'm goin to travel to Solitude, to visit the Temple of the Divines...I'll be away for a couple days, at most..." She told him, voice still hollow and empty from the loss of her son
Yukimura stopped his sword short, looking to his wife with a soft frown. "Alone..?" He asked, not liking the idea of letting his wife travel so far by herself at such a difficult time.
Akihime frowned softly and shook her head, "I must go alone...I promise to be safe...but I must do this..." She placed her hand on his cheek, caressing him with her thumb, "Talos will guard me.."
Yukimura didn't want to let her leave, out of concern for her wellbeing from both harm from herself that she could deal or harm someone else might deal. "At least allow Amaya accompany you through the thick of the wilds." He said.
Yukimura nodded. "Send a courier as soon as you arrive in Solitude." He said, kissing her hand.

Irohahime sat in the magica dampening cell, reading the books Kojurou had brought down for her to pass the time, but even then she was bored out of her mind.

((What were we gonna do with Hide again??))
((Oh yeah, he was gonna try one last time to convince Masa to give in peacefully, and catches wind that Iroh's alive and he gives her quite the trashing~<3))

Yukimura returned her kiss. "I love you too." He said softly, his own broken heart still mending.
((Damn, son.))

Akihime managed a weak smile before turning to go pack for her journey. Sasuke sat in the beams of the ceiling, watching silently.
"If you have something in your mind, say it." Yukimura said, but it wasn't confrontational, moving over to sit down.

((How should we start it~?))
((No I mean Hide coming back silly~))

"I'll be fine, things are just... Turbulent right now." He said, putting his head in his hands.
((Oh! Haha sorry~ we start rather simply, really~))

Hidemune entered Riften, expression hard and focused. He was dressed in Imperial Officer's armor, helm under his arm as he made his way to Mistveil
Whispers traveled through town like a wildfire, reaching Megohime's ears in no time. "Masamune-sama..!" She entered, shooing Tadamune off to his room, but he didn't listen. "Hidemune has returned." She said, Tadamune moving to stand behind Masamune's chair, watching the doors with cold red eyes.
She shook her head. "He looks like he's here on business." She said, taking her place beside his throne.
Masamune sat in wait, eye narrowing when his son entered the keep. "Masamune-sama." "Hidemune." They greeted each other stiffly. "I've come to request that you let theImperials into Riften." "Hell no." Masamune retorted
Soft whispers swept amongst the maids that had gathered upon hearing of Hidemune's return, and air of uneasiness hanging heavy in the air. "...joined the Imperials..." "...what will become of us..." "....and with lady Irohahime's return..." Snippets of conversations could be heard being whispered from maid to maid.
Huemune glanced at the maids upon hearing his half-sister's name. His eyes grew cold with a faint gleam of heart ache, "Pay attention, Hidemu-" "What is this mumbling nonsense of Irohahime returning. She's dead." He spat out the word with a venom colder than Frostbite. Masamune made a face, "She's in the dungeon, if you wish to see her. She's a little worse for wear, but it's her, though Mego would swear otherwise.."
"Do not mock me, that woman isn't my daughter." Megohime hissed out, but said no more on the matter, clearly upset about it. Tadamune stood beside Masamune, watching Hidemune with unconcerned red eyes. He had never really attached to any of his kin, leaving him an oddly quiet young boy who prefered to watch social interactions rather than be appart of them.
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