Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He held her hand and frowned, "I'm sorry, Iroh...it's better if you stay in here...your mom isn't covinced it's you...she's been really out of it since..." He stopped and took a breath, "She's gonna try and hurt you, so this is for your safety.."
She frowned heavily and stared at the floor. "I didn't mean to hurt you..." She whispered, then looked up. "Hidemune, I haven't heard anything about him, where is he..?" She asked, fearing the worst.
She nodded and sat down weakly. "And what happened with Okaa-sama..? You said something happened..?"
"She blames herself and says the Divines were punishing her, but...she had a still born...you would have had another little brother, but...he was stillborn..." He said softly, "And where was I but off tending to my own petty issues..."
Irohahime felt her heart drop into her stomach and she fell quite. "I see..." She said softly. "How.. How long will I be here?"
Irohahime nodded. "How's Tadamune?" She asked, the last time having seen her younger brother was when he was just a toddler.
Irohahime smiled sadly. "He doesn't know who I am... Does he?" "Otou-sama?" Tadamune stood by the entrance, watching Masamune with red eyes. He seemed a little odd though, his eyes held sadness that came with knowledge. "What are you doing?" He asked.

((Tadamune's gonna be kinda emotionally detached~))
((And his mom is very distant and Masa is usually away~ Jingu woulda helped raise him but she's dead~))

Tadamune moved over to Masamune's side, glancing at Irohahime with disgust in his eyes. "Why are you talking with a prisoner. She's a criminal. She deserves to die." He said coldly, making Irohahime stiffen slightly.
((Yeah but he can only do so much~))

Tadamune rubbed his head and looked at Irohahime. "She looks like a Falmer." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. "And Kaa-san said I didn't have a sister."
((Well she has Muhime first then Takamatsamaru, and then Minehime~))

Tadamune looked at Irohahime, a soft frown tugging at his lips. "Why is she in jail?" He asked, not looking away, making Irohahime a bit uncomfortable. He seemed so cold, almost like he had been born with little to no emotions.
Tadamune made a noise, turning on his heel. "I don't see why we have to keep her." He said, leaving the jail and looking for Kojurou. Irohahime frowned softly. "This is my fault, huh?"
Irohahime frowned heavily and nodded. "I'll stay here.. With Kaa-san and everything... It's for the best."
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