Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime's breath was hot against Masamune's neck, coming out in rapid puffs, fingernails digging into his wrists. "Masamune-sama~" She moaned softly, closing her eyes and enjoying the mindless pleasure.
Megohime kissed his neck gently as she kept the slow pace, feeling a slight pressure build in her lower abdomen, making her pick up her speed and roughness momentarily, but corrected herself and slowed once more. Holding onto his shoulders, she gasped and moaned with pleasure, arching her back when his manhood hit her speacial bundle of nerves, causing her to release a strangled, loud moan.
Megohime gripped Masamune's shoulders tightly and bit his neck, silencing the loud moan that came with her release, cheeks red as she trembled and pressed herself against his body.
The sensation of her climax was enough to push him over the edge, gripping her hips hard and grinding his teeth to keep from crying out as he released his seed inside her
Megohime panted weakly, running her hands through his hair and gripping it, slowly opening her eyes. "I love you, Masamune-sama." She said softly, kissing his neck before crawling off him and rolling onto her back beside him.
Megohime nuzzled into his neck, lacing her fingers with his and closing her eyes.

((Shall we go to the part where Iroh is thrown in prison~?))
Irohahime woke the next day in a comfortable bed, one eye wrapped and still throbbing. She gave a low groan and slowly sat up, grabbing the pitcher of water and drinking as much as she could, not caring that she spilled some onto her dress. After drinking the entire jug of water she rubbed her eyes groggily, looking around. Her eye widened when she saw where she was; in a cell. Of course this cell had quite a few luxuries such as a desk, a basin, a plethora of food and a dressing wall for privacy, she was still in a cell. "No..!" She wobbled to her feet and moved to the bars, gripping them tightly and giving them a tug. "No!" She felt panic rise in her chest and she tried to cast a destruction spell to break open the lock, but it was as if she could never even cast a spell. Then she saw the wards, placed both outside and inside the cell, but she was doubtful the ones inside could be removed. "Let me out!!" Memories of Mitsunari on top of her, hitting her relentlessly flashed through her head, causing her to scream in panic and kick hard at the cell door.
Irohahime locked her eyes on the gaurd. "Where's my father? I want to speak with him now!" She demanded.
"Yes, I need to talk to him!" She sounded distraught, her bruised eye darting around as she paced.
Irohahime sat down on the bed, itching lightly at her blinded eye, chewing nervously on her lip.
Irohahime stood up and moved closer. "Otou-sama.." She sounded shakey, on the verge of tears. "Why am I in a cell?" She asked, her single eye holding a weariness only one who had seen far too many terrible things had seen.
"Because I'm not really sure I can trust you..." He answered, "Because, you see, I burried my daughter years ago. She's dead. And here you are, claiming to be her. Apart of me is screaming that it's true; but I've been wrong before." He replied
Irohahime froze, eye widening and her entire body going cold. "Otou-sama..." She slowly sunk to her knees and pressed her forehead against the bars. "It's me, Otou-sama... It's Iroh, I promise.." She rasped. "Please, please don't say I'm not your daughter, please.."
"Prove it." He said gently, kneeling before her. He seemed so vulnerable, he looked distressed, "Please prove it...I want to be right for once..."
Irohahime stared at the ground for a moment before speaking. "Remember when I made moms reflection look like a hagraven every time she looked into the mirror for a week..?" She asked quietly. "She got so mad she nearly tore Mistveil appart trying to find us when we hid from her."
Irohahime smiled sadly and reached out through the bars to hold her fathers hand. "Otou-sama... I'm sorry.." She whispered softly. "Please don't make me stay in here.. I promise I won't leave...!"
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