Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime wouldve burst into tears if she hadn't already been crying out of pain, struggling as hard as she could against him, but she was completely in the dark. With one eye swollen shut and the other nearly falling from her head, it only increased her fear. "No!!" She flailed one of her arms, fist balled and ready to strike him in the face.
Irohahime continued to struggle, trying to push him away, was he going to bring her before the Jarl's now? Why did it really matter? Either way she'd be killed like any other lowlife.
Irohahime struggled to crawl to the corner, leaning against the wall as she waited for the chambermaids, perking when they entered, making quick work of cleaning the blood and dirt off of her before helping her get into a clean a dress before two guards entered to escort her to the court, Irohahime's hair fallen in her face to hide her shame as she was walked through Solitude. Once they were before the court, she was pushed to her knees, making her cry out in pain and grip her leg. She could feel an overwhelming power in the room, even if she couldn't see due to her temporary blindness in one eye and permanent blindness in the other, she could tell she was before the council of some of the most powerful men in Skyrim.
"Jarl's of Skyrim - and Ieyasu - you have been called here to bear witness to the execution of a filthy mage who so dared to try and bring about the destruction of Skyrim, perhaps even all of Tamriel! She was sent here by an unknown man to resurrect Potema, the Wolf Queen." Mitsunari stated. Masamune stood there, listening, furrowing his brow as something clicked in the far reaches of his mind. Why did he felt like he heard something like that before?
Irohahime hung her head, fighting tears as she trembled hard, clenching her teeth. She wished desperately to flee far from Solitude, perhaps set out for Hammerfell. But it was a futile hope. Hot tears fell to the ground as she listened to Mitsunari, wishing to hear anyone's voice but his, she wanted to just escape. Perhaps she could momentarily stall the Jarl's, distract them and escape. The throbbing in her leg reminded her she couldn't run, she could barely even stand.
"You know for a fact that she was trying to resurrect Potema? Or are you just giving us this crap so you can show Ieyasu over there that you're willing to kill any who oppose you?" Masamune questioned. Mitsunari pointed his sword at him, "Hold your tongue. You are saved from my wrath merely because you are Dragonborn and we need you to keep Alduin at bay."
Irohahime barely registered the voice that just spoke as her fathers, how long had it been since she had heard his voice? But fear had gotten to her, it was slowly eating away at her mind. "Please! I-I don't want to die!" She pleaded, letting her bruised forehead touch the ground. "I didn't want to destroy everything.. Gomenasai, gomenasai..!" She lifted her head slightly, her blood, stained hair parting to show her bruised and battered face, both eyes closed due to injury, so she had no idea who was before her.
That voice... How long had it been since Masamune heard that voice? And that face. It couldn't be. His heart jumped into his throat before sinking into his stomach. It was Irohahime, his little princess. She was alive? How? He burried her. "Hold it, Mitsunari. I demand you release her into my care." He stated. Mitsunari scowled heavily, "Why would I ever?" "She's a young girl. She was manipulated, probably had no idea what she was doing." "She knew full well!" Mitsunari snapped. Masamune's eye slitted, "Release her."
Irohahime finally recognized his voice as her father and broke out into sobs. "Otou-sama.. Gomenasai..!!" She tried to crawl toward the sound of his voice, the teen pathetically vulnerable on the ground in her blind state, leaving a small trail of smudged blood behind her, her eye bleeding once more from her crying.
Mitsunari stepped on her back and kept her pinned down, "So, that's why you want her released. I thought your first born was slain." "So did I." Masamune said lowly, "But that doesn't matter now. I want her released back into my care." "She must pay for her crimes!" "Give her to me now!" Masamune's Voice made the palace shake, the other Jarl's growing slightly uneasy
Irohahime whimpered softly when she was pinned to the ground, ceasing her struggles and remaining on the floor. She reached out for Masamune, her pale arm bruised and covered in welts. "O-Otou-sama.." She sounded like a scared child, one who had nearly been attacked by a dragon. "Please.. Please Otou-sama, don't let him hurt me anymore!" She pleaded.
"Let her go!" "She needs to die for her crimes!" Masamune and Mitsunari argued. Ieyasu frowned, "Mitsunari, maybe you're taking this a little out of ha-" "SILENCE, IEYASU!!" Mitsunari spat. Masamune was very close to just Shouting Mitsunari into the wall, but he might hit Irohahime as well.
Irohahime was beginning to panic, falling deeper and deeper into the pit of terror. "Let me go!!" She screamed suddenly, thrashing beneath Mitsunari's foot, her breathing becoming irregular and quick. Flames suddenly flickered to life in her palms, quickly spreading up her arms and over her back and chest. "No more! No more! No more!!" The flames grew, threatening to consume Mitsunari's leg as she clenched her fists, mere seconds away from casting the disastrous spell.
Mitsunari moved away quickly and Masamune took his chance, inhaling deep, "TIID KLO UL!" Time froze and Masamune Whirlwind Sprinted to Irohahime, scooping her up gently and rushing out before Slow Time wore off
Irohahime hyperventilated against Masamune's chest, refusing to drop the spell that she was about to cast, terror making her tense. Flames licked against his armor and made Irohahime's clothes smoke slowly, holding onto Masamune tightly. "Please don't hurt me... Please... No more..! No more..." She cried and pleaded.
The flames eventually began to flicker out, Irohahime clinging to Masamune for comfort in silence before she broke down into tears once more. "Otou-sama!" She tried to quiet her crying by clenching her teeth, but it didn't work. "I'm scared Otou-sama..! I didn't mean to.. I didn't mean to!" Her grip tightened and she hicupped.
The swelling in Irohahime's eye went down considerably by the time they reached Riften, able to see out of her remaining eye once more. Her head rested against Masamune's chest plate, staring ahead as they entered the city she hadn't been inside of for years.
Irohahime laid still for the healer, just glad to be back in a warm bed for once, not being screamed at or beaten. "Masamune-sama." Megohime's tired voice came from behind him, Megohime standing behind him with bags under her eyes. "What's going on? What is all this fuss about?"
Megohime's eyes grew hurt and she teared up a bit. "Real funny. I see your mood has improved. I'm returning to our chambers-" She stopped when her eyes fell on Irohahime, her eyes widening and her body stiffening. "I...." He eyes suddenly grew murderous, the only other time Masamune having seen her that was being after she had killed Iisaka. "I want that imposter to be strung up outside the keep for all to see!" She bellowed, tears falling down her face. "How dare they come here, disguised as my deceased daughter!!"
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