Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime hit the ground and grunted, her cheek stinging from his hit, flesh already welting and puffing slightly. "I can't tell you.." She repeated, slowly sitting up, holding her cheek. "You might as well leave because I refuse to tell you anything.."

Amaya perked and bowed her head. "What is it, m'lady?" She inquired softly, keeping her distance from the mourning mother.
Mitsunari didn't like kearing that, not one bit. He balled his fist and proceeded to hit her anywhere he could reach; head, back, arms, side, anywhere that was open for an attack.

Akihime sat up and rubbed her eyes, "I need a heart, bones, skull and human flesh...I don't care where you get them...I just need them...onegaishimasu..."
Irohahime cried out every time he struck her, cowering and covering her face, trying desperately to get away from the brutal beating, every blow that hit her head made her more and more dizzy. Soon she just collapsed in the corner, blood staining the back of her head and Mitsunari's gauntlets. The pain was overwhelming, something she had never before felt, but her body felt heavy, and soon she could barely feel the blows he delivered, eyes growing heavy. "Otou...Sama..." She grunted as his fist caught her in the temple. "M'lord..!" One of the guards came into the cell, but didn't dare touch Mitsunari. "I don't think she can handle anymore!" He said, and he was right, Irohahime was struggling to avoid unconsciousness.

Amaya didn't even question what Akihime needed, she simply nodded. "Hai." She disappeared in a whirlwind of snow flakes, leaving Akihime alone. It didn't take her long to gather the needed materials, and she returned in no time. "Here, m'lady." She handed the large sack to Akihime, bowing. "Will you need anything more?"
Mitsunari stopped, fist in the air to deliever another blow. He panted softly, nearly out of breath from hitting her so hard for so long. He huffed and walked out of the cell, "Tend to her her if your heart bleeds so much out of pity. I don't give a damn."

"May I borrow you dagger?" She asked, holding out her hand
Irohahime slipped into consciousness as Mitsunari stalked out of her cell, the guard taking pity on the young girl and calling for a healer to make sure the hands of death didn't take her.

Amaya blinked and nodded, pulling out her weapon and handing it to Akihime, remaining silent.
((*briefly ditches Iroh*))

Akihime set up the effigy, circling it with candles, and grabbed a Nightshade from her pouch, ripping off the petals and rubbing them along the blade before she began to stab the effigy. "Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother, send your Child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear." She chanted under her breath
Amaya frowned softly and returned to her place in the rafters, watching silently to see what would happen.

((I forgot, is Sasuke the Listener?))
((I think we joked about it when I was staying over last time, but he isn't...unless you want him to be~))

In a swirl of black mist, Sasuke appeared on the other side of the effigy, staring down at Akihime. He lowered his mask and blinked, "Otani? Why did you-?" "Sasuke-san, I want to make a contract. No questions asked, not a word to Yukimura-sama." Akihime interrupted. Sasuke rose an eyebrow at the bitterness in her tone before he lifted his mask again, "Who do you want dead?" He asked. Akihime ground her teeth and looked him dead in the eye, "Megohime, Jarl Masamune's wife." She told him. Sasuke gave an interested look, "Haven't killed anyone important in a really long time. Do you have the appropriate payment?" "Here..." Akihime handed him a coin purse filled with 1000 septims, "That should cover it." "It does more than cover it. And I promise, not a word to dana." He said before he disappeared. Akihime sat back and sighed shakily, covering her face, "Divines forgive me..."

Megohime was in a hollow state, but faked emotions whenever Masamune was around, but he was in Mistveil Keep, and she was in the town square, so she didn't need her mask of emotions. She knew, however, she wasn't completely pulling the wool over Masamune's eyes, for he had Kojurou tail her for the past week or so. Eyes traveling blankly over the town, she passed the vendors in the market, her feet taking her nowhere in particular.
((Shit, how did we say this was gonna go down? xD Sasuke was gonna take her to the Ratway, right??))

Kojurou kept a good distance from her, knowing she needed her space. He didn't blame her, the sting from losing Jingu still burned in his chest; he kept her bow on his person at all times. But losing a wife didn't compare to the pain of losing two children; she had lost her very own flesh and blood, where as he merely lost a piece of his heart.
((Yup! He was going to drag her down there and she wasn't going to fight him at all~))

Megohime made sure to avoid the orphanage, looking at children was too painful, and loosing two of her children was far too much to bear. Tadamune was ten or eleven now, but anyone who was special in her life seemed to simply vanish before her eyes, alive or not.
Kojurou sighed heavily as he avoided Megohime, unaware of Sasuke skulking in the shadows. When Megohime was out of sight, Sasuke covered her mouth and pulled her into the shadows towards the Ratway
Megohime's eyes widened when she was grabbed, not expecting to be grabbed in daylight - night perhaps. She struggled hard against the unseen assailant, trying to pry his hand from her mouth, but her heavy heart would only allow her to struggle so much.
When he reached the Ratway, he set her down gently and pulled out the Blade of Woe, "Date Megohime. A contract has been made for your death. Know that I will take very little joy in this."
Megohime collapsed to her knees and stared at the ground, heart racing. "Who ordered it..?" She seemed to be taking the news rather well, not try to plead for her life or try to flee.
"I'm not at liberty to say, but it was someone who once held you in high regard and only recent circumstance has caused them to seek vengence." He replied, "I hope you've made peace."
Megohime lowered her head, letting her hair fall in her face and shadow her eyes. Reaching out, she gently grabbed Sasuke's wrist and brought the point of the dagger to her throat. "Please... Please send me to see my children." Tears fell from her eyes, hand shaking.
Sasuke faultered, something in the back of his mind clicking. He saw his mother when he looked upon Megohime, and his eyes widened slightly. He forced down the memory and prepared to slit her throat. "Megohime-dono!!" Kojurou rushed into the Ratway and slashed at Sasuke, forcing him to move away with a soft curse. "Katakura-dono, perfect timing as always." "Begone, Sarutobi! Before the guard catches up and hauls you away." Kojurou growled. Sasuke scowled softly and looked back at Megohime, "Some other time, I will grant you your peace." He said before disappearing
Megohime let out a cry of anguish, collapsing on the dirty ground and breaking out into sobs. "Why did you stop him!?" She demanded. She couldn't take it anymore; nothing was right. She had lost too much and she would only lose more, she couldn't bear that kind of pain any more. "Why would you stop him from letting me see my children once more!?"
"Death is not an appropriate means for escape! Do you think Masamune-sama would be any happier without his wife!? What would he tell Tadamune when he asked where you had disappeared to, or why they had to put you under ground if you were just sleeping!? You have a husband and a son to live for! Please, carry on for them!" Kojurou told her, "I know of your pain, maybe not as well as you, but I know of it! Your children would not want this of you!"
Megohime curled into a smaller ball, clenching her fists and letting out a low moan of sorrow. "I just want my children back.." She whispered, completely shattered, heart broken beyond repair.

Irohahime next woke around noon, her body aching, but it wasn't as bad as it could've been. She could've been dead, lucky for her the guard had taken pity on her and called for a healer, but she was still quite battered and sore. Slowly sitting up, she rubbed her head gingerly, stomach giving a soft growl. When was the last time she had eaten real food? Two months? She had been keeping herself going with the help of a potion that would give her the same nourishment as normal food would, but still, she longed for food.
Kojurou gently scooped her up, even if she struggled a bit, and carried her back to Mistveil, "I know you do, Megohime-dono..."

"Are you going to talk now?" Mitsunari's voice glowered. He had been sitting there, watching her, waiting for her to wake up so he could interrogate her again
((Ditches Mego))

Irohahime nearly jumped out of her skin, head spinning quickly to see Mitsunari inside the cell with her, sitting in the chair across the room. Her legs grew numb with fear and she shifted on the bed, wishing he wasn't in the cell with her. "I... Can't.." She answered uneasily, already her heart picking up and beating hard against her chest.
"Because if I do, then you'll just send me to the block.." She said quietly, keeping her eyes downcast. "I wouldn't tell you regardless though.. I'm not a traitor." She said, chancing a glance up at him.

((I forgot, are we gonna break her leg first of stab her in the eye?))
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