Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Then I have no reason to speak." She said, turning her head away from him, but she gripped her pants nervously.

Irohahime jolted and screamed loudly in agony, writhing away from him and pressing herself against the wall, hands trembling as they hovered over the break. It was a clean break that cracked her femur in two. Tears fell down her face and she was nearly hyperventilating as she sobbed, casting a healing spell to try and fix her leg.
Mitsunari snatched her wrists and shoved a magicka poison down her throat, "This is what you get for not telling me what I need to know, you filth!"
Irohahime gagged and tried to heave the potion back up, but she could already feel it taking affect and stunting her magicka output. "Please stop..!" She begged, tears staining her cheeks and blurring her vision, struggling weakly against his grip. "I can't tell you.. I can't tell you..!" She cried, hanging her head.
Irohahime tried desperately to hide away inside her own mind, trying to not give in. No, he would not break her, the only answers this monster would be getting was indirect answers that only led him to dead ends. "Because I... I love him." This might just throw him off Tenkai's trail a bit, of course someone as young as her would never be interested in a priest, that would be wrong on her part. Now he might be searching for someone younger, but it would only be a matter of time before he caught up with her.
Mitsunari ground his teeth before throwing her to the ground, storming out of her cell. The guards locked up after him and frowned under their helms.
Irohahime crawled over to the bed roll and began to slowly tear it into strips, carefully wrapping her leg the best she could to set it until the potion wore off and she could heal herself. Her head throbbed and she nearly slipped out of it many times as she waited, tears still flowing from the pain.
Days went on and Mitsunari continued to try and get information out of her, but to no avail. The beatings worsened until she was on the verge of death several times, but he didn't care. He would continue until he got what he wanted. Another day came and he entered her cell, "Are you going to tell me why you're here now?"
Irohahime's left eye was swollen shut and she was covered in bruises. Unable to heal her leg and let it set right, she could feel the discomfort of it mending on its own, but it was out of place. She could feel it. She no longer tried to get up when he entered, finding it best to just stay down on the ground and wait for him to leave after he was done beating her. She wheezed softly and looked away as tears started to fall from her one good eye, but her crying had grown to be silent.
((Is the council of the Jarls already in Solitude or not yet?))

Irohahime closed her right eye, turning her head away. There was no going back now, she would take Tenkai's name to the grave, but perhaps he deserved to know why she was here, or was that the concussion speaking? "I was going... Was raising Potema.." She barely managaged to croak out, dehydration, hunger, and the beatings taking their toll.
((Well, we still have to cut her eye...then I was gonna jump to the gathering of Jarl's~))

"Why?" He growled, "The entirety of Skyrim would be in SHAMBLES if you succeeded!"
((He could always cut her eye and then bring her before the council so she's "blind" and can't see her father~?))

Irohahime didn't respond, but it wasn't out of stubborn will. She laid still on the ground, the only thing moving was the faint rise and fall of her chest; she had lost consciousness from the starvation and pain, it was too much.
Irohahime didn't even flinch, didn't even cringe when he yanked her up by the hair and screamed in her ear, all she did was slump forward against him, unable to control her body in her unconscious state.
It was later that night when Iohahime next woke, a guard alerting Mitsunari of her consciousness.
Irohahime kept her mouth shut, eye trained on the far wall, his voice all but background noise. Her tongue was swollen from not having water and she was growing too weak to stand, and her broken leg would barely keep her up on her feet, let alone allow her to walk.
This seemed to pull Irohahime from her daze, blood dripping heavily from her destroyed eye, she let out a piercing scream, holding a hand over her eye, trying to crawl in the opposite direction of Mitsunari.
"Oh, no you don't." He grabbed her and hauled her up, "You see, my patients has worn very thin with your antics. So, I've decided to just be rid of you and make sure no one is allowed near Potema's remains ever again. You will be executed before the Jarl's of every Hold, so they may see that the threat to their land has been snuffed out."
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