Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"She won't help you~ she brought you here to be a sacrafice~" "N-Nani?! N-No, Onee-sama cares about me!" "Then why won't she help you~?" Tenkai asked
Irohahime's lower lip trembled and she choked out a sob. "Please... Just try to not struggle too much..."
"Onee-sama!!" Daihachi began to sob as he struggled more, tryin to kick and hit Tenkai but it didn't work. The Champion of Mehrunes Dagon turned to Irohahime, "My Lord informs me that we will be having guests soon~"
"People are coming? Are they hunters?" She frowned softly, trying to hold back her tears, digging into her pack for her mask.
Tenkai didn't answer, smirking behind his mask as he bound Daihachi. "Stop!! Onegai!! Let me go!!" "Daihachi!" Akihime's voice echoed from the entrance of the shrine.
Irohahime tensed when she saw Akihime and Yukimura racing up the steps, meeting Akihime's gaze before quickly slipping on her mask, tears welling up in her eyes.
Akihime's eyes widened, "Iroha...hime...?" "OKAA-SAMA!!" Daihachi screamed in terror, ripping Akihime from her thoughts, "Daihachi!" She took a step forward but Tenkai sent a Thunderbolt hurdling towards her feet, making her stop, "Don't come any closer, or I'll make his death slow~" Tenkai taunted
Irohahime chewed furiously on her lip, looking to Tenkai for guidance. "Daihachi!" Yukimura clenched his teeth and gripped his sword handle, drawing his blade and glaring at Tenkai. "Let him go!"
"Just stay right there and watch~" Tenkai grinned before taking an Ebony Dagger of Binding and stabbing it into Daihachi's chest. "NO!!" Akihime screamed. Daihachi let out a silent scream, his soul sucked from his body and stored in a Petty Soul Gem. Akihime felt her heart shatter into a million shards, tears filling her eyes, "Daihachi...!"
Irohahime watched as Daihachi's soul filled a beautiful gem. Yukimura fell to his knees in disbelieve, staring blankly at Tenkai with his mouth hanging open.
Tenkai examined the gem, eyes smiling, "Such a beautiful gem. With such a cute little soul~" He said. His eyes landed on Akihime, locking her gaze, "What a shame~" He said lowly before crushing the gem in his hand. Her eyes widened and she screamed in anguish, stumbling forward and dropping to her hands and knees, "You son of a WHORE!!" She screeched. Her eyes landed dangerously on Irohahime, glaring death at her, "He TRUSTED you!!"
Irohahime flinched and clenched her fists, shame weighing heavily on her chest. She took in a shakey breath before suddenly turning, bolting out of fear; fear of Akihime, persecution, and herself. Yukimura let out an achieved cry and drew his sword, charging forward at Tenkai, rage and tears in his eyes.
Tenkai reached for Mehrunes Razor and Akihime's eyes widened, "Yukimura-sama, look out!" She called and rushed forward, launching a Fireball at Tenkai. It caught the Champion by surprise and he flew backwards, nearly dropping his dagger.
Yukimura contemplated going after Tenkai and hacking him to pieces, but instead, he pulled the dagger gently from Daihachi's chest, gathering the boys corpse up, and returning to his wife. "Leave him, we should return to Whiterun." He said, sounding so far away and out of it.

((When should we have Iroh captured? Should we skip ahead to around midnight so we can still focus in on Aki?))
((If that makes things easier, then I agree with it (・ω・)」))

Akihime felt her chest tighten the closer Yukimura came with her slain child. She reached out with a shakey hand, fighting a new wave of hot tears. She nodded deafly, feeling like her heart was ripped straight from her chest
((Okay! Just throw Aki in and I'll go with it!))

Irohahime had been running for hours, so when she was grabbed by a guard, she didn't put up much of a fight. By the colorings on his armor, he was a Solitude guard; had she been running that long? She was jerked back to her through ta when she was forced to her knees, now inside some sort of building, before some snide looking Jarl- oh no. No, it couldn't be. Though she still sore her mask, her eyes widend in terror and her breath caught in her throat. "My Lord, this woman matched your discription of the wanted Necromancer." The guard said, keeping a firm hold on her shoulder, but she was far too tired to fight back.
Mitsunari glared down at Irohahime, "So, after you attempt to destroy Hideyoshi-sama's land, you dare show your face here again. I should have your head for returning to Haafingar!" Mitsunari's voice rose an octave as his fury grew. He forced himself to calm down and waved his hand, "Lock her away until I think of what to do with her."

Akihime sat beneath the Gildergreen, playing with the petals that had fallen from its branches. Her eyes were void and bloodshot, her body left like lead. She wanted to go with Yukimura to the Hall of the Dead, but could not bear the weight of reality any farther than the sacred tree and so she remained there to wait for his return. She was so glad Daichi was not there.
"Yes my lord." The guard said, hauling Irohahime off to prison; but Irohahime was just glad to be alive, she thought that man was going to cut her head off then and there, and was lucky to just be imprisoned, but she knew more was to come. Pushing her into the cell, the guard handed her a foul smelling pair of ragged clothing. "You could at least turn away..." She murmured, pulling off her mask, but the guard said nothing. Irohahime turned her back to the man, pulling the silk robes over her head, exposing the tomes and blue veins that marred her body, barely leaving any pale skin clean of the markings. Only her face went mostly untouched, a few veins were present around her face however, as well as in her eyes. The guard made a noise of disgust and Irohahime shrunk in shame, pushing her clothing through the bars and moving to the corner of the cell where she sat, staring at the wall.

Yukimura cupped the cold cheek of his deceased son, eyes red and his heart heavy. He had watched his youngest son slaughtered right before his very eyes, and he was unable to do anything about it. He wasn't even able to capture the monster that had committed such a heinous crime. It was time to return to his wife now; she needed him. Petting his hair once more, he turned, swallowing the lump in his throat and leaving, trudging slowly up the steps and toward the Gildergreen where Akihime sat.
Mitsunari drummed his fingers on the arm rest of his throne, blood simmering in his veins. He was so angry, but he couldn't rightfully do anything about it. Yoshitsugu was still bedridden and could not accept visitors at this time, so there was no consoling him for advice. The young Jarl gnashed his teeth as he tried to keep calm. It was in vain.

Akihime hummed weakly the lullaby she sang to Daichi and Daihachi when they were both babes who depended solely on her. Hot tears filled her eyes again and she felt her chest tighten up. No, don't cry. She couldn't cry, she had to be brave. But how could she be? Her son was gone, taken to Sovngarde at such a young age. She didn't want to continue living, but she had to - for Yukimura's sake as well as Daichi's.
Irohahime traced the stones that made up the wall of her cell, trying desperately to keep calm. "Tenkai-sama... Tasukete.." She whimpered softly, hugging herself for warmth. She looked around, the cell, it was dank and dirty, water dripping down one wall and into a puddle by the door. What was going to happen to her? Her eyes fell on thrusted shackles on the wall, swallowing the lump in her throat.

Yukimura placed a hand on Akihime's shoukder, frowning softly at her blank expression. "Akihime... Come, we should leave." He said softly. "Let us return home." He said, feeling an overwhelming fatigue wash over him.
The door to the prison opened and slammed roughly, rapid footfalls racing towards Irohahime's cell. Mitsunari stood on the other side of the bars, for now those were the only things keeping him from her. But they wouldn't stop him for long. "You have exactly one minute to explain to me why you are here in my Lord's land. And I am not a very patient Jarl, so speak quickly."

"Home..." She echoed, voice hollow, "Yes...I shall have to return to Solitude to visit the Temple of the Divines soon to pray for Daihachi, won't I...?" She muttered. Irohahime's face flashed in her mind and she clenched her fists before unclenching, looking up at her husband, "Let's go, Yukimura-sama...I need rest...we need rest..." She said, slowly standing. She held his hand tight as they walked back to their home, leaning against him.
Irohahime felt a cold rush go down her spine, slowly turning to look at him. He was even more terrified towering over her in the dark, but she mustn't give up Tenkai, she couldn't. Her lower lip quivered and she slowly turned away from him, looking down at her feet. "I... Won't tell you that.." She said quietly, wishing she was back home, but her father and mother didn't even know she was still alive.

Yukimura nodded and lead her back home, entering their home and moving to the bedroom. He sat her down on the bed and kissed her forehead, helping her get comfortable by removing her shoes and gently laying her down. "I must report to my lord.. But I will only be but a few moments, I will return before morning comes." He said softly, slowly standing.
((*Cry voice* Ya see, das what happens when ya trust strange people with shady personalities, das all I'm sayin'.. xD))

Mitsunari practically exploded, ripping the keys from the guard's hand and unlocking her cell, throwing the door open and marching towards her, "TELL ME!!" He screamed, practically trembling

Akihime nodded numbly, pulling the blankets over her shoulders, "I'll be here...I have no need to leave just yet..."

Irohahime let out a small scream, curling up away from him and pressing herself against the wall. "I-I can't..!" She trembled hard, her eyes closed tight out of fear. Tears welled in her eyes, she wanted to see her father again. "I won't tell you anything!" She snapped, surprised by the very faint amount of confidence in her voice, despite her being on the verge of tears.

Yukimura nodded and left, going to take care of the official business of arranging the burial. Amaya crouched in the rafters of their home, frowning softly as she kept an eye on her master.
Mitsunari raised his hand and smacked her hard to the ground, "I demand to know who sent you back here, whore!!"

"Ama-chan....can I ask a favor of you without any scorn or disgust...?" Akihime called softly
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