Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Jingu was doing the last few checks on her horses saddle, getting ready for the long ride to Windhelm for an audience with Ieyasu.
Jingu was silent, but not because she was in a foul mood. Mounting her horse she looked to Kojurou. "Our provisions should last us for three days and the trip there should only take two, so we may have to buy more while in Windhelm."
Masamune looked disinterested the entire ride to Windhelm. He would rather be in his keep drinking and trying to get Megohime out of her depression pit.
"Hm." Jingu frowned softly, glancing around. No bandits or ambushes. "Are you concerned for Megohime-dono?"
Jingu frowned softly, but didn't have much else to say. It was only when they reached the halfway point did their troubles appear. There was a low rumbling roar before a dragon swooped over the mountains, spotting the three and heading down towards them. "Dragon!" Jingu barely managed to avoid the flames that threatened to scorch them.
Masamune's hirse reared up, knocking him off before running away. "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou dismounted quickly and shooed his horse to keep it from getting wounded or killed by the dragon. Masamune groaned and sat up, rubbing his head, "Damn, that hurt.."
"Masamune-sama!" Jingu called as she dismounted her horse, the Blood Dragon landing in front of Masamune. Drawing her bow, she notched an arrow, aiming it at the dragon before letting it fly. The dragon roared as the arrow buried into it's eye, it's attention now on Jingu. Turning faster than Jingu could react, it chomped down around her chest, picking her up and shaking her before letting go, Jingu flying and hitting a tree, dropping to the ground and laying still.
"Jingu!!" Kojurou shouted and rushed over to her. Masamune glared and took a deep breath, "GAAN LAH HAAS!!" He shouted at the Blood Dragon and it wailed before crashing hard to the Earth, struggling to stand before it fell back down, its life essence drained by Masamune's Thu'um. Kojurou knelt by Jingu, looking over the wound in fear and distress
Jingu still gripped her bow, struggling to breathe. Her chest plate and back plate were both crushed with many puncture wounds bleeding heavily. "K-Kojurou...sama..." Blood was gushing from her mouth and nose, her eyes half lidded.
"D-Don't move, we'll get you help! Masamune-sama!" Kojurou looked back desperately and Masamune moved over slowly after consuming the Dragon's soul. Masamune didn't look very confident in Jingu's survival
Jingu saw the look on Masamune's face and instantly knew her fate. Pushing her bow weakly against Kojurou's chest, she sputtered, hacking up a good ammount of blood. "P-Please keep Auriel's bow safe, Kojurou-sama.." She requested, tears in her eyes pale golden eyes.
Kojurou shook his head madly, "N-No, Jingu, please...y-you have to hold on...!" "Kojurou...there's nothin' we can do..." Masamune said solemnly. Kojurou squeezed his eyes tight, fighting tears, "Please, Jingu..."
"Daisuki... Desu..." A disturbing rattling was coming from her throat, the light fading from her eyes. "Gomenasai... Gomenasai... His name was going to be Sh-Shigenaga.." She whispered, eyes already closing, body completely still.
Kojurou felt his heart shatter as her last breath escaped her. He was going to be a father? He couldn't fight it any longer; he sobbed loudly over his fallen wife, clutching her bow to his chest. Masamune frowned and touched Kojurou's shouldee but the Housecarl jerked away
Jingu's eyes were parted slightly, the blood coming from her nose and mouth slowly coming to a stop as her heart gave one last beat before ceasing to function.
"Gomenasai, Jingu...! I could not protect you...! Mara, forgive me...!" Kojurou sobbed. Masamune frowned, "Kojurou, we can go back to Riften and prepare her body for-" "This is your fault!" Kojurou spat, whirling an punching Masamune so hard he knocked him down, "Because of you and your damned curse of being the Dovahkiin, my wife and unborn son are dead along with my sister!" "Kojurou, you know damn well I didn't mean to call that dragon when Kita died!" "Urusendai yo!!" Kojurou snarled
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