Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Kojurou woke up slowly but soon jumped to his feet when he saw Megohime covered in blood, "What happened?! Are you all right?! Where did that child come from?!"
"I'm fine, now quiet down." She said, shoving the child into his arms and turning. "I don't care what you do with it, it isn't mine, but it is my husbands." She said. "But I do not wish to care for it." She spoke quietly, leaving to wash up and head down for an early breakfast.
When the sun rose in the morning, Megohime was sitting at the large table, eating while she watched one of her handmaidens feed Tadamune. "Go, I'll feed him." She said softly, the woman nodding before leaving. Megohime moved closer to Tadamune, shakily starting to feed him.
Tadamune drank almost greedily, holding onto Megihime happily. Masamune barged in, glaring death at Megohime, "Why?! She was sick and she needed my help!!"
"And who fathered the child I found there?" She asked calmly, petting Tadamune's head. "And where were you when I bore our stillborn son...? Taking care of your mistress and her son. But I'm glad Iisaka had you while she birthed her healthy son." She spoke as she fed Tadamune. "I told you if you went back to her, I'd kill her."
"She was sick, Mego! She had Ataxia! Yes, I was bedding with her but it was once and that was when Iroh died! You wouldn't talk to me or anyone and I felt stuck!"
Megohime narrowed her eyes and motioned for one of her maidens to take Tadamune. Standing she moved over to Masamune. "You slept with her when our daughter died?" She hissed. "I was in mourning! Did you want me to just lay out for you and wait for you to take me..!?" She grabbed the front of his shirt. "My baby was slaughtered and your first instinct is to stick your dick into that whore again!?"
"I didn't expect you to sleep with me, Mego, I expected you to talk to me. I was morning, too!! I still am!! She was my daughter also!! But what am I supposed to do when my wife ignores every time I try to comfort her and receive comfort in return?! Iisaka was the only woman I knew who would help me, unlike the selfish hag I married!" He spat venomously
Megohime had had enough. With the loss of her daughter and now her third child, she was overwhelmed. Drawing her hand back she punched him hard in the face, feeling his noise crunch satisfyingly under her fist, new tears welling up in her eyes. "Then why don't you just get rid of me?!"
"My Jarl!" The guards drew their swords but Masamune rose his hand to stop them, "Because even though I haven't been the most faithful, oddly enough I still love you." He answered
"How can you say you love after what you've done? I gave birth to our dead son.. And you were off tending to your whore. But you won't have to worry about that, I've moved her head out to the courtyard, you can tend to her skull once her flesh decomposes and falls off." She said darkly.
Masamune's eye widened and he reacted with thinking. He Shouted with every ounce of strength his Voice could muster, using Unrelenting Force on Megohime
Megohime's eyes widened and as soon as the power of the Voice slammed into her, she blacked out. Flying across the room, she slammed into the wall with a terrible crunch before hitting the ground, unmoving, blood oozing from her mouth, ears, and nose.
"Megohime-dono!!" Kojurou rushed over to her and checked her pulse. Everything went in slow motion for Masamune as he watched the guards moved to help Kojurou get Megohime to a healer
Megohime's pulse was slowed and she was battered quite badly, but luckily she was out cold. The only visible injuries were a broken noise and arm, but her ears were bleeding quiet heavily as well. "Masamune-sama." Jingu moved over, a concerned look on her face. "What happened?"
Jingu sat Masmune down, frowning softly. "What happened between you and Megohime-dono?" She asked gently. "Another dispute?"
"Megohime-dono will be fine, you know she's harder to kill than any dragon." She said, trying to encourage her lord, but to be honest, she didn't know if Megohime would survive.
Jingu frowned and went to check on Megohime, who had a broken nose, six broken ribs, and a fractured left arm and back as well as blown out eardrums. She was quite lucky that she had only had those injuries and nothing else. Megohime regained consciousness, groaning in pain. "Am I dead..?"
The healers were working hard to heal her, Healing Hands covering Megohime in a light golden glow. "You're going to be ok, Megohime-dono.." Kojurou assured
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