Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime hadn't moved from where she lay, though her handmaidens had come in to clean her up and make her comfortable, she didn't even seem to notice them, still laying in bed and staring at the wall.
Kojurou was informed of Megohime's stillborn and nearly punched a guard who tried to ask him if he found their missing Jarl. He was so stressed now; Masamune was missing, Megohime was in a deep depression and they were all still trying to recover from the loss of Irohahime.
Jingu entered the keep, turning up with nothing on her search for Masamune. "No one in the Khajiit Caravan has seen Masamune-sama, nor have any of the farmers, but they did mention a woman hanging around Riften as of late."
"All I got was that she was petite with long black hair, no one ever bothered to go near her." She reported quietly so Megohime couldn't hear. "If I may add my input, I fear it is Masamune's mistress, Iisaka."
"I cannot say for certain it is her... But Masamune-sama has been gone quite a bit lately, and I fear for the worst." She said softly. "He's.... Seeing Iisaka again?" Jingu turned to see Megohime standing in the doorway, her once bright fuchsia colored eyes were now void of any light, almost as if she had died, but a new fire had been lit. "Megohime-dono, please, you shouldn't be up just yet." "Urusai." Her voice was not harsh, nor demanding, but it was cold and quiet, with enough deadly force to freeze ones very soul. "Hai, Megohime-dono." Jingu said softly, bowing her head.
"It's not your fault Masamune-sama is unfaithful, just like it is not your fault I'm a horrid mother, unable to keep her children alive." She said, in fact she had become so worried she would somehow make Tadamune sick, she refused to even touch him, even though it was only more torture for her. "He is an unfit husband, and I am an unfit mother; we will go about our evening like normal, he will come home eventually." She said, then turned and left, heading back to the room she shared with Masamune.
Jingu nodded and left to make sure Megohime was okay, frowning softly.

((So Iisaka's already pregnant and is going to have her child soon, yeah?))
((Hai sou desu.))

Kojurou left and continued his hunt for Masamune. He didn't check the entirety of the Rift, but that could take days; and that was time they didn't have
"Megohime-dono?" Jingu knocked on the door, waiting for Megohime to respond, but when she got no answer she frowned heavily. "I'm coming in." She said, opening the door, but only to find the room empty.

Megohime had left the city walls easily and headed out to where she had watched Masamune leave towards numerous times, hiking for a mile before finding a small cottage, where she knew Masamune was, waiting in the thick of the trees for him to emerge, completely hidden by the dark cover of night.
The rage ignited in Megohime's eyes once more, burning brightly as she stepped out of the trees and headed toward the cabin, but not before waiting for Masamune to move out of hearing range. Drawing her sword she jammed it into the lock, jerking it hard to the left and hearing a satisfying snap as the lock broke. Removing her blade from the keyhole, she opened the door, entering with an eerie amount of calmness around her.
"M...Masamune-sama...?" Iisaka's nervous voice called. She sounded like being alone wasn't her favorite idea. And then another noise was heard. The whimpering of an infant. She had a baby with her.
Megohime stepped inside, eyes instantly landing on Iisaka, closing the door calmly. With her sword still in hand, she stood between Iisaka and the door, then her eyes landed on the infant. "What is that?" She asked coldly, of course she knew exactly what it was, but she wanted to know why it was still being allowed life.
Megohime's grip on her sword tightened. "Oh, is that so?" She said, giving her a false look of sympathy. "Did you know I was supposed to have a son? He wasn't due for another two months or so, but because of the loss of my first child, I miscarried this one." She started to move toward Iisaka. "And my husband was nowhere to be found, instead, he was here with you." She stopped just an arms length from Iisaka, staring her down. "He was here with his whore as his wife birthed his stillborn son."
"G-Gomenasai, Megohime-dono...! Please, take my son...you will care for him far better than I...!" She offered the baby to her, "I-I am ill and unable to properly care for him...I would die peacefully knowing he was with someone who could love him and raise him better...!"
Megohime scowled down at the newborn, then with one swift motion, she severed Iisaka's arms from her body, both her arms and the baby falling into her lap, a dark look on her face. "I'll be sending you and your filthy child to Oblivion." She growled, plunging her sword through Iisaka's stomach.
Megohime jerked her blade to the side before pulling it out of Iisaka's stomach, blood splattered on the front of her dress and face as well as the baby, sheathing her sword and taking a seat in the chair by the fireplace, watching Iisaka bleed out.
Megohime clenched her jaw and drew her sword, standing and moving over to the baby, bringing her sword up, but unable to bring it down upon the child. She ground her teeth and lashed out at Iisaka, severing her head from the woman's shoulders and sheathing her sword. Grabbing a clean cloth she wiped as much of the blood off the baby as she could, wrapping it up and calming it before grabbing Iisaka's severed head by the hair, leaving the cabin with both the baby and the head. She returned to Riften in the early hours of the morning, heading to Mistveil and putting Iisaka's severed head on a like outside the keep before heading inside, heading to Kojurou's room. "Kojurou, get up." She said, closing the door behind her. Dried blood covered her from nearly head to toe and she held a squirming infant, scowling softly.
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