Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Hai. But everyone mourns differently for everyone experiences pain differently." She said, looking up at the clouds. "Don't let the anger destroy you, Hidemune-dono."
Jingu nodded. "Would you like for me to stay with you? Or would you prefer to be alone?" She asked.
She nodded and stood. "I'll let you be, but you should come back once the sun sets." She said softly, bowing before leaving.
The day after Irohahime's false corpse arrived in Riften, a hole was dug in the cemetery and Irohahime had been embalmed and dressed, the burial ceremony ready to begin. Megohime had dressed in mourning clothing, Tadamune back at the keep. Megohime stood numbly beside Masamune, already looking frail and broken, unable to take her eyes off of the open coffin.
Hidemune stood away from Masamune, hugging something close to his chest. He moved over and placed a bear hide over the body along with some bear claws, "I finally went out and killed a bear for you, Nee-chan...." He muttered
Megohime slowly moved away from Masamune, moving over to the coffin and gently placing a bundle of flowers over the bear pelt, staring blankly for a moment before moving back to Masamune.
Masamune frowned softly before going and placing a silver and moonstone circlet with the flowers, Kojurou placing a few Septims in her hand so she could pay the toll to enter Sovngarde. The coffin closed and was lowered into the hole. "The god Arkay was once like us, bound to winding mortality. But he willingly gave up this existence that we might better understand the vagaries of life and death. It is through the ebb and flow of this cosmic tide that we find renewal and, in the end, peace. May the spirit of Irohahime know the beloved serenity of Aetherius...and may we one day rejoin her in eternity." Alessandra said.
Megohime watched as her daughters coffin was slowly covered by dirt, clamping a hand over her mouth as Alessandra spoke. Once the dirt had filled the hole entirely, and was packed down firmly, Megohime turned quickly, hurrying to Mistveil to morn in solitude.
Masamune stood in silence, Hidemune walking off to the docks to fish and take his mind off the whole thing. Kojurou looked to Jingu with a frown, "Tend to Megohime-dono while I talk to Masamune-sama.." He requested gently
She nodded, bowing her head to him before moving to find Megohime in Mistveil, leaving Masamune alone with Kojurou.

It had been half a month since Irohahime had faked her death, and since then she had cropped her hair to a shoulder length cut with two braids on the sides of her head pulled back into a small ponytail. As of late she had been practicing her necromancy on humans and even Daedra, working quite hard to impress Tenkai.
Irohahime's cheeks flushed red and she smiled. "You really think so?" She inquired, the body before her twitching before rising to it's feet.
She smiled softly and moved to raise the next body, she had been working on raising more than one body at a time, but it was proving to be quite draining and rather difficult.
Irohahime chewed on her lip, trembling as she focused on keeping one body risen as well as trying to raise another. Her knees trembled and she collapsed, hands shaking as she pulled out a magics potion, drinking it slowly. "I-I don't think I can raise more than one at a time.. It depletes my magicka too quickly." She said, catching her breath.
She nodded, taking in a deep breath before standing, going back to raising more than one corpse at a time. She had made quite a bit of progress with her magic, but it was taking it's toll on her body, working day and night to improve her skills, and when she wasn't practicing, she was sleeping. "You said you had an important task for me yesterday, what is it?" She asked.
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