Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune stood quickly and moved over, grabbing Megohime's arm and holding her back. "Open it." He commanded lowly. Please let it be a joke, he mentally begged the Divines.
The young man nodded, gently opening the coffin lid. Inside Irohahime lay perfectly still, skin as pale as death, her chest unmoving. Her hair that was once white was now greyish in color, and barely glowing like it normally did. Small abrations covered her face, and she was still in her college uniform; her bloody robes that the corpse had been wearing when she was brought to the college removed and replaced with clean ones. "When her body was brought back to the college, an autopsy was performed. The cause of death is a fatal wound to her lower back, it had severed an artery and she must have bled out." Megohime slowly sunk to the floor, setting Tadamune down and staring at her daughters corpse, shocked silent.
Masamune looked away, clenching his jaw and trying to keep his breathing steady, "I should've said no to her wanting to go to that stupid college. I knew it was dangerous." He growled softly. Hidemune came in from working at the docks, freezing when he saw Irohahime's corpse, "Nee-chan!!" He rushed over and looked her over in disbelief, "No, no, no, NO!! N-Nee-chan...!"
"We'll leave her corpse in your hands then." They both bowed to Masamune before leaving them in silence, it finally being broken by Megohime's sobbing, her hand clamped over her mouth to try and quiet her mourning. "I-Iroh is... No..!" She couldn't even look at the coffin, tears falling heavily from her eyes.
"This is your fault!!" Hidemune yelled at Masamune, "You should've told her no!" "And then what!? Have her run away and join regardless!? Either way, she would have died!!" Masamune snapped. Hidemune screamed in anguish before rushing and punching Masamune in the face, Kojurou moving over and grabbing the boy. "I hate you!! How could you let her go!? You bastard!" Hidemune cried before crumpling to the ground, sobbing
Jingu came in and carefully collected Tadamune and Megohime, taking them upstairs and away from the chaos. After persuading Megohime to lay down and rest, she put Tadamune in his cradle, moving back downstairs and carefully closing he coffin lid.
Hidemune jerked away from Kojurou and stormed out of the keep. Masamune sat back in his throne and rested his head in his hand, "Kojurou. Tell Alessandra to prepare a funerary ceremony for Irohahime." He ordered grimly. Kojurou nodded, "Hai, Masamune-sama." He replied and left briskly
Jingu entered the room, frowning heavily. "Shall I retrieve gaurds to remove the coffin from the keep?" She asked softly. "Megohime-dono is in her room, resting as of now."
Masamune nodded, "Take it to the Hall of the Dead. Please...I...I'm gonna go talk to Mego..." He said before standing and heading to the bedroom. He entered carefully and moved to Megohime
She bowed to him as he passed, calling over a guard to help her with the coffin.

Megohime laid in bed, unmoving and completely silent, staring at the wall with tears streaming down her cheeks. "My baby..." She murmured as Masamune entered the room. "She's gone.."
Megohime choked back another sob, moving closer to him and clinging to, crying against his stomach. "My baby's dead!" She wailed.
Megohime just shook her head, unable to form words anymore as she cried, mourning the loss of her first child.
Megohime eventually cried herself to sleep, head on Masamune's lap. Jingu knocked before entering. "Irohahime-dono is being prepared for her funeral. Shall I go and retrieve Hidemune-dono..?"
"Hai." She bowed her head before leaving, going to find Hidemune down by the docks. Megohime remained asleep in Masamune's lap, a tear occasionally falling from her closed eyes, whimpering softly in her sleep.
Hidemune sat on the ladder on the docks that entered the lake, in case anyone fell in and couldn't reach the docks to climb back up. He let his feet dangle into the water, glaring at his reflection as hot angry tears spilled down his cheeks
Jingu didn't try to convince him otherwise, there was no real point. "Her funeral will be held soon, I'll make sure I retrieve you before the burial." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay to mourn the loss of a loved one.."
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