Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime's eyes widened. "Raise Potema..!? But didn't she nearly destroy Skyrim I'm the Third Era?" She frowned.
Irohahime glanced at the still drawn Mehrunes Razor and swallowed, glancing back up at him. "Well... What do I have to do..? You know my rule of not killing anyone.."
She nodded. "I'll do it... But once I have the skull, I'm going to need..." She thought for a moment. "Maybe four other necromancers, I can't bring her soul back without help, and I'll need a vessel, so we'll need another body." She said.
She nodded and went to prepare for the trek, to Solitude.

It had been a year since they had buried Irohahime, and Megohime's health slowly deteriorated, but she managed to hide it quite well for sometime, until it was discovered she was pregnant. She didn't leave the keep much anymore, and she had dropped quite a bit of weight, but she was seven months along now, and struggling to hold on for her unborn child. Taking slow bites out of the bread, she started to tear up again, setting the bread down and shaking her head. "I can't eat... I feel as though it's going to come back up..." She said, hand over her mouth.
"Take it easy, Megohime-dono.." A maid told her gently. Masamune was almost never home, sneaking around with Iisaka again. He couldn't bare being around Megohime in her state; it hurt him and made him more miserable than he already was.
Megohime nodded, placing her hand on her stomach, frowning heavily. "My stomach is rather upset.. I'm going to go rest..." She said, standing, but collapsing to her knees, holding her swollen stomach in pain. "O-Oh Gods... Something's wrong..." And something was indeed wrong, her dress stained with blood. "I think I'm going into labor..!"
The maid panicked and ordered a guard to summon Kojurou. The guard rushed off and the maid helped Megohime to the bed. Kojurou came in soon after, "What's going on!?" "She's going into labor!" Kojurou looked almost equally panicked, "I'll call for a priest and hunt down Masamune-sama."
Megohime was writhing in pain, gripping the side of the bed hard. "Something's wrong..! It doesn't feel right..! A-And it's only been seven months..!" She looked frantic, but also in more pain than she'd normally be during birthing, and she was. Agony was already making her sweat, grinding her teeth hard.
Kojurou rushed out, running to get Maramal. Hopefully the Priest of Mara could help in some way. After sending Maramal to the Keep, Kojurou scoured the Rift for his lord
It took six hours of labor, Megohime exhausting herself to the point of near unconsciousness. Something was terribly wrong. When she was birthing both Irohahime and Tadamune, they both took twelve hours to birth, but this one only took six. "Where's Masamune-sama?" "Megohime-dono, I'm going to need you to push, you're almost there..!"
Megohime nodded and let out another cry of agony, giving one final push as she birthed her child. She waited for what seemed like hours, laying completely exhausted in bed. "Where's my baby..?" She croaked softly, trying to look around to see why she wasn't hearing any crying from her newborn. "It's best if you don't look, Megohime-dono." One of the handmaidens said, blocking Megohime's view. Tears spilled down from Megohime's eyes. "Where's my child?" She repeated, but didn't get a response, heart breaking. "No, no, no, no...!" She gripped the bed and buried her face in the blanket, a low wail coming from her throat.
"Megohime...!" Hidemune moved in quickly but a guard stopped him, "Let me through, I want to be with her!" "I'm sorry, Hide. Stay out here." "Let me see my friend and my sibling, you damned fool!" Hidemune hissed
This only made Megohime turn away from Hidemune and cry more. One of the handmaidens moved over, the stillborn baby boy wrapped in a cloth. "Hidemune-dono, please prepare preparations for a funeral." She said softly.
Hidemune's heart sank into his stomach as he stared at his lifeless half-brother. Tears filled his eyes and he clenched his fists, nodding grimly before leaving. Maramal looked devastated before moving to Megohime, "I'm so sorry for this most grievous of losses, my child..."
"Where is my husband...?" She whispered weakly, her eyes blank and lifeless as she stared at the far wall. "Has he returned yet..?"
Maramal frowned and nodded, him and everyone else in the room leaving her in peace. Kojurou returned a couple hours later, livid and uneasy. He couldn't find Masamune anywhere and he was growing tired of his antics
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