Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She nodded, but then frowned heavily. "But my father he's-" She stopped herself before she could give up her family identity. "He's very protective and expects letters every week on how my stay at the college is."
"Fake my own death?" Her eyes widened. "But... I-I don't think I can do it... I can't do that to my family.."
"No!" She clenched her fists and looked down at the ground. "I can do it... I just need a corpse, female preferably..."
She frowned softly. "It has to be in good condition... Blood isn't really needed, but it has to relatively fresh and a clean kill.." She said quietly.
After a few hours, Tenkai came back, dragging a body behind him. It was Abelone, the maid working at Windpeak Inn. Pulling her up to Irohahime, he dropped her and stood proudly, "As requested~"
Irohahime looked over at the corpse uncomfortably before going to work. She had already gathered most of the materials needed and had laid them out on the top of the steps before the alter, carefully moving the body up to where it needed to be. "This might take a few hours, but I think I can get it done." She said quietly as she began to cut the dress off and work on preserving the body. Runes had been drawn in charcoal on the pillars beside her and below her, first draining what little blood remained in the woman's body. Unwrapping her arms to expose the multiple runes imprinted in her skin in both scars and ink, using them to her advantage as she reshaped the face and resized the body to match her own body. "I never really planned on using necromancy on humans... But one day another student and I went exploring... She triggered a trap and was killed, I was scared I would be to blame, so I spent the next couple of days figuring out ways to reanimate her, but still make it seem like it was her, not just a zombie... I finally managed to do it, but the spell would only last for so long... So once we returned to the college, I made it look like she had killed herself.." She spoke softly as she worked, her back to Tenkai.
It took her many long hours to finish creating the body in her image, but once she was done, it looked exactly like Irohahime. After changing the hair to a faint glowing white, she pulled out a college uniform from her bag, slipping it onto the body and standing up, wiping the blood from her hands on a cloth. "The only thing left is to give it a wound that a druager would have dealed. From the front won't work, my father would know something was wrong." She still didn't look comfortable doing this. "An attack from behind would be more logical, a one hit kill." She glanced up at Tenkai, her double behind her on the ground.
She frowned softly, fidgeting. "Well... I actually do have a Nordic sword I brought back from my earlier travels, but... I don't know how to use swords, or any weapons for that matter." She said, untying a very old looking sword from the top of her bag, moving over and holding it out for Tenkai.
Irohahime glanced over at him, watching out of the corners of her eyes, not really wanting to watch, but unable to look away. "Once you're done... You'll have to take the corpse back to the college... Just tell them you found me just inside the tombs already dead." She instructed.
Irohahime took a deep breath and sat down in a corner, warming her hands by the brazier, waiting for Tenkai to return.
She nodded, looking rather solemn. "Hai..." She took a shakey breath. "What now..?"

((Let's have Mego all sayd~))

Irohahime's letter was a day late, and Megohime was pacing uneasily, her newest son, Tadamune, resting on her hip. "Something isn't right." Her brow was furrowed, and she was grumbling softly. "I want to travel to Winterhold to check on her.
((Nope! Takematsumaru is the stillborn! She'll be pregnant with him real soon, then he'll be stillborn, in fact she's probably like a month pregnant right now, but doesn't know yet.))

Megohime frowned softly and opened her mouth to protest, but then the keep doors opened, two gaurds standing in the doorway, helmets under their arms and eyes downcast. "My lord." One spoke up. "Grave news has been brought upon us." Two college members entered Mistveil, both supporting a large wooden box, both in mourners clothing. "Jarl of Riften... As fellow pupils of Date Irohahime, we come bearing our condolences." The young woman holding the back end of the coffin didn't dare look at Masamune, clear signs of her previously crying that day. Megohime stared at the box in disbelief, before rage crossed her face. "How dare you bring such a cruel joke to our home!" She hissed, advancing on the solemn mages.
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