Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime held up her hands to show she wasn't a threat. "I'm just lost, I-I need shelter before the storm worsens, please..!" She begged over the howling of the wind, taking a step back.
Irohahime was mere inches from being cleaved in half, and that's when she panicked. Dropping her pack she rose her hands and quickly paralyzed one of the daedra momentarily, aiming a firebolt to the other daedra's face.
Irohahime then shot the Daedra in the leg and shoulder with Ice Spike, dropping to her knees as it stumbled back. This was the first time she had ever had to fight like this, she wasn't ready, it was too overwhelming.
The Daedra was caught off guard, dropping to its knees, too weak to stand. He would get a sound thrashing when he returned to Oblivion.

((Does Iroh know the Banish Daedra spell?? Soundsreallhandyrightnow.))
((She does, she's just flippin' her shit~))

Suddenly both Daedra were gone, purple spheres swallowing them and sending them back to Oblivion. She sat in the snow, breathing hard before she got weakly to her feet and stumbled inside, making her way numbly into the shrine before collapsing to her knees.
((*flips table* NOODLES!!))

"Well, well, well~ what have we here~? What a beautiful looking woman my Lord has brought me today~" A voice echoed through out the temple
Irohahime looked up, sapphire eyes darting back and forth as she slowly got to her feet, moving back against one of the walls. "I-I've already destroyed the Daedra outside, I can do it again, stay back!"
A tall lanky man with long white hair and pale white skin strode out from the shadows. He was adorned in Ancient Falmer armor, only worn by the once prominent Snow Elf race. His mouth was covered by an ebony colored mask, amethyst eyes glowing with superiorty and mischief, "My Lord won't be pleased to hear that his Daedra were defeated by a little girl~"
Irohahime pressed herself against the wall, eyeing the man as she reached into her robes for the dagger she never had to use; her father had given it to her, in case she was cornered by a man on her travels. Of course she could easily paralyze him with magic, he always said to give them a good cut to the face as well so everyone knew what they had tried to do. "I'm not a little girl. I'm a Mage." She said, though with every step he took closer, what little left confidence she had left vanished. She had never been so scared in her life, and she couldn't explain why.
"A mage~? In the temple of my Lord, Mehrunes Dagon~? Well, isn't that just delightful~?" He stated, eyes smiling, "Got lost, did you, little mage~?"
"I'm just escaping the storm." She deflected, watching him like a hawk, her hair glowing faintly against the ice covered walls. "I'll be leaving as soon as it passes."
Irohahime held her dagger out, backing towards the entrance to the outside, before spinning and breaking out in a dash for the door.
Tenkai rushed forward and grabbed her by her hair, dragging her out to the shrine, "Now, had I known you were so eager to become a sacrafce for my Lord, I wouldn't have been so hostile!"
Irohahime let loose a scream of fear, struggling hard to break free from his firm hold on her hair. "Let go of me!" She slashed out at his arm, the cold wind and ice stinging her face as the two approached to alter table.
"Calm down, it'll be over before you know it~ I promise you won't feel a thing~" He said as he threw her onto the alter, pinning her down as he reached for Mehrunes Razor
"No! I don't want to die!" Irohahime kicked and thrashed, but he was much stronger than her, she had no choice but to test out her newest spell, and if it didn't work, she'd die.

Irohahime cast the spell as soon as he rose his arm, the dagger coming down and clanging off of her chest as though she wore armor. A faint glow shimmered around her body, resembling dragon scales, eyes squeezed tight as she trembled against the cold stone.
Tenkai stared in slight amazement before he had a beautiful horrible idea. "A powerful mage you are~ please do excuse me for nearly slaying you~ I was only doing what I had to to please my Lord~"
Irohahime opened her eyes and looked to Tenkai in shock and disbelief, frozen where she lay. "A-Ano..." Was all she was able to manage at the moment, confused at his personality shift. One minute he was going to sacrifice her, the next, he was praising her.
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