Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime arrived in Whiterun that night, leaving her horse in the stables and paying the stable boy before heading up to find Daisuke.
"You're it~!" "Nii-chan, get back here! Kaa-sama says its bed time!!" A small boy ran up and hid behind Irohahime just as she entered, giggling quietly behind his hand as he hid from his older brother. The tyke's red-brown hair was naturally wild and untamed, reaching to his shoulders. His dark brown eyes were full of joviality and spirit. A young man with long braided chocolate colored hair trotted over, auburn eyes landing on Irohahime. He was showing the promise of a strapping young man, built for combat before even seeing it. He looked a little surprised to see her before a wide grin split his face, "Iroha-chan...!"
Irohahime broke out into a grin herself, she was becoming a fine young lady. She was petite like her mother, but shared her fathers spitfire attitude. She was pale and her hands littered with tiny scars multiple failed spells, but she didn't look much like a fighter, and in fact, she had only picked up a blade once. Her hair was waist length and loose, except for the two braids that framed her face. "Daisuke-chan!"
"You wouldn't have happened to see Nii-chan run by, have you?" He asked, trying to lean far enough to the side to try and peek behind her without Daihachi seeing him
Daihachi held onto her legs, snickering quietly. Daisuke rose an eyebrow, smirking faintly, "Is that so? That's too bad, because Kaa-sama wanted to give him a Jazbay Crostata before singing him his favorite lullaby." "Honto~!?" Daihachi rushed to Daisuke, who grabbed him and picked him up, spinning him around, "Ha ha! You fell into my trap!" "Waaah! Nee-sama, tasukette~!" Daihachi squealed, grinning widely
Irohahime giggled and moved over. "So what have you two been up too? Daihachi-san, you've gotten taller..~"
Daihachi blushed and hid his face, making Daisuke laugh, "We haven't been doing much...Tou-sama is keeping me well trained while Kaa-sama feeds us both real good. Nii-chan is getting a little pudgy from all those desserts~" "Urusai na!" Daihachi whined, "Kaa-sama's cooking is yummy.." "Darn right.." Daisuke laughed before looking to Irohahime, "What brings you here so late?"
"Otou-sama finally agreed to think about sending me to the College." She smiled. "I thought if he did say yes, I should come see you before I go." She said. "Also, there was something I was hoping to show you." She said, rather proudly.
Daisuke nudged his head for her to follow him, setting down Daihachi and taking his hand as they walked back to his home, "Did you finally find a way to fix your hair~?" He asked with a teasing smile
"Sadly no." She sighed. "I found a temporary solution, but I decided to just leave my hair be." She said. "And plus, now I don't have to cast Mage Light." She joked.
Daisuke chuckled, heading up the stairs to his house in the Cloud District. Opening the door, Daihachi ran in squealing, "Kaa-sama, Tou-sama, Nee-sama's here~!" "Haa?" Akihime peeked out from the boy's bedroom, smiling at Irohahime, "Konban wa, Irohahime-dono...! Oof!" She stumbled when Daihachi hugged her legs tight, "Jazbay numnum!" He chanted. She smiled and pet his head, "Hai-hai, Hachi-kun...go get ready for bed first." "Haaaai~!!" Daihachi detached from his mother and trotted into the bedroom to change
"Good evening." Irohahime bowed her head, smiling softly in greeting. "Would you so kind as to lend me Daisuke for a while? I'd like to catch up." She smiled.
"Oh, not at all! Catch up as long as you like!" "Kaa-samaaaaaa~!" Daihachi was stumbling around, stuck in his sleeping tunic. Akihime giggled and helped him put his head through, smiling, "Better?" "Hai! Jazbay numnum?" "Go give Irohahime a hug first." "Hai~!" Daihachi trotted towards Irohahime, hugging her legs, "Oyasuminasai, Nee-sama...~!"
Irohahime bent down to hug him, smiling softly. "Oyasuminasai, Daihachi-chan." She said, standing up as Yukimura came inside. "Good evening, Sanada-sama." "Good evening! What brings you out to Whiterun?" "I've come to speak with Daisuke, if you don't mind?" "Of course not!" She bowed to him before turning to Daisuke. "Let's take a walk, ne?"
"Okaeri, Yukimura-sama." Akihime greeted sweetly, giving Daihachi his Jazbay Crostata before ushering him into the bedroom.

Daisuke left with Irohahime, walking around with her, "How are things in Riften?"
"They're good, like I said, Otou-sama's going to think about letting me go to college, but I also want to show you something." She said, getting that familiar mischievous twinkle in her sapphire eyes. "C'mon." She dragged him out of Whiterun and out of the sight of anyone, opening her satchel and pulling out a few objects, setting them on the ground before smoothing out the dirt in front of her and making a rune-like pentagram in the soil. "I've been working on something new, and I've finally gotten it to work." Setting some rabbit bones inside the rune, along with part of a rabbit pelt, and some small organs before opening a small container and spilling the thick red liquid over the rune; blood. She took a deep breath before she cast her own tweaked version of reanimation. The bones and belt started to shake before slowly moving together, the blood being soaked up by the fur as it formed it's previous shape; a living rabbit. "I haven't tried it on anything bigger than a rabbit, but it took me years to get this far." She said, watching the rabbit hop off in fear.
She fidgeted and sifted through her bag, glancing at him. "Um, sorta..?" She said, standing up and turning to face him. "I've been practicing for quite a while now... Six or seven years..?"
"You're spitting in the face of the Divines!" He nearly shouted.

((He's worried that her necromancy will attract the wrong attention and she won't be able to go to Sovngarde when she dies. He's hella religious thanks to Akihime.))
Irohahime flinched, frowning softly at his anger. "I haven't been practicing on people..! I've only ever used rabbits!"

((Should they have a falling out~?))
"Then it'll move to deers, and elk, and bears, and sabre cats and then - Talos forbid - you start working on dragons before you even dream of touching humans...!" He snapped.

((After Daihachi~))
((They could have a small one~))

"And what's wrong with that..!?" She snapped back. "It could be used for good!" She said, taking a step back from Daisuke. "And I've never even thought about going near a body!"
"Next you're gonna tell me you've been considering Daedra worship!" He hissed, "Necromancy is wrong, Irohahime! You shouldn't be playing with the laws of nature like that..!"
"How dare you!?" She looked offended. "I would never consider Daedra worship! I thought you of all people would be happy I'm getting so far with my magic!"
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