Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune dropped the bottle out of shock and covered his face, taking a breath to calm his rapidly beating heart. "I'll think about it...but don't hold your breath.."
Irohahime grinned brightly and jumped up, hugging Masamune tightly. "Arigatou! Otou-sama!" She said, kissing his cheek.
She smiled happily and sat back down, squealing happily before she went back to eating her breakfast. "Can I go to Whiterun soon to see Daisuke?"
"I guess...doesn't he have a brother? He should be seven now...huh...Red finally caught up to me with the heirs. But, I'll beat him soon." He smirked haughtily as he grabbed a new bottle of mead, "Excited for that new brother or sister?"
Irohahime's cheeks flushed. "Otou-sama! I don't want to hear this!" She said, hands in the air. Megohime came back, hand on her swollen stomach, a small smile on her face. "Your next child is kicking up a storm."
Masamune gestured for her to come closer, leaning his ear against her stomach as he gently pet her stomach, "This is so exciting.." He muttered, "Best part of having a kid, absolute best...c'mere, Iroh, you can feel too..."
Megohime smiled softly as her daughter moved over and rested a hand on her mothers stomach. "It feels like a boy." Irohahime smiled softly.
"I'm thinking, if it is a boy, his name should be Tadamune." Megohime suggested, petting Masamune's hair gently.
"There is nothing wrong with the art of magic and mages can be just as good of a warrior as anyone else." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Not if you're the one teaching him." She sniffed, turning her head away. "Alright you two, knock it off, you know your father can't handle being tongue lashed by his own spawn."
Masamune rose his nose high and hugged his wife tight, nuzzling her stomach affectionately before looking Irohahime, "Didn't you want to go to Whiterun?"
"Hai-hai, I'll head out now, I just need to grab a few things!" She kissed her mother on the cheek before kissing Masamune's cheek, hurrying off to her room. "We should send Hidemune with her, she's still only thirteen.."
Megohime sighed softly and picked up the mead, looking it over. "I have to admit... She's come a long way." She smiled proudly. "Alright, but if my baby goes missing, I'll personally root up all of Skyrim." She said and set the bottle on the table.
Megohime frowned softly and placed a hand on her stomach. "Hai.." She nodded.

((Did you wanna do anything with Aki??))

Iroh packed some food, spare clothing, and a couple potions just in case. "I'm off!" She said as she headed to the door of the keep.
((Noooooot really...not yet, at least~ I had a cutsey little thingy I wanted to do but that's later~))

"Stay safe or your mom is gonna up-root Skyrim!" Masamune called
"I'll be fine!" She called back before closing the doors behind her, heading out to the stables and saddling her horse, mounting it, and setting off for Whiterun.
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