Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She teared up more. "Masamune-sama, please... I beg you, don't leave me.." She said, struggling to sit up before moving onto the floor, bowing to him and humbling herself. "Onegai..! I love you..!"

This only broke Megohime's heart more. "Then if you truly love Iisaka more... I will bear the burden of leaving so that she may live here... Just promise me you'll take care of Iroh..." She said softly, her tears falling more heavily now.
"Mego..." He rubbed his head, "Look...I went to Iisaka because you don't seem to give a shit about me. Like, you only fucking married me for the money and standing! That's why I don't believe you and half of me is screaming to let you walk away, but fuck if my other half is screaming louder tonforgive you!"
Megohime clenched her fists. "I know I'm a terrible wife... I act like I hate you, and I yell too much, and we fight near daily and all the fights are because I start them, but I didn't do it for the money. I do love you... And if that means I have to go away for a while to prove that, I will.." She said, trying to keep her voice from trembling to much, already shaking. "I love you, Masamune-sama... And that's why I'm begging you... Send me away." She said. She pleaded. "Beat me, do anything, but don't say you don't love me any longer." She was begging again, still bowed lowly.
Masamune scowled heavily. Forgive her. She's just being who she wants to be. Don't forsake her. Fuck. "Get up.." He muttered, "You can stay. Iroh would probably stab me with an Ice Spike if I sent you away. Just...fuckin' cool it with the attitude."
Megohime nodded, lip still trembling. "Hai... I promise." She agreed, but didn't actually get off of the ground. "Masamune-sama... I-I think the poison is still lingering... My joints feel frozen."
Masamune moved to his nightstand and pulled out a cure poison, uncorking it and putting some in his mouth before kissing her and pushing it into her mouth

((Sweet and helpful!))
Megohime swallowed the potion before kissing back lovingly, slowly reaching up to cup his cheek, cheeks stained with tears and flushed.
(( (*゚▽゚*) ))
He couldn't help to hold her closer, tangling his fingers in her hair. He still did love her; really, he did. He just didn't go about fixing their problems correctly
Megohime ignored the pain in her abdomen, moving closer to Masamune and pressing herself flush against him, deepening the kiss.
"Hai.. Gomenasai, Masamune-sama.." She murmured, kissing him again before pulling away. "Please... Don't see Iisaka anymore?" She asked softly, stroking his cheek with her thumb.
Megohime smiled softly and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. "Daisuki desu."
After a few more words, Megohime went to bed, waking a bit later that usual in the morning. Heading down to the main floor, still a bit pale, but she was better. "Ohayo gozaimasu, Masamune-sama, Iroh." "Good morning, Kaa-sama!" Irohahime greeted happily, munching on her apple, sitting across from Masamune.
Megohime moved over and kissed Masamune's temple before sitting down beside Iroh. "Okaa-sama, can me and Onii-sama go out and pick flowers?" Irohahime asked, Megohime looking to Masamune for permission.
((Yup~! She adores Hide~~))

"Yes, you may go." Megohime said and Irohahime jumped up. "Arigatou, Otou-sama! Okaa-sama!" She said, scurrying off to find Hidemune.
((Das so kyute~))

Hidemune was out on the docks fishing, his mid-back length hair pulled into a high pony tail as he reeled in salmon from the lake
"Onii-sama!" Irohahime hugged Hidemune from behind, white hair still glowing faintly. "Do you want to go and pick some alchemy ingredients? Otou-sama won't let me practice my magic anymore.."
"Well, after what happened to your pretty hair, I wouldn't let you practice either..." He said but he was smiling, "Let me finish reeling in the last of my catch and we'll go, ok?"
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