Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The nurse nodded and headed to put Irohahime to bed, Irohahime protesting as she went with her. Jingu was out with Kojurou, chatting with him in the courtyard.
Kojurou held Jingu's hand gently, his wedding band hidden by his gauntlets. He and Jingu had been secretly married for years; they didn't want Masamune making a fuss. "Kojurou. Jingu." Kojurou hid their hands from his lord before looking over, "Masamune-sama?" "Mego skipped out on us. We gotta go find her."
Jingu nodded, standing and moving over. "Did you see which way she went?" She asked, checking her quiver to see how many arrows she had left, the Sunhallowed arrows glowing faintly.
"I don't even know where she went. A maid came to me and told me she just up and left." Masamune said. Kojurou frowned, "Looking for her could take some time."
Jingu held out a torch, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of Megohime, perking when she noticed a smudged, bloody hand print outside of the wall of a cave. "Should we check there?"
Jingu dismounted her horse and readied her weapon, entering the dark cave, which was dead silent. They walked for quite a while before they reached a door, which seemed quite out of place in the cave. Opening the door cautiously, she peered inside, but the only thing inside was a figure, slumped over in a chair. Her wrists and ankles had been bound to the chair arms and legs, and an executioner's hood had been placed over her head, body slumped forward and lack. Raven colored hair cascaded down the woman's shoulders, and an iron dagger hurried to the hilt into her stomach. A table sat behind the woman, littered with empty bottles of poison; Frostbite poison. The dagger itself was frozen to her flesh, ice forming around the dagger as well as on the dagger.
The woman's chest rose and fell slightly, barely noticeable, but she was still alive. "By the Divines..." Jingu lowered her bow before putting it back onto her back.

((Yes~ That is indeed Mego~))
((I'll explain in snap~))

Megohime's lips were blue and her skin pale, her pulse very weak, but still there. Jingu moved over and started to cut the bindings around Megohime's wrists.
A bit of color returned to Megohime's face, her eyes fluttering open slowly. "We should get her out to Masamune-sama." Jingu said softly, cutting her legs free.
Megohime groaned in agony when Kojurou moved her, head resting against his chest, Jingu following them out.
When Kojurou exited with Megohime, Masamune looked horrified. "Mego..." He muttered. Kojurou walked passed him and out of the cave, "We need to get her back to Riften."
When Megohime's half-closed eyes fell on Masamune, rage filled her eyes and she started to struggle hard against Kojurou, making her wound bleed more. "You bastard..!" She croaked weakly, trying to lash out at him, tears falling down her face.
Megohime eventually gave up, sobbing into Kojurou's chest, both from the pain and heartbreak. "I think we should head back." Jingu said, mounting her horse.
Once they returned, the court wizard was summoned immediately, the woman taking quick action on healing Megohime and taking care of the wound. It only took twenty minutes to patch up Megohime, Wylandriah approaching Masamune. "Megohime-dono is stable and should be back to full health in a day or two with rest, but she's requested to see you." She said. "Now what was that.." She left, mumbling about a misplaced soul gem.
((I don't mean to be such a Nazi,but the court wizard's name is Wylandriah... Dx LailaistheJarlinforcerealSkyrim!))

Masamune moved to go see Megohime, standing away from her so he wouldn't get hit
Megohime was resting in bed, no longer screaming at Masamune, though a few tears still slipped down her face. "Masamune-sama..." She looked at him and her lower lip trembled. "Please don't leave me." She said quietly. "I love you so much... And, it killed me when I first caught you with her... I thought I wasn't good enough.." She said.
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