Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime stiffened and looked at her hair, eyes wide. "Oh Talos.." She said and moved over to her book of notes, the six-year-old panicking.
"Um... Anything to fix it." She said, chewing on her thumb as she went through her notes, but found nothing. "Daisuke..? You don't happen to have any ink or charcoal do you?"
She took the sticks of charcoal and moved over to her alchemy table, grinding them up into a fine powder before adding a small amount of water. "Okay.. this should work until I can fix my hair, which shouldn't be hard! Tou-sama has lots of books I can look through!" She said, starting to put the paste like substance into her hair.
She frowned softly and put more in her hair. "Until I get my hair fixed, it'll have to work.." She said.
She swallowed the lump in her throat and let out a shaky breath. "He only has one eye, he won't notice." She said quietly.
((She's only six~))

Irohahime finished putting the paste into her hair before braiding it then wiping her hands off. "Okay.." She sighed. "That should do it.."

((Que Masa~?))
There was a knock on her door before Masamune stepped in, "Iroh, your mother wants to-" He stopped, seeing pasty black filth in his daughter's hair, "Iroh...come here.."
Irohahime shifted uneasily before moving over, looking to Daisuke for help. "Hai, Otou-sama..?"
Masamune scowled and grabbed her hand, dragging her off the the bath house to wash the crap out of her hair. Daisuke followed nervously, hoping he wasn't gonna hurt Irohahime
Irohahime sat stock still as he washed the charcoal from her hair, stands of glowing white becoming visible as he did so. "It was an accident...."
"One of my spells misfired, it didn't hurt me though!" She said quickly. "It'll probably wear off eventually!"
Iroh grinned from beneath the towel. "But I've almost perfected it! And yesterday I mastered Ironflesh~"
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